Questionable Camos

Acer's credibility diminishes when he starts attacking M45 for being critical of his lids rather than defending his lids with facts and evidence. If you can't defend your lid, attack the critics.

I dont have to defend anything because i know what i have, my helmets are 100 % original :happy0180: not one of them are posted here ( at the moment) he will do but wont be able to apport anything. I see the situation at the contrary, this "man" has nothing to imput to the helmet community and dedicates his time to "copy and paste" because he is very paintful for being shocked from a forum :laugh::laugh:

This behaviour is being studied those days at unirversities as the sicknes of the internet era
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I believe my behavior is being discussed in universities, in the political science departments under the headings; "free speech" and "freedom of expression".

I think your best imput to the collecting world is the "copy and paste", you are a parasit in this hobby and as i told you, you may wonder why you were banned from 3 forums and your book will be interesting in the winter to put the chimney working

I believe the book on German helmet lot numbers to be a masterpiece. And I don't say that just because I wrote it, I say it because it is a great help to collectors in many ways, not the least in helping to spot fake/postwar applied decals on no-decal helmets. I believe it was also instrumental in the exposing of the sham-pain ruins hoax.

I'm just commenting on the varied opinions of this helmet:

-Good evening,

It has been a long time since my last share. Sorry for that, had its reasons.

I recently received this helmet that came straight out of the wood works and was not in collectors hands.

For me, and I'm positive you'll agree, a one look wire.

It started life as a M35 DD Luftwaffe helmet and probably went to afrika or took place in the italian campaign.

It shows a tan with green over-spray. The green is not that screamy, but it is definitely a two tone

The wire has been period applied and shows clear signs of wear and reacting with the paint.

Photos aren't great, sorry

Hope you all enjoy !

-niels, nice Original wire helmet. good interaction between wire and shell. you can clearly see the ghosting on the last pictues. also the paint is blattering at some points because of this interaction as you want to see. oxidation is also present. the name is a bonus. this one have seen some action for sure. wires are difficult but this one has everything i want to see. nice catch buddy :icon14:

-Never saw a galvanized wire leaving white traces like that! It even makes the helmet rust in some area's First thing that jumped in my mind was chemically aged!!

Not one I would pursue!!

Don't care much about the camo either!! Just look at the top wear, wear on air vents, etc!! I see a ruined salty DD Luft!

Sorry Niels but that's my 2 cents on this helmet


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Acer, your behavior here at the K98k forum is not putting you in a very positive light. I did have respect for you on GHW2, but your comments here is a disgrace, plain and simple. If you cannot behave as an adult, then please do not post. Your message has been received, loud and clear. We are just not paying attention, as your posts are neither constructive nor useful.

It is really sad that your kind of attitude and viewpoints are now more dominant on GHW2, diminishing that forum. The quality of that once excellent helmet forum has sadly dropped, and I can easily see why.

By the way, the chickenwire helmet posted by Niels on GHW2 got busted big time for being a fake, after being deemed as a "one looker", "a screamer" and "having everything you want to see in a helmet". I therefore firmly believe that this thread by Brian Ice, who has contributed significantly to the knowledge of german helmets through the lot number research, is actually in the forefront in combatting the new focal point of the fakers. The sheer amount of new knowledge on manufacturer to decal relationship, lot numbers and paint schemes has made it so hard to fake factory issue helmets that the fakers are now solely focusing on camo helmets.

Unfortunately, the fakers seem to be able to fool even advanced collectors with their "exotic freshies".

I do not expect you Acer to repond like an adult to my post, so please go ahead with your childish attacks. Mature collectors treat each other with respect, even if there is disagreement on a particular helmet.

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I think your best imput to the collecting world is the "copy and paste", you are a parasit in this hobby and as i told you, you may wonder why you were banned from 3 forums and your book will be interesting in the winter to put the chimney working:thumbsup:.

Thanks for copying and pasting even my image, you are a guru in the internet world :googlie

You are really my heroe :laugh:

P.S. As you can see, i say "hello" to all this forum members, except one, can you guess who?

Please, get a life or search for a girlfriend :facepalm:

If it is a fire you want, I recommend buying several hundred cases of my book and have a massive Nazi-style book burning. But you must understand that under those conditions I am not able to offer my bulk discount.:rofl:
Acer, your behavior here at the K98k forum is not putting you in a very positive light. I did have respect from you on GHW2, but your comments here is a disgrace, plain and simple. If you cannot behave as an adult, then please do not post. Your message has been received, loud and clear. We are just not paying attention, as your posts are neither constructive nor useful.

It is really sad that your kind of attitude and viewpoints are now more dominant on GHW2, diminishing that forum. The quality of that once excellent helmet forum has sadly dropped, and I can easily see why.

By the way, the chickenwire helmet posted by Niels on GHW2 got busted big time for being a fake, after being deemed as a "one looker", "a screamer" and "having everything you want to see in a helmet". I therefore firmly believe that this thread by Brian Ice, who has contributed significantly to the knowledge of german helmets through the lot number research, is actually in the forefront in combatting the new focal point of the fakers. The sheer amount of new knowledge on manufacturer to decal relationship, lot numbers and paint schemes has made it so hard to fake factory issue helmets that the fakers are now solely focusing on camo helmets.

Unfortunately, the fakers seem to be able to fool even advanced collectors with their "exotic freshies".

I do not expect you Acer to repond like an adult to my post, so please go ahead with your childish attacks. Mature collectors treat each other with respect, even if there is disagreement on a particular helmet.


If it is a fire you want, I recommend buying several hundred cases of my book and have a massive Nazi-style book burning. But you must understand that under those conditions I am not able to offer my bulk discount.:rofl:

Hi Rune,
I can answer you as the adult im, dont worry i can be very serious except when people is playing with me or not taking me seriously and in this forum those things are happening.

Im not here to argue with everybody. im here because somebody told me that helmet posted in GHw2 are posted here with our replies, i came to see it and kept in silence until M45 put my name ( or better copy and paste) my name in one of his threads, i didnt find it normal, now its funny, that somebody took our pics there to judge them here, probably for you can be perfect to take the other´s helmets and bring them here, but for me is not normal, but wacthing the people´s reaction it seems im the beast ( who cares).

I dont disagree in a special helmet, i disagree in the way they are posting here and how member of GHW2 are posted here, even he permit to say " do they are so stupid" ?? when i dont know M45 and dont want, i wouldnt took his book even with a stick, because i have read until all this matter nothing relationed to lot numbers.

M45. and i will finish with you soon because im making too much publicity to whom doesnt deserve it. If you book would be really so important, so neccesary for collectors, so valuable, and not because you writte it ( :facepalm:), since the first moment you would have checked the helmets with your book, asking lot numbers,showing the pages where they come... where do they are?? no one and nothing!!!! i have shown you in a couple of lines how valuable is your book :laugh::laugh:

So wait me sat in a chair if you could imagine for a moment i could take only a page of your "famous" book.

Please, avoid me wasting my time replying to your valuables threads, you can keep posting our pics and, probably, you will post someday one of my helmets, but only because you are very jealous of them ( would like to see your collection), well.... wait.... better no, thanks!! not really interested at all
I liked it as well and you banged the buy it now. I low balled and got counter offered @ 1550.00 but, had already shut the computer off before I saw it.

This guy is a GHW member and I saw it was posted there @ one point. Nice camo.

I have to confess: I don't know much about camo helmets, scratch my head often when I see "One Lookers" and got chastised when questioning one of Paul M.'s offerings on GHW.

This one seemed to match all of my other (six) lids in terms of wear and look.

There was another "Best Offer" bid, yours I guess, so I didn't want to go too low, got a little discount and free shipping on it and will post pics once I have it in hand.

The Seller seems to be an advanced collector — he sent a few pics of his stuff along with the confirmation. 14 days inspection time is not bad either.

Can you link me to the thread on GHW? I must have missed that one. I am Frank F. there, btw. ;)

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The offer I made was just below what a sane man might take. That's a tactic I use on ebay BIN with make offer options. Go low and let them counter.
Im glad you got it ! I really don't need another..:facepalm: As far as who he is on GHW Im not sure ? I do recall the helmet and more his description of it as a similarity to the fjr6 camo. Maybe search fjr6 camo on GHW. I think he had it there for sale and the add expired.
I think the main issue here was the use Of GHW subject matter here on this forum. Acer wasn't the first to find issue with this. David C. remember him ? Was the first to lose his sh*t when he was told there was cross examination going on here on this forum. He brought it up to Doug and Doug couldn't have cared two shits about it. That turned into some sort of fight on and off line causing Doug to call it quits. That being said Acer who I really don't know other than there and Waf I think is having the same issue But, with his Quotes and stage name being used here out of context as a punch line for ridicule. He feels he's a man of honor and doesn't deserve this and is slashing out ? Anyway, its the web and as I see it anything goes.

Anything you post or say can and will be used against you. WARNING to all.. my 2 cents.

As far as the camo helmet situation: BUYER BEWARE... No different than humped 98's. We can post and educate all we want the un kept masses keep lining up to buy shite. We can only do what we can do and help those willing to ask.
Correct. If you don't want others to see, read, or comment upon your posts simply don't post.
It would be wonderful if criticism could be reserved for the items in question.



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Camo lid

Thoughts on this one appreciated .


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That is not always a fool proof indicator and should not be at the top of your list.

I look at varied aspects of a camo, not just one. Yes, an original camo could have experienced some recent rusting due to improper storage. But the original aspects will rise to the forefront while fake camos will have red flags piling up.
Thoughts on this one appreciated .

I tend to like it from what I see Nzef. Camo paint did not adhere very well to smooth finish earlier helmets. It tended to wear and come off easier and when it did come off with use it was like on this helmet IMHO. I like the paint colors and wear.

If it was for sale I would like to have it in hand to consider purchase.