Questionable Camos

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.

The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.

People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior or special, and often try to associate with other people they believe are unique or gifted in some way. This association enhances their self-esteem, which is typically quite fragile underneath the surface. Individuals with NPD seek excessive admiration and attention in order to know that others think highly of them. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat, and may be left feeling humiliated or empty when they experience an "injury" in the form of criticism or rejection.

Related Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Paranoid.

Narcissistic personality disorder is indicated by five or more of the following symptoms:

Exaggerates own importance

Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance

Believes he or she is special and can only be understood by other special people or institutions

Requires constant attention and admiration from others

Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

Takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals

Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

Is often envious of others or believes other people are envious of him or her
Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes

50%-75% of the people diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder are male. Additionally, it is common for many adolescents to display the characteristics listed above; this does not indicate that they will later develop narcissistic personality disorder.

Thanks for thinking of me, Mauser. There may be other types of disorders that concentrate on members taking critisicms of their camos personally as a personal attack on themselves, always playing the "victim", being in denial in the face of reasonable evidence, etc...

The 5 Stages of Grief could be relevant here in regard to members and their movie-prop camos; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
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As an observer who does not know M45, except for what I read on this thread, and has with no stake in Camo Helmets I simply see M45 offering a service and opinions. He may not be 100% correct, but others instead of offering contradictory opinions and proving him wrong get butt hurt and go on a personal attack.

Player11 your statement of I know a lot, but won't share it is a BS copout. All you have done is come on the thread and trolled M45. Being an open forum it is allowed here, but you add nothing of value doing it.

It does seem like many of you are going through the stages of grief and angry that your investments are going to take a hit from the truth being exposed. To say M45 is being a narcissist for stating his opinion is childish.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Hey Guys

This is getting to the point of having nothing to do about helmets, nothing to do about collecting, and everything to do about increasingly personal attacks on each other. What's up? And where are the moderators?
As an observer who does not know M45, except for what I read on this thread, and has with no stake in Camo Helmets I simply see M45 offering a service and opinions. He may not be 100% correct, but others instead of offering contradictory opinions and proving him wrong get butt hurt and go on a personal attack.

Player11 your statement of I know a lot, but won't share it is a BS copout. All you have done is come on the thread and trolled M45. Being an open forum it is allowed here, but you add nothing of value doing it.

It does seem like many of you are going through the stages of grief and angry that your investments are going to take a hit from the truth being exposed. To say M45 is being a narcissist for stating his opinion is childish.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Well, he is very well know as i said in the community for they way to judge camos. Giving his reply and assuming to be right and everybody else bad. When you reach to this point, you have a serious problem, because you only see bad things around him. I ttried in my beginning to argue his arguements but with 0 replies. He keeps and will keep judging other´s helmets as rubbish, all the camos that appears in other places are rubbish.

I have never said to be an expert, since the beginning of my game here i said that im not anybody to judge camos, but he shouldnt do what is he doing, judging in that way. I guess people deserve to be respeted not only for being offended but also the way he keeps judging camos.

To be banned for critizing him?, maybe it would be a favour not to see him anymore. He doesnt deserve any respet since the moment he doesnt respet to anybody
And the most funniest thing, is that those who supported him at the beginning, now are playing against him. If you dont believe me read the first post of this thread
Hey Guys

This is getting to the point of having nothing to do about helmets, nothing to do about collecting, and everything to do about increasingly personal attacks on each other. What's up? And where are the moderators?

I'm right here and while I appreciate the concern, I'm moderating the way I want it done, which is as little moderating as possible. One need not read every post if one is offended. One even has the controls here to nominate certain members to make their posts invisible. It's reaching close to the end however. I'm not going to threadlock, but I will start moving personal attacks to Infernus as a cleanup on this thread. Y'all can bicker and psychoanalyze there.

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As an observer who does not know M45, except for what I read on this thread, and has with no stake in Camo Helmets I simply see M45 offering a service and opinions. He may not be 100% correct, but others instead of offering contradictory opinions and proving him wrong get butt hurt and go on a personal attack.

Player11 your statement of I know a lot, but won't share it is a BS copout. All you have done is come on the thread and trolled M45. Being an open forum it is allowed here, but you add nothing of value doing it.

It does seem like many of you are going through the stages of grief and angry that your investments are going to take a hit from the truth being exposed.


I must admit when I first joined this forum, I was taken aback with the targeting of helmets on GHW2. I could not understand it and thought it strange.
However, I found over time, many of the posts posted by M45 interesting and it has made me look deeper into the complexities of camo' helmets. Many of the points made make sense to me, but they are opinions from one person and that should be remembered. How those opinions are interpreted depends upon each individual.

Human nature kicks in when something belonging to an individual is 'ripped' apart by an external is a natural reaction. It does hurt, but if the individual is 100% confident he should be able to argue his case or simply accept a differing opinion and walk away feeling content with his own judgement.

Collectors absorb information from various sources, be it books, forums, fellow collectors or hands on experience. From that, we should all form our own opinions of what we like in a helmet and what not. That fine line will differ from collector to collector, each one with a different comfort zone of acceptability.

In my opinion this hobby needs the M45's of this world to 'throw a spanner in the works' to cast doubt and to cross-check. It keeps the hobby in-check, it has definitely changed my outlook on what to look for in verifying a camo helmet.

I need to add, M45 has picked on two of my prized camo helmets in the past..yes at first I felt very defensive, but then I looked deeper and realized that maybe I may have bought a couple of 'duds'....shite happens.

The moral..' don't run before you can walk' and if one is 'running' then be confident enough to last the course.

My personal opinions of course and to me this thread contains a lot of interesting and informative discussion..just remove all the personal attacks. Take from it what you need and move on.

By the way..nice to see you HB

Well said EF (good to see you here as well). I think the discussion is good as long as it is well-intentioned, informed, and intelligent. I'm not going to censor and stop anyone because what if MY helmets are panned here? Should I then silence that discussion? My gear has been questioned, though I know it is original because it is mine :moon:
Well said EF (good to see you here as well). My gear has been questioned, though I know it is original because it is mine :moon:

I think the same would happen with those members who post their helmets on the forums and then appear here " questioned" by such professional :moon:
The ones with the worst butt hurt are those smarty pants who bought a helmet significantly below its perceived collector value from a "clueless" seller who obviously didn't know what he had, only to come here and find out they bought a freshly painted and aged bed pan for 10 times its actual value. Well, education always comes at a price. The more you resist to get educated, the more it will cost you to learn the hard way.
I think the same would happen with those members who post their helmets on the forums and then appear here " questioned" by such professional :moon:

I would appear wherever I knew my gear was questioned and defend it with facts and observations. For example, don't you find the color of this "camo" rather odd and not at all like that commonly seen on camo helmets?


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Interesting 3-color Normandy ? (GHW2)

EDIT: (thanks for the explanation Gunkraut. I just do what I do : )

Lot# does match KM and possible remnants of gold decal. Does that mean that the camo is a rare authentic coastal artillery ? It all sure sounds to be lining up.

The colors do not match RAL, IMO. Red-brown appears as chocolate (an attempt to duplicate RAL). Paint seems to have no age, no depth, no serious patina of a 70 year old relic. It looks like something painted much more recently IMO.

Once again we have a camo with bright, striking contrasts using non-RAL paints. Also this was hand painted, not sprayed on - something to consider.

If I collected camos, I would beware of brush applied camos with supposed RAL paints. Known originals show sprayed on RAL at the unit level (vehicle paint). Also I highly doubt that troopers were mixing their own RAL paints by hand and approximating their own RAL colors in their garages. These were contractor produced to specifications. Of course there may be some variation, but limited.

Any approximation of RAL should be an obvious red flag, especially when brush applied. True RAL colors in spray can form are now available in Europe. Eventually they will be available here in the USA.

I would recommend studying known originals (last 3 photos) to avoid passing on a collection of expensive movie props to your heirs.

Notice the dullness, the drabness, the inconspicuousness, the non distinct pattern, the large variety of wear, age, the flatness, etc...

Contrast these with what are often touted as originals today: bright, shiny striking contrasts, approximation of RAL, often mild wear.


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This man is really funny. We are discussing about his behaviour and the only reply he can give us is keeping posting more helmets from another forum?
Wow!!! At Then end this thread is becoming funny
This man is really funny. We are discussing about his behaviour and the only reply he can give us is keeping posting more helmets from another forum?
Wow!!! At Then end this thread is becoming funny

There is no We in this insanity. It's you and maybe a couple other owners of bad helmets trying to create a side show.
M45 only does what he always does, if you approve of it or not: He posts pictures of helmets and comments on them.
You are just being obnoxious. Time for the moderator to give you a safe space in the INFERNUS section where you will fit in perfectly with other non-contributors (a.k.a. trolls) like StuG III.
Player, bring something of substance other than insult to the discussion or all of this is being moved to Infernus, where the "discussion" can be continued for those who wish to drop by. There is going to be a thread cleanup to there anyway soon.

You really do need to read the threads and descriptions of the pieces you are commenting on.


I agree and believe there should be an acknowledgement of the other information and discussion and at the least a link to it. Thank you.