Questionable Camos

Just in from the 2017 SOS

The fake to authentic camo ratio is off the charts! Wire helmets included!

Just in from the 2017 SOS

The fake to authentic camo ratio is off the charts! Wire helmets included!


No big surprise there. They actually advertise it. I saw the flyer for the SOS and on the side was a photos Of the fine doctors table loaded with fakes !
You would think they would have used a different table for advertising.. I had heard very few good orig. helmets there for sale.
Back in the day when internet social media collecting forums maximum megapixels were dwarfed. The allowed size was the size of a postage stamp.

This is a Matt Miller Helmet as is the previous helmet.

Images back then were TINY.

You be the judge now!!!
I used to like these 'woodchip-normandies'. If I remember rightly, a moderator from the WAF forum had a collection of helmets very similar to these. He was able to find three or four of them with the identical camo. What luck to find the same helmets like that!

Now that I'm a bit more 'matured' on the topic, I would have issues with many of these woodchips based on lack of believable wear patterns.

I believe your talking about Perry Floyd and the "wonderful 4",,,(yes 4) identical piles


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Ghw-2 turtle shell camo

Plain ND green gray reissues are one price (common), and turtle shell camos are a much different price (rare and highly sought after - Italian Front).

If someone were to take an original ND green gray reissue and ADD some camo in a turtle shell design, could that significantly increase the helmet's value ??

The excellent overall condition of the camo especially on the crown, indicates to me that this helmet saw very little if any combat AFTER the camo was applied.


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Heers one I would like to discuss,,It is not mine,,I am just trying to judge camos as a beginner,,,and I wanted to see if I'm on the right track
or if I am full of it,,I dont like the wear of the inside of the helmet as compared to the "not matching" wear of the outside
the split pins look artificially worn, there appears to be little wear to the top of the lid,, and it just generally looks like a refurb to me..
what do you guys think? Am I way off base here?


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some more,,,,,


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Heers one I would like to discuss,,It is not mine,,I am just trying to judge camos as a beginner,,,and I wanted to see if I'm on the right track
or if I am full of it,,I dont like the wear of the inside of the helmet as compared to the "not matching" wear of the outside
the split pins look artificially worn, there appears to be little wear to the top of the lid,, and it just generally looks like a refurb to me..
what do you guys think? Am I way off base here?

I know where this one was posted... One of your comment's you have to take into consideration.. A helmet could have been worn for years before the camo was added. You have to be careful of that assessment.

Then study patterns of camos. This is a Luft helmet. The Green and red combo is a known combination that shows up on Luft helmets for what ever reason with some regularity.

The helmet was questioned by some members do to wear patterns or lack there of. Not always the best way to judge a camo IMHO.
Niblet, I see camos as falling into 3 basic categories; very likely good, very likely bad (those I often post here), and a whole bunch inside of a gray area - difficult to tell without a hands-on with magnification like this one (I believe Hambone mentioned something to this effect).

Pros: The two RAL colors red-brown and green seem to be true, it has a very non-nondescript scheme (no fancy tiger strips, SS dots, turtle shell or geometric patterns), it has a very inconspicuous overall appearance - it does not jump out at you as many questionable camos do.

Cons: it seems to be a bit shiny (lacquer or collector handling ?), I don't care for that shot of the rear green rivet that is surrounded by red-brown body paint.

An acquaintance showed me a Q66 M40 camo he picked up recently. When he first handed it to me, it appeared as a dark finish factory helmet, but when I held it up in the sunlight just right, I could see the red-brown camo. All of this to say that many authentic camos are so unobtrusive that it is difficult to tell they even ARE camos until much closer inspection. If I had viewed this camo inside of a room without sufficient lighting and not in direct sunlight, it would have been nearly impossible to determine it was a camo.
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Early M35 Luftwaffe WINTER CAMO

For sale is a nice earlier M35 Luft, with ET62 shell that has the early serifed font and periods after the E and T. The lot number is 2328 and it has the un-reinforced liner band marked size 62. The band has the square chinstrap bales. I cannot make out the last digit of the date but I can see the early "Schuberth-Werke AG Braunschweig and based on the lot number I am going to estimate the date is 1937. The outside of the helmet has a heavy layer of white paint, with very clear signs of age and wear (see magnified images). Under the paint the outline of the droop-tail eagle is clearly visible. There are some remnants of the party shield visible the opposite side. Together with the helmet likely with it since WWII are a pair of red-tinted German Auer Neophan goggles with red lenses (to prevent snow blindness) that sat on the helmet, creating a distinct yellowed area on the white paint. My observation overall of this helmet is it is an unmistakably original camo, and the goggles have been with it for a very long time. My impression is a dispatch rider or sniper may have used this. It is priced at HOLD USD and includes my certificate of lifetime guarantee of authenticity.

We have another 'snow/winter camo', a style of camo that has been heavily faked over the years. While helmets with whitewash remnants are certainly available, I understand originals with a thick white paint are extremely uncommon. Most would have been converted to spring camo as the snow melted. Was this helmet captured during winter fighting, or found after the war?

Once again I am confused. What constitutes an 'unmistakably original' snow camo ? It is being sold as an obvious original, so I should be able to see that it is definitely authentic.
I am a bit embarrassed in that I cannot see this obvious originality. Someone please clue me in.

I see well distributed minor wear which is unnatural, IMO. I would have expected to see quite a bit of patina to the very top of the helmet where is was set down repeatedly. Also the fresh red rust spots are disturbing. This should be one of the biggest giveaways that a helmet is not what it appears to be. Restorers often set their helmets outside in the weather to attempt to utilize the natural aging properties of the elements. This process causes the bare steel to rust; thus the surface and bleed-through red rust. 70 year old rust has long since turned into a very dark, smooth patina.

The snow-goggles stain is unconvincing as are the overall wear patterns.

Bill Maerz AKA Eisen Hund told me that he set his helmets out by his pool overnight because apparently the chenicals did something to "age" the helmet
Niblet, I see camos as falling into 3 basic categories; very likely good, very likely bad, and a whole bunch inside of a gray area - difficult to tell without a hands-on with magnification like this one (I believe Hambone mentioned something to this effect).

Pros: The two RAL colors red-brown and green seem to be true, it has a very non-nondescript scheme (no fancy tiger strips, SS dots, turtle shell or geometric patterns), it has a very inconspicuous overall appearance - it does not jump out at you as many questionable camos do.

Cons: it seems to be a bit shiny (lacquer or collector handling ?), I don't care for that shot of the rear green rivet that is surrounded by red-brown body paint.

thank you for looking,, I dont care for the sheen myself