There is a distinction between mine. The provenance is ON the helmet and in the liner on one, the provenance matches up with the helmet. I know the direct provenance of the other, its twin, as it came directly out of the vet's cedar chest who brought it back and was handed to my close friend from whom I got it, while the vet was alive. The FPN in that helmet matches up with the AO of the label helmet and the US units match.
So, don't allude to my postings in an obliquely pejorative manner to somehow conclude that my helmets are "good" because of "who" I am. Because, I'm will to bet however much money you care to put on the table, and even give you five to one odds on it, that those two helmets are original wartime camouflage painted helmets. I posted them for purposes of comparison. If you would like to use mine as benchmark originals, because that is what they are, then compare them based upon that, not some oblique insult concerning "who" posted them. The "who" is completely removed from this and that was the purpose of me posting those.
I'm sorry to drag your name into this as from my angle it has no personal connection. Just the items themselves I had to say something as another helmet is being attacked for some un-known reason maybe because of only where its posted and he doesn't know the poster but, I happen to.
He cant have it both ways and every helmet he posts here has every trait that yours have and you made that point on GHW. Im just trying to have him nail down what makes him pick one over another as there really seems to be no rhyme or reason to it lately.
I'm at the point now I don't give two squirts of piss what he types as it's really all pointless now. I'm just here due to self abuse and I decided this was better than cutting myself.![]()
Lets do it another way, if you are so intelligent to pop up those "exotic freshie" ( funny name) go to GHW and post directly there, guess you wont support one minute there with the ridiculous arguements there ( and not for being banned), ah no !!! is much easier to be here hidden with a few followers that say yes to all because you have caught them with your "tales"Why don't you dig a trench from GHW2 directly to k98k and fill it with a high capacity data cable. With all of those exotic freshies being posted on GHW2, were going to need a high-capacity feed to handle all of the photos : )
in this case I know the fellow posting and know there is NO made up story. I think that's an important part of it.
This helmet shows all the signs as being legit as Hambone's two Normandy ex-wire helmets and I see you make no mention of them ?
They exhibit paint micro spatter and alleged tool marks all the red flags you are warning us about.. So, is it more Who posts not what the red flags are ?
'Laughable in some circles, taken dead seriously in others.'
M45, Are you describing yourself or the Camos?
There was some value a while ago in the thread, that sadly is long gone.
Too many good lids being bagged.
There was some value a while ago in the thread, that sadly is long gone.
Too many good lids being bagged.
We still need these voices or it's Shampain all over again. What would be your suggestion?
'Laughable in some circles, taken dead seriously in others.'
M45, Are you describing yourself or the Camos?