Questionable Camos

So you mean that you have the right answer?, you can only see what the rest of the collector community dont see?, you only have the true about collecting world? Are you only the brave man fighting against the fakers??
I have read some sentences you wrote like" as the world finished in Spring or Summer, snow camos should be addecuated to this kind of time" ( more or less, dont remember it exactly, but kept the idea. So for this reason M16/M18 M35/M40/M42 SD should be all fakes, because the war finished in 1945. Bravo!!! You are a Genius, you are my heroe !!!!
I thought the expert opinion of an artist who does similar work was the proof. What if more artists were to come on this thread and take credit for the work of certain helmets would that still not be enough proof?

IMO those whose Helmets have been questioned have a way to prove M45 wrong. Have them tested by an accredited lab. If you are willing to spend $4k on a Camo Helmet surely another $1k would be worth it. It would validate your helmet and only add to it's value. The little bit of removed paint would be well worth it. Then you could post the lab report and prove M45 wrong.

As for dealer code that is BS. Any dealer who knows for a fact that another dealer is selling faked items and doesn't out them is just as much of a scumbag as the dealer selling the fakes.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

What??? Why would anyone spend money on a lab test to prove 1 person wrong?
Is this one fake?


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As proof to everyone else it is without a doubt real

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I think you missed my point.

That's exactly the mentality that Im trying to explain.

No offense but I don't think anyone cares what 1 or 3 people's opinions are enough to spend time and money to "prove" a helmet.
I think you missed my point.

That's exactly the mentality that Im trying to explain.

No offense but I don't think anyone cares what 1 or 3 people's opinions are enough to spend time and money to "prove" a helmet.
At the same time without the proof you can't disprove someone else's opinion so why get so upset over it if you don't care?

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At the same time without the proof you can't disprove someone else's opinion so why get so upset over it?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Who says I'm upset? I've said multiple times everyone is entitled to their opinion.Im probably one of the easiest going guys on the forums. Look here or at GHW about critisizm of my lids.

It's part of the game.You post in a public forum you get what you get for responses.

Cant I still disagree and give my reasons why ?

I haven't been vulgar,called anyone any names.

Hell,I even admitted Niblet made me think of something from a different perspective and thanked him a few posts back.

I think I handle critisizm rather well.
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Is this one fake?

It could be ?? Who knows when the basket was applied and it could have been placed on a agitator to wear the paint down like that ! LOL :laugh:

Anything can be explained or discredited if you know enough. Nice helmet by the way.
So you mean that you have the right answer?, you can only see what the rest of the collector community dont see?, you only have the true about collecting world? Are you only the brave man fighting against the fakers??
I have read some sentences you wrote like" as the world finished in Spring or Summer, snow camos should be addecuated to this kind of time" ( more or less, dont remember it exactly, but kept the idea. So for this reason M16/M18 M35/M40/M42 SD should be all fakes, because the war finished in 1945. Bravo!!! You are a Genius, you are my heroe !!!!

So you mean that you have the right answer?, you can only see what the rest of the collector community dont see?, you only have the true about collecting world? Are you only the brave man fighting against the fakers?? Bravo!!! You are a Genius, you are my heroe !!!!

Thank you Player 11, but you are too kind. I believe you are referring to the idea that since the war ended on 8 May 1945 after the snow had melted, most former snow camos would have had their whitewash scrubbed off, or if painted snow camos, would have been reissued. This means that there would have been relatively few untouched snow camos available for capture by the Allies. (I don't even count Eastern Front helmets)

And this is what we seen in the collecting world, numbers of scrubbed former whitewash helmets and reissued former white painted helmets. This tells me to view any supposed original painted snow camo with extreme suspicion.

I am a humble man Player 11, just trying to help out collectors. One day if I must leave the hobby, I want to leave collectors with as much knowledge and understanding as possible.


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I am a humble man Player 11, just trying to help out collectors. One day if I must leave the hobby, I want to leave collectors with as much knowledge and understanding as possible.

Oh Mein Got :facepalm: all is said. I see it now clear, poor new collectors, what a terrible way of beginning. Good luck Mr God!!
Well I'm sorry but Brian probably is a more advanced collector than 95% of you guys,,,
if you don't like what he has to say,,move along,,go to WAF,,,,wherever makes you feel good about your questionable items,,sometimes the truth hurts fellas
Well I'm sorry but Brian probably is a more advanced collector than 95% of you guys,,,
if you don't like what he has to say,,move along,,go to WAF,,,,wherever makes you feel good about your questionable items,,sometimes the truth hurts fellas

Well, i have checked it along those months and have seen it, but what is sure, is that is much better than you, think i have seen you doing the clown in FB. Anyway no need to be his dog :)
Rare original german wire basket camo helmet

Niblet, notice how the many excellent arguments made are ignored (not even an attempt to counter them) but complaining continues ? We can agree to disagree I suppose.


“German war world two combat helmet wire basket camouflage. large size 66 shell with a name in the inside dome on a piece of paper or medic tape. All 3 washer/pin unmolested overall a salty combat untouched camo helmet.”

US $1,850.00 Buy It Now

Wire camo looks fantastic, but is it real ?

I do believe that 95-99% of all wire camos are fake. This example features a ND M42 with well beat finish (low $$$ helmet - worth what, $350 ?) now worth $1,850 with wire. That means the wire alone is worth about $1,500. About 5 broken wires - a nice touch.

For that price there should be a nice vet acquisition story, some paperwork/photos, a COA, and ownership history. But no, there is no traceable provenance whatsoever (oh yes, there is a little name stuck on). These things just appear out of nowhere. As one member said; 'exotic freshies self-replicating out of the wood-work'. There is no end to them. Too much $$$$ being made for it to ever stop.

Somebody might want to jump on this one. It is actually cheap for a wire camo. Others on some well known dealers sites range in price from about $2400 - $4000.


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Well I'm sorry but Brian probably is a more advanced collector than 95% of you guys,,,
if you don't like what he has to say,,move along,,go to WAF,,,,wherever makes you feel good about your questionable items,,sometimes the truth hurts fellas

Im sorry but his post deserved the response it got.
Niblet, notice how the many excellent arguments made are ignored (not even an attempt to counter them) but complaining continues ? We can agree to disagree I suppose.


“German war world two combat helmet wire basket camouflage. large size 66 shell with a name in the inside dome on a piece of paper or medic tape. All 3 washer/pin unmolested overall a salty combat untouched camo helmet.”

US $1,850.00 Buy It Now

Is clear, that you dont want or need to be debated, you have your own idea and you wont discuss anything, the problem is that you allways attack whith what you are doing, judging everybody´s helmets unless yours. I have never seen anything of yours put here to contrast whith you say about other´s helmets. Allways somebody has argumented with you you have kept quiet or reply posting another questionable camo, so i have learn that with you is lose my time replying with arguments, because you will begin to divague as you have done posting that pic on you " humble existence", so as i have told you, replying to you is an absolutely waste of time, because you believe what you are doing.