A camo previously critiqued on post #114 of this thread, now on GHW2. A high lot numbered Q66 M40 with Heer decal and camo paint.
German WWII M-40 single decal WH lightly spray painted 3 color Normandy camo. Large 66/58. The long part of the chinstrap is broken. Original liner to the helmet with all pins and washers unmolested.
$2350 on hold
Stunning is the only word I can use to describe this beautiful camo. It has everything a collector could want. It has what appears to be a factory big-foot heer decal. It has exotic stripes. The camo has convincing wear throughout. The components are original. Look at the detail photos of the wear. It seems to be in conjunction with the factory finish, just like we want to see them.
So, why am I not recommending that you buy this camo?
Here is where lot number research can help. The lot number of this helmet is DN506. The Q66 is rear marked above the lot number.
The last known SD HEER in the lot number list of this maker, model and series is lot# DN361, roughly corresponding to the 28 August 1943 decal drop. This series progresses to about lot# DN563 where the war apparently ended. Lot number DN506 would likely be late 1944 or 1945 production. (The changeover from side to rear Q66 marking was taking place in the DN300-DN361 range. Thus, almost all Quist M40 DN series SD Heers are side marked.)
So how did a Q M40 with this high of a lot number acquire what appears to be a factory applied Quist big-foot decal?