Questionable Camos

Neither 919 or 922 is shrieking "humpjob" to me. I would like an in hand/inspect, but the wear and appearance are not putting me off from the photos provided. RALs had some variance, and certainly after 70+ years they will change a bit due to oxidation. Here is the issue stuff, with the paint on the outside of the cans:


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I'll post up one for discussion that I like, and apparently not many were interested in at WAF as it sat unsold. I have a very similar hand painted over tan that I've traced with the LPN in the skirt to a flak unit that was in Sicily, then the south of France in a kampfgruppe during the post invasion (Operation Dragoon) fighting and retreat up to the Ruhr pocket where it surrendered and ceased to exist. Paints don't wear the same. Some, if not mixed and applied ideally, over a smooth surface, chip off, they don't wear or thin as on factory painted or properly sprayed. The first layers do sometimes show abrasion for paint removal and application of the next camo coat.


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I like it too. It doesn't surprise me that this newer generation of collectors would not care for this; not exotic enough with DECALS especially SS.

I once had one similar; factory Luft to tropical tan to reissue. It certainly is not pretending to be something it is not, like 919 and 922 IMO. It is not an exotic freshie and does not have overspray obviously avoiding the crown.
I thought the same. At first glance you can look at the chips and think "tool marks / artificial age". But looking at the brittle nature of the overpaint, the uneven and odd sized distribution, in conjunction with the other wear, that's not what it is. It's not "pretty", and not an "exotic freshie", but it's also not pretending to be anything that it is not, and the camo certainly achieves its purpose. It's funny how some fall all over themselves for, at best, highly questionable "exotic freshies" at ridiculous prices and "ugly" camo helmets which are not questionable seem to sit. I'd rather have an "ugly" original camo helmet than a real pretty fake.
Neither 919 or 922 is shrieking "humpjob" to me. I would like an in hand/inspect, but the wear and appearance are not putting me off from the photos provided. RALs had some variance, and certainly after 70+ years they will change a bit due to oxidation. Here is the issue stuff, with the paint on the outside of the cans:

Hambone are those cans of paint yours?Either way they must be extremely rare so very well done for getting them.
GHW2 FJR6 Normandy wire camo

Today would like to show another gem from my collection is a LW 40 camo and wire,the is still camo paint on the wire ,is fantastic.Perry Foid told me it was ured by 6FJ during the battle of Normandy.

What do you think, original ?

I will say high end restoration in the style of Rex-39's work.

"A helmet with a soul" - It speaks to me.


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Hambone are those cans of paint yours?Either way they must be extremely rare so very well done for getting them.

Nope, Deadeye, I wish they were. These are the issue camo paint paste cans issued with AFVs for painting camo schemes. These would have predominately been the paint used for camoing helmets. This looks like something turned up by AFV collectors.
GHW2 FJR6 Normandy wire camo

Today would like to show another gem from my collection is a LW 40 camo and wire,the is still camo paint on the wire ,is fantastic.Perry Foid told me it was ured by 6FJ during the battle of Normandy.

What do you think, original ?

I will say high end restoration in the style of Rex-39's work.

Someone likes it ;)
Posted Today, 10:07 AM


Joined: 19-March 07
7,447 posts

That's a stunner!
GHW2 FJR6 Normandy wire camo

Today would like to show another gem from my collection is a LW 40 camo and wire,the is still camo paint on the wire ,is fantastic.Perry Foid told me it was ured by 6FJ during the battle of Normandy.

What do you think, original ?

I will say high end restoration in the style of Rex-39's work.

I think it looks like the latter as well. The wear looks contrived. I'm sure someone paid big bucks for that. Floid must bless it as there is a pic of him over a table of these.
Someone likes it ;)
Posted Today, 10:07 AM


Joined: 19-March 07
7,447 posts

That's a stunner!


I have looked at this helmet and the owners other helmets that he has recently posted and they look very me. I personally like it.

We are all in the helmet collecting hobby and all have our own thoughts and opinions, so what comments have been posted on GHW are just that.... peoples opinions. You have obviously been on the GHW2 site and viewed it. If you think it is a 'dud' why didn't you have the balls to leave a comment supporting your views. You just come scurrying back here and report back taking the piss.


I have looked at this helmet and the owners other helmets that he has recently posted and they look very me. I personally like it.

We are all in the helmet collecting hobby and all have our own thoughts and opinions, so what comments have been posted on GHW are just that.... peoples opinions. You have obviously been on the GHW2 site and viewed it. If you think it is a 'dud' why didn't you have the balls to leave a comment supporting your views. You just come scurrying back here and report back taking the piss.


The posted pictures of the subject helmet are more revealing and I am more positive about it looking at those. Though I would want a hands on.
Quote Originally Posted by Eurofighter View Post

I have looked at this helmet and the owners other helmets that he has recently posted and they look very me. I personally like it.

We are all in the helmet collecting hobby and all have our own thoughts and opinions, so what comments have been posted on GHW are just that.... peoples opinions. You have obviously been on the GHW2 site and viewed it. If you think it is a 'dud' why didn't you have the balls to leave a comment supporting your views. You just come scurrying back here and report back taking the piss.


well I didnt mean to "piss" you off,,but,,when I looked at it through rookie eyes the wear did (as Hambone pointed out) looked artificial to me as well
the way the wire was laid on the helmet and then spray painted over it, no wear on the high points, (split pin heads for example) all looked to me like
100% BS..... it just looks fake,,,how do I explain that??? Also when Floyds name is mentioned,,alarm bells go off

I'm glad you like it,,but i dont,,again,,just a rookies 2 cents
GHW2 FJR6 Normandy wire camo

Today would like to show another gem from my collection is a LW 40 camo and wire,the is still camo paint on the wire ,is fantastic.Perry Foid told me it was ured by 6FJ during the battle of Normandy.

What do you think, original ?

I will say high end restoration in the style of Rex-39's work.

Someone's in a 'gem of a jam' with that one:facepalm:

The Past: mostly original camos with a few obviously vet modified in addition to some clumsy camo attempts with antiquing solution in the '70s when TR popularity was on the rise.

The Present: 85% of all camos are 'questionable', only about 15% authentic. Of those questionable, a fairly small number are professionally done high-end fakes that fool most collectors.

The Future: Nearly all questionable camos have been 'upgraded' by artists/experts to become high-end fakes. Many more low$$$ original helmets (factory ND's and ND reissues) are now high-end fakes as well. 95-99% of all camos will be high-end fakes. Or, for every 1 original camo there will be 99 high end fakes.
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Wow its getting rave reviews over on GHW2! using terms like "benchmark"
and associating it with a certain collection ,,,huh,,,,wow
I think it looks like the latter as well. The wear looks contrived. I'm sure someone paid big bucks for that. Floid must bless it as there is a pic of him over a table of these.

Yes, contrived. It looks like the same type of wear throughout, no real variety at all. Possibly chemicals were used.
Yes, contrived. It looks like the same type of wear throughout, no real variety at all. Possibly chemicals were used.

What I find really odd here is that there's "still camo paint on the wire," yet there is no paint "shadow" down to the base color. Actually it kinda looks like the helmet was painted tan, then the wire came on, and it went back to get a coat of green and brown.

Yet there is tan paint all over the wire? Am I just missing something that makes that a "high end" fake?

Rookies 2 cents here as well.

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What I find really odd here is that there's "still camo paint on the wire," yet there is no paint "shadow" down to the base color. Actually it kinda looks like the helmet was painted tan, then the wire came on, and it went back to get a coat of green and brown.

Yet there is tan paint all over the wire? Am I just missing something that makes that a "high end" fake?

Rookies 2 cents here as well.


To be honest, that is a very good point. I know that you are sometimes active over on GHW, why don't you post your thoughts on that thread and start a debate going?
It would be more beneficial to the helmet collecting community. The 'herd' effect does happen, especially if the collector or dealer is respected, it needs sometimes a reality check.

Wow its getting rave reviews over on GHW2! using terms like "benchmark"
and associating it with a certain collection ,,,huh,,,,wow

Guess I hit a nerve. Still waiting to see if you have grown a pair of balls.
As I wrote earlier on my reply to Frank, if you feel strongly write your thoughts over there and start a debate going.

Guess I hit a nerve. Still waiting to see if you have grown a pair of balls.
As I wrote earlier on my reply to Frank, if you feel strongly write your thoughts over there and start a debate going.


You hit no nerve freind, its apparent to me that you either believe in this helmet, own this helmet or your buddy does,,and it was I that hurt your feelings by expressing my opinion,,,
as far as having "balls" You just want to see 'ole niblet get moderated out of existence over on GHW2
I'm not going to start a "debate" unless I really know what I'm talking about,, and as I have disclosed,,
I am a novice concerning camo helmets,,my opinion over there would only anger those in authority
.....ask me how I know that

I have been booted off of every major Militaria forum that I originally joined using my screen name "niblet"
GHW2 and German are the only forums I haven't been kicked off since originally joining in 2008 or 2009
why? well folks don't like being told their items are crap, is what it comes down to, and dealers don't like being told
what they truly are,,,,anyway I digress,,we are discussing camos, and I am here to learn
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