Questionable Camos

You questioned his sanity by asking if he was senile because he happens to be a older gentleman.

The way I was raised you respect your elders.

You made it personal.

ohhhhh I'm sorry did someone file a Hurt Feelings Report?
Some guys need to put their big boy panties on,,,,
Really? did Ron R say he was offended or did the Mods use that as an excuse to get rid of a non conformist lest he taint
the collecting 'community" (pen of sheep) that they have worked so hard to cultivate (shear) all these yrs

when you have rules in your forum like "abusive behavior" that's an open door to ban anyone anytime for any reason a mod sees fit
abusive behavior to some is just friendly ball busting,,,

maybe its just them protecting one of their "whales"
ohhhhh I'm sorry did someone file a Hurt Feelings Report?
Some guys need to put their big boy panties on,,,,
Really? did Ron R say he was offended or did the Mods use that as an excuse to get rid of a non conformist lest he taint
the collecting 'community" (pen of sheep) that they have worked so hard to cultivate (shear) all these yrs

when you have rules in your forum like "abusive behavior" that's an open door to ban anyone anytime for any reason a mod sees fit
abusive behavior to some is just friendly ball busting,,,

maybe its just them protecting one of their "whales"

You just don't get it do you?

A guy shares his collection that I believe started in the 60's? And you want to question his sanity or senility?The utter arrogance this shows is disgusting especially coming from a guy who owns NO CAMOS.

I apologize for calling you a Weirdo. The word I was looking for was actually "Batshit Crazy."

Could you just step back and let everybody else have a discussion about camouflaged helmets?

Thank you,


ohhhhh I'm sorry did someone file a Hurt Feelings Report?
Some guys need to put their big boy panties on,,,,
Really? did Ron R say he was offended or did the Mods use that as an excuse to get rid of a non conformist lest he taint
the collecting 'community" (pen of sheep) that they have worked so hard to cultivate (shear) all these yrs

when you have rules in your forum like "abusive behavior" that's an open door to ban anyone anytime for any reason a mod sees fit
abusive behavior to some is just friendly ball busting,,,

maybe its just them protecting one of their "whales"
Alright Niblet explain whats wrong with this wire camo helmet then lets hear your thoughts on the matter. Use that expert knowledge you have.

I respect that mcorioles posted one from his own collection up for discussion. Now will your buddy M45 post one I doubt it. He doesn't own one I bet most likely will copy and paste other helmets too compare too.
You just don't get it do you?

A guy shares his collection that I believe started in the 60's? And you want to question his sanity or senility?The utter arrogance this shows is disgusting especially coming from a guy who owns NO CAMOS.

again some friendly banter,,I'm sorry you are so straight laced you find no humor in it
perhaps you never served,,so you don't understand comaraderie

Unfortunately it seems myself and m45 are the only ones who actually DO get it,,,:facepalm:
the rest of you carry on, oblivious to another heinous lie perpetrated by some unscrupulous person (s) to rake in bundles of cash from the sheep
just like the shampain ruins saga,,the camo saga continues.......

So he started this 'collection" in the 60's huh? perhaps that's why they have developed additional patina,,
well then he shouldn't be afraid to tell us Neanderthals where he got them from?
I know they aint vet obtained,,,there is a dealer involved and I want to know who
didn't the shampain saga start in the early 70's??

besides if I'm batshit crazy why do I get banned? how come I'm not just laughed at?
he shared his collection,,on an open forum,,having done that you open yourself up to
criticism,,I was just pointing out what I thought about his helmet,,,(constructive criticism)
instead of discussing it,,,I just get banned,,no discussion,,,so if you value your membership,,better give a thumbs up everytime
lest you incur the wrath of the mighty ones,,,,:hail:
wonder if they found a broomstick yet :moon:

Never argue with an idiot,,,they only drag you down to their level
that's what this thread has become
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Alright Niblet explain whats wrong with this wire camo helmet then lets hear your thoughts on the matter. Use that expert knowledge you have.

I respect that mcorioles posted one from his own collection up for discussion. Now will your buddy M45 post one I doubt it. He doesn't own one I bet most likely will copy and paste other helmets too compare too.

it looks like the rhino lining out of the bed of an old chevy pickup
perhaps done in the 60's so its good to go
again some friendly banter,,I'm sorry you are so straight laced you find no humor in it
perhaps you never served,,so you don't understand comaraderie

Unfortunately it seems myself and m45 are the only ones who actually DO get it,,,:facepalm:
the rest of you carry on, oblivious to another heinous lie perpetrated by some unscrupulous person (s) to rake in bundles of cash from the sheep
just like the shampain ruins saga,,the camo saga continues.......

So he started this 'collection" in the 60's huh? perhaps that's why they have developed additional patina,,
well then he shouldn't be afraid to tell us Neanderthals where he got them from?
I know they aint vet obtained,,,there is a dealer involved and I want to know who
didn't the shampain saga start in the early 70's??

besides if I'm batshit crazy why do I get banned? how come I'm not just laughed at?
he shared his collection,,on an open forum,,having done that you open yourself up to
criticism,,I was just pointing out what I thought about his helmet,,,(constructive criticism)
instead of discussing it,,,I just get banned,,no discussion,,,so if you value your membership,,better give a thumbs up everytime
lest you incur the wrath of the mighty ones,,,,:hail:
wonder if they found a broomstick yet :moon:

Never argue with an idiot,,,they only drag you down to their level
that's what this thread has become

LOL,I already told you why you were banned.

Friendly banter? BULLSHIT.

Do you know Ron R personally? No

Then you have no right to question his abilities based on age and furthermore insult him.

The only idiot here is you.You prove it every time you touch the keyboard.
it looks like the rhino lining out of the bed of an old chevy pickup
perhaps done in the 60's so its good to go

Well my man, you are again just talking out of your a$$.

I assume you drive a Honda Civic and have no idea what Rhino lining actually is, nor that it came on existence in 1988.

You are just clueless.

Well my man, you are again just talking out of your a$$.

I assume you drive a Honda Civic and have no idea what Rhino lining actually is, nor that it came on existence in 1988.

You are just clueless.


I actually own 2 Honda Civics Frank,,,a 2000 and a 2015,,,

I already told you I don't give a tinkers damn about this subjective part of the hobby
I am only here because I see a cancer forming and I initially thought hey we have a chance to
expose something/someone here,,but you guys don't want to believe or understand what M45 has been trying to teach you
so,,,you get what you get

As far as Mcorioles,,,,take the pole out of your a$$,,,calling me an idiot ,,well isn't that considered abusive behavior?
ohhh that would have gotton you banned at GHW2,,but hey I assume you are one of the "thumbs up" guys there
so no worries,,continue to be a sock puppet
you got a beef with me? PM me your real name and we can discuss further
I have asked the same of scrotum avatar but he continues to just play games,,a bunch of keyboard warriers
I am willing to call or email anyone and speak with them in person.....
I actually own 2 Honda Civics Frank,,,a 2000 and a 2015,,,

I already told you I don't give a tinkers damn about this subjective part of the hobby
I am only here because I see a cancer forming and I initially thought hey we have a chance to
expose something/someone here,,but you guys don't want to believe or understand what M45 has been trying to teach you
so,,,you get what you get

As far as Mcorioles,,,,take the pole out of your a$$,,,calling me an idiot ,,well isn't that considered abusive behavior?
ohhh that would have gotton you banned at GHW2,,but hey I assume you are one of the "thumbs up" guys there
so no worries,,continue to be a sock puppet
you got a beef with me? PM me your real name and we can discuss further
I have asked the same of scrotum avatar but he continues to just play games,,a bunch of keyboard warriers
I am willing to call or email anyone and speak with them in person.....

LOL,again M45 has been exposed so your BS about M45 "teaching" anyone anything is absurd.

You two have an agenda plain and simple,you aren't helping anyone by "exposing" crude simplistic fakes on E Bay that any ameture could tell a mile away.

Then throwing many legit camos in the same category but calling them " high end fakes" even when they have been proven to be direct buys and are 100% correct.

Why would I want to correspond with you?You don't know what you're talking about obviously nor M45.
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Alright niblet this isn't even about camo helmets anymore now you're basically just attacking everybody. What I've seen so far you have not given a good point on why this one could be fake or why it's not. M45 did bring up some good topics, yes there is a lot of camo helmets that are fake. The biggest problem I saw was he basically called out every single one fake. It kind got pretty funny when he said well it could be fake, but I really don't know, but it's quite possible.

That's no different if someone posted an SS contract k98k on here and I gave the same basic analogy on it. Granted anything SS related is the most faked item out there. But how many original correct pieces are there as well?
PM me your real name and we can discuss further
I have asked the same of scrotum avatar but he continues to just play games,,a bunch of keyboard warriers
I am willing to call or email anyone and speak with them in person.....

So... Niblet is your real name? LOL
What do you think about this one? For sale on WAF EStand.
M42 SD LW NS62 Lot Nr B3269.
I would like to stress that I am not experienced enough to assess by myself if this helmet is questionable or not.

Im not a fan personally. I don't like what I see of the decal.. There have been some really scary fakes lately only out by the fact they didn't cover the decal cause guys pay more for exposed decals... But, fake decals aren't getting past anyone now with any knowledge.

Wait for a better legit example IMHO.
Im not a fan personally. I don't like what I see of the decal.. There have been some really scary fakes lately only out by the fact they didn't cover the decal cause guys pay more for exposed decals... But, fake decals aren't getting past anyone now with any knowledge.

Wait for a better legit example IMHO.

I don't like the wear. For the most part it looks like it all happened at the same time. There is not much nuance — it's there and down to the metal, or it's pristine paint. The decal looks like it was scrubbed before the camo was applied.

Agree: wait for something better.

I don't like the wear. For the most part it looks like it all happened at the same time. There is not much nuance — it's there and down to the metal, or it's pristine paint. The decal looks like it was scrubbed before the camo was applied.

Agree: wait for something better.


I cannot disagree with any of this as that is my schizophrenic "counterpoint" opinion. I also don't like that the age / oxidation appears like it could be chemical / aging wash too. However I would still like to have it in hand. I would not pay a premium of any kind without a hands on / no questions asked return privilege.