Questionable Camos

Peiper, I would not be taken in by this kamo just because Doug owned it.

I look at more than just one factor in my critiques. Looking at the sheer amount of camo remaining (nearly 100%) is a red flag in itself since camos were front line helmets and saw some of the heaviest action. Heavy, frontline action tends to remove paint from helmets, not keep it on. So how does a helmet get camoed and not used in combat or retain nearly 100% of its camo ? This can be explained with replicas but not originals.

There are just a few dings on this one (with red rust - red flag) and even some parallel hack marks (another red flag).

As per the paint, it is either RAL or it isn't. A trooper either used RAL or he used what was available. Why would a trooper go to the trouble of attempting to duplicate or mimic RAL if he did not have RAL ? Once again, this can be explained with replicas, but not originals.

As per late war helmets, comparatively few were decaled or received period field mods like camo/wire. This is in contrast to the earlier M35s, M40s, and earlier M42s w/factory decals that are found with comparatively more period field mods. When I see a late helmet with an elaborate field mod, I see a red flag.

Also realize that period field mods are quite scarce overall when compared to the sheer number of helmets that have survived with their factory configurations intact with no additions. Some earlier collectors remember this (aka 1960s), that camos/wire were something rarely encountered. No look at some helmet websites and you might see upwards of 50% of the helmets for sale have had field mods of some sort (camo, wire, etc).

Not a difficult call at all, but an easy one when you know what to look for. But with most factors concerning TR collecting in general, most collectors want to buy, but they don't know what in the h*ll they are doing. And with a big named dropped, this clumsy replica will probably be snapped up in a heart-beat.

Great fraud has been foisted upon the German helmet collecting community. Collectors cannot be too careful.

Most of these 'kamoz' are selling in the 2K-3K range. Not exactly 'chump-change' to the average collector.

foist: impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on (google definition)
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Hi again Brian,

I fully agree with your assessment, and my comment is not tied to the fact that DougB owned it. I judge a helmet based on its own merit, not who owned it.

All of your arguments toward this particulat helmet are sound. My comment is that the wear patterns are very convincing. Usually it is quite easy to identify contrived wear when you know what to look for. On this particular helmet I am in doubt, even if the other flags are "red".

If the fakers have stepped up the way to contrieve wear and this is an example it really scares me. I would personally never own a helmet like this one (as I agree fully with you that there is a massive camo fraud ongoing in the german helmet collection market) as it is obvious that the fakers now have understood that it is a more effective way to make money by buying low quality original helmets and "upgrade" them with a camouflage pattern which raise the price up to 2000 - 3000 USD easily compared to try to peddle fake "factory issue" helmets.

I am just puzzled by the wear on the helmet. Have the fakers gotten that good with wear patterns? I have added a note to myself, and that is to not buy any camo's originating out of the USA. The probabilty of a contrieved piece is huge as camo helmets are faked in large numbers IMO.
Have the fakers gotten that good with wear patterns?

Peiper, take a look at the REX-39 restorations in this thread. They are some of the best out there, IMO.

One key to this is to recognize his work as it will undoubtedly surface in the future completed with components and selling as originals. This thread will be useful to quickly out such attempts.

Contrived wear can appear in different 'grades' or levels of expertise. Repetitive hack marks (parallel marks), curved scratches, and areas popped off with hard breaks to the paint are some of the easier contrived wear to spot.

More difficult is the chemical aging.

This example does not scare me since I see no patina wear down to factory paint or bare, smooth black rust patina found on heavily worn originals. Other than the chipped areas, the the paint on the crown is essentially intact.

1210HEL2 - Army M35 tropical camouflage by ET. This helmet displays a complete tropical hand-painted finish obscuring the decal. The exterior displays normal period wear. The interior displays a darkened well-used leather liner that has old repairs to the leather along the liner band. The leather liner maintains its original drawstring and shows age darkening. The side apron is stamped ET66 and the rear is stamped with the production number 272. I would rate this helmet as good. $2350

See any repetitive dings on this one? It looks like antiquing solution was rubbed over the surface to accentuate the paint texture.


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1210HEL1 - Luftwaffe single decal M40 with Afrika tropical camouflage by ET. This helmet displays the over-spray painted finish of the type used on DAK vehicles. The 2nd style Luftwaffe eagle was carefully preserved when the camo was applied. The exterior displays normal period wear. The interior displays a dried leather liner that has separated along the front exposing the felt cushioning underlay. The original drawstring is present The leather chinstrap is complete and shows wear consistent with the rest of the helmet. The side apron is stamped ET64 and rear stamped with the low run # 501. I would rate this helmet as good plus. $2750


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1207HEL10 - Polizei M40 double decal combat helmet with tropical tan camouflage by Quist. This rare helmet features tan camouflage painted carefully applied to preserve the Party shield and bordered Police decals The wear to the exterior finish is consistent throughout. The interior displays a dry leather liner and drawstring. The size 57 is stamped on the leather. The rear of the apron is stamped Q64 along with the batch number 36… Rare. 22. $2995

Some of the better restorations IMO are those starting with 100% authentic complete helmets. Using helmets with worn components or decals (as in this case) turn low dollar helmets into high dollar helmets.

Overall very poor wear patterns, basically novice grade. Lot# DN360 correlates to the August 28, 1943 decal drop for Heer/Luft/KM/SS for this maker. DAK surrendered in May 1943, three months prior. Something to keep in mind when contemplating alleged DAK helmets is that many of the fakes have lot numbers indicating production well after May 1943.


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These three "tan" helmets are easy to spot for the trained eye as fakes. The repetitive scratch marks are easily identified. Three sad examples of original helmets of "lower grade" magically transformed into sougth after and high dollar helmets.

I am not saying that I believe that the helmet previously owned by DougB is original. Only that the wear on that helmet is more convincing compared to the last three helmets.

In any case, I think the sheer availability of camo's in every shape and pattern proves you right that many are contrieved pieces.
M35 Luftwaffe Zimmerit Camouflage Helmet HC-286

ET-62, #985 I have seen many helmets advertised as zimmerit, but I do believe that this is the real deal. The textured surface has a very granulated look of sand and other materials and is rock hard. It was painted over the top and then looks to have been pored on to the top of the helmet. To add to the layers of paint, the helmet has a coating of reissue paint too. I can’t make out date on liner, and the leather is solid and in excellent condition. The chin strap is period shortened with an early aluminum buckle. Nice rig. $1395


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ET-62, #985 I have seen many helmets advertised as zimmerit, but I do believe that this is the real deal. The textured surface has a very granulated look of sand and other materials and is rock hard. It was painted over the top and then looks to have been pored on to the top of the helmet. To add to the layers of paint, the helmet has a coating of reissue paint too. I can’t make out date on liner, and the leather is solid and in excellent condition. The chin strap is period shortened with an early aluminum buckle. Nice rig. $1395

Maybe I missed it, but why Zimmerit on a helmet? And then issue paint over that? It does provide a textured and not so reflective surface, but if you needed it to keep someone from planting a magnetic AT mine on your head, you may have had more problems than you realized.

ET-62, #985 I have seen many helmets advertised as zimmerit, but I do believe that this is the real deal. The textured surface has a very granulated look of sand and other materials and is rock hard. It was painted over the top and then looks to have been pored on to the top of the helmet. To add to the layers of paint, the helmet has a coating of reissue paint too. I can’t make out date on liner, and the leather is solid and in excellent condition. The chin strap is period shortened with an early aluminum buckle. Nice rig. $1395

"I've seen a lot of fakes. I don't think this is one."
"I've seen a lot of fakes. I don't think this is one."

Do you see any actual combat wear on this one? I see pristine condition material in two of the close-up shots. The third shot looks like the material was purposefully left off of the rim area to simulate wear as does elsewhere. The issue paint over this monstrosity is unbelievable as well, probably chosen by the restorer because he did not know what real zimmerit color looks like.
Do you see any actual combat wear on this one? I see pristine condition material in two of the close-up shots. The third shot looks like the material was purposefully left off of the rim area to simulate wear as does elsewhere. The issue paint over this monstrosity is unbelievable as well, probably chosen by the restorer because he did not know what real zimmerit color looks like.

I would not touch it, even with a ten fot pole...!!

this is my last helmet a NS68 with two tone paint and uncoated badge. Leather is in fait condition and the chinstrap is perfect.

The Quist badge will raise questions but I think it's all good.

What do you think please ?

The camo looks great on this one; quite believable, IMO. However, the lot# fits into a block of factory no-decal slate gray helmets (NS68 B767) and the decal is a fake big-foot (quist). Camo painted around fake decal = fake camo.
The liner on this one is damaged making it a good choice for 'restoration'. If this camo had been applied let's say to a SD Heer/Luft/KM/SS M40/M42 with authentic worn decal, it would be difficult to refute it by photos alone.


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New Rex repro

Always wanted to get a KM DD35 but never, I repeat, never felt comfortable because of the price and I simply don't have the experience to differentiate a good one from the rest. Luft items are my primary interest but over the years I have picked up enough KM items for a small display area: more flareguns than I like to admit, a few KM marked rifles and handguns. After viewing this thread for a while and after taking stock of M45 Brian's posted advice, I contacted Rex and asked him to make up an example I could put into the KM display case to show off the KM items I have. Shared the pictures with Brian and he suggested I post mine just to show how good some of these repros really are. The intent was to display an original apple green M35 KM which was painted over in KM ships gray and after hard use made it through the war. After seeing this, it's really going to have to be a special helmet with an indisputable providence to ever get me to spend big bucks for a helmet again. So, if you saw this listed on a site and from your viewing the pictures, would you say that this is real or is it Memorex?


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Next Ones

here are some additional pictures


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And the final pictures. here are the details from Rex:

Painted and aged M35 shell (size 64) & older French repro gold decals
Original early war (1939 dated) liner
Aged repro chinstrap
Interior aged lettering with original era paint. Named the helmet to "Fw. Mt. Bauer". Abbreviation is for Feuerwerksmatt (translation - Ammo & Explosives Mate)


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Absolutely beautiful! Far above the clumsy fakes in this thread. I'm glad Rex is on our side. Regardless, many of his creations will, I believe, be sold as originals one day.


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