Guess I hit a nerve. Still waiting to see if you have grown a pair of balls.
As I wrote earlier on my reply to Frank, if you feel strongly write your thoughts over there and start a debate going.
You hit no nerve freind, its apparent to me that you either believe in this helmet, own this helmet or your buddy does,,and it was I that hurt your feelings by expressing my opinion,,,
as far as having "balls" You just want to see 'ole niblet get moderated out of existence over on GHW2
I'm not going to start a "debate" unless I really know what I'm talking about,, and as I have disclosed,,
I am a novice concerning camo helmets,,my opinion over there would only anger those in authority
.....ask me how I know that
I have been booted off of every major Militaria forum that I originally joined using my screen name "niblet"
GHW2 and German are the only forums I haven't been kicked off since originally joining in 2008 or 2009
why? well folks don't like being told their items are crap, is what it comes down to, and dealers don't like being told
what they truly are,,,,anyway I digress,,we are discussing camos, and I am here to learn