Questionable Camos

Someone post camos please. I enjoy the learning from this thread. I actually guessed the last camo didn't look good before seeing the other comments. I still know next to nothing, but I am starting to see some things.

I find the banter comical at times (as long as it isn't too much for too long). Those that can't deal with it don't read it.

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For one I was kind of glad to see the camo thread being quiet for a couple days. Then when someone started asking about a helmet the personal attacks came back out again. Have to say the new avatars really bring the point across lol!

Pretty much, more efforts to attack and silence, nothing has changed. When people don't want you to talk about a topic, one question comes up: why? What do they gain from silence?
you used to be a mod on that wretched site and I know your "one of the boys" over there
so I'm sure you know who syphilis is,,just pm me his info and I will be most appreciative
Pretty much, more efforts to attack and silence, nothing has changed. When people don't want you to talk about a topic, one question comes up: why? What do they gain from silence?

they gain the ability to further their craft and continue to pull the wool over the majority of collectors eyes
you used to be a mod on that wretched site and I know your "one of the boys" over there
so I'm sure you know who syphilis is,,just pm me his info and I will be most appreciative

Niblet, look if i know him.


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Doesn't look like he wants to talk to Niblet

On a side note please tell me there is an app for making cock and balls avatars. It wouldn't surprise me if there is.

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If they can't keep in substantive and moving forward in a manner that the site benefits in some way then they will be relegated to hissing and spitting in Infernus. That's the next move after avatars.

Gentlemen, the point of this is to advance good information, which means debate. The reason I generally won't lock a thread is because that merely encourages troll drive bys who intentionally create havoc in a thread to get it locked as they do not want the discussion to continue. I do not wish to encourage that or simple bickering and name calling without substantive information. Don't post personal attack and ad hominem in a substantive forum. It merely shows you've run out of support for your position and is not going to be well.
Looks chemical aged to me, but to each their own. I'm waiting for someone to show up and attack M45 now, for some unknown reason.

Again for the umpteenth time.The reason is not unknown.Guess your friends with him.

He got exposed,end of story.
To be honest, I don't blame him going 'off radar', it was getting too personal.
IMHO his opinions...opinions, were being taken too seriously. Too much chest thumping and personal attack, along with 'nibbles' counter comments sadly has killed this once excellent thread.

He was exposed as a fraud.What do you guys want?

You are ok with a guy destroying everyone camos wi h obviously rudimentary skills?

That's acceptable?

There are PLENTY of guys on GHW that get called out

The difference is most are humble and accept others opinions and don't troll.

Maybe there isn't enough "calling out" over there.You know why? Because a lot of guys know what they are doing.

Soooooo,less bad lids.

Pretty easy to figure out.
Someone post camos please. I enjoy the learning from this thread. I actually guessed the last camo didn't look good before seeing the other comments. I still know next to nothing, but I am starting to see some things.

I find the banter comical at times (as long as it isn't too much for too long). Those that can't deal with it don't read it.

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I posted the one as promised with better pics,oddly no comment from M45.......

I'll start and post another now.
EF68 M35 3 color w/battle damage.


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Just comparing the wear with the last one posted here:

It's night and day. Nothing questionable here in my eyes. The only problem I have with this piece — it's not on my shelf...

Thank you for still sharing your collection here!


Thanks Frank,it really does you are correct.The tricky thing here is some helmets are so damn good even average pics you can tell it's real.Bad pics often also make good camos look bad.As I think th case was with my textured wire lid.Bad pics also make questionable lids inconclusive.

This is the main issue I had with M45 and Nibblet,when they both said "in hand" isn't necassary the jig was up,I then knoew they didn't know shite about camos.
Thanks Frank,it really does you are correct.The tricky thing here is some helmets are so damn good even average pics you can tell it's real.Bad pics often also make good camos look bad.As I think th case was with my textured wire lid.Bad pics also make questionable lids inconclusive.

This is the main issue I had with M45 and Nibblet,when they both said "in hand" isn't necassary the jig was up,I then knoew they didn't know shite about camos.

I don't have much of an issue with Brian. He was wrong at times, but he stuck his neck out.

What he put out made you take a second glance at everything and I appreciated this thread for that.

Look. Question.

Even if you might have to step back on long held believes.

Nibbles is just a bozo, a follower, incapable of individual thoughts.

I had too give Brian some credit he did bring the issue up that alot of these are fakes. My problem was he believed everyone of them could be fake and never really give a good reason why on certain helmets. It was basically "Well it could be right but it may be wrong."

So basically you don't know, is how I took it. And I don't even collect helmets but it was easy too tell that Brian didn't either. If you noticed he hasn't posted here in almost a month that brings the question, why.

And Nibbles just a follower on the M45 band wagon. He really got annoyed at me when I asked ok whats wrong with this helmet as you have stated its bad. He hardly even gave a reasonable answer due too M45 didn't post anything yet about it.
M45's operative premise is a sound one: the majority of "camo" helmets are fakes. I see helmets on other forums that people gush over that I would bet much money that they are bad. I don't even give negative critique anymore unless someone asks me specifically for it. An excellent fake (or an original that looks like an excellent fake) will require a hands on. Then, of course, at that level it becomes subjective. So who's your "expert"?
M45's operative premise is a sound one: the majority of "camo" helmets are fakes. I see helmets on other forums that people gush over that I would bet much money that they are bad. I don't even give negative critique anymore unless someone asks me specifically for it. An excellent fake (or an original that looks like an excellent fake) will require a hands on. Then, of course, at that level it becomes subjective. So who's your "expert"?

Well said, I agree with most of what you said but he was way over the top calling many good camos bad.So whatever his agenda was, was all lost when pressed to be specific on the good ones.

Posting a lot of bad camos and mixing in a lot of good ones and calling them bad helps no one.

IMO the word "expert"or any variation of that is TOTALLY subjective.

Nobody has a degree nor job differentiating German WW2 helmets.I don't care if you have 20 posts or 20,000 posts on GHW or WAF it doesn't reveal anything.

I think the words 20,30,40 years experience is more of a tell tale sign.

I've seen posters with 8,000 posts or more who don't have a clue.
I've seen posters with 8,000 posts or more who don't have a clue.

Aka, word salad. IMHO, WAF did a great deal of damage to helmet collecting through the heavy handed enforcement of some opinions as gospel and the suppression of other opinions. Often enough the former were wrong and the latter correct (e.g., Champagne Runes and the XRF lid taser). Once the group became invested, literally, in certain high doller kamos, they became "wow" "one lookers" and "exotic freshies." The price of transparency and open debate as is taking place here is some occasional butthurt and personal disputes.