Questionable Camos

Looks chemical aged to me, but to each their own. I'm waiting for someone to show up and attack M45 now, for some unknown reason.
To be honest, I don't blame him going 'off radar', it was getting too personal.
IMHO his opinions...opinions, were being taken too seriously. Too much chest thumping and personal attack, along with 'nibbles' counter comments sadly has killed this once excellent thread.
Does anyone know the identity of the mod named "Syhsiphus" or whatever? on GHW2?
I would really appreciate it
Does anyone know the identity of the mod named "Syhsiphus" or whatever? on GHW2?
I would really appreciate it
I know him. He is a very good friend and a very good person. What do you want from him?.

Btw i dont like that helmet, strange wear on it.
M45 was an air builder, if he wants to judge helmets, he may begin posting his camos here.
Nah forget it,,I want to establish a dialogue with him myself
I should have realized I wouldnt get a straight answer out of you,,you probably dont even know him
Good Grieve!

Could you guys just create your own thread? "The Nibble's and Playa's hot'n'steamy Romper Room" maybe?

There's absolutely no need to air all your psycho garbage in a thread called "Questionable Camos" and drag everybody else into that mess that constitutes your personalities.

Just take it elsewhere — I promise I will never visit there!

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I disagree, this pretty much sums up the whole pile of crap thread....

What a f&^king joke....

MODEDIT - language
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Thank you Frank. Things aren't going to get better for our EU and US Nad bros if this keeps up. Take your GWH2 mod issues up with those chaps, there, or you two Nad bros sort this out via PM. Thank you.
I disagree, this pretty much sums up the whole pile of crap thread....

What a f**king joke....

Nzef, the thread serves a useful function and I support M45's endeavors generally, though we may disagree about some matters. I also support the endeavors of GHW2, though I may at times disagree with them. So we have the left and right Nad bros from the US and EU. You don't want to be the Ozzy frank with those beans. :thumbsup:
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But seriously the thread lost its way many many pages ago and has become an utter joke.

I initially had some respect for M45, but his one sided crazy analysis and obvious blunders are appalling.

So many good lids called out as bad and to top it off the hanger on idiots, who would not know their arses from their elbows commenting....

Come on Hambone, call it for what it has become, your no fool!

And its a Kiwi frank, ex NZ living in Australia.


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I disagree, this pretty much sums up the whole pile of crap thread....

What a fucking joke....

I own a pretty cool camo, a no questions asked original because of this thread. You sold it to me.

You have to admit there has been value here before some turned everything into a friggin' sideshow.


But seriously the thread lost its way many many pages ago and has become an utter joke.

I initially had some respect for M45, but his one sided crazy analysis and obvious blunders are appalling.

So many good lids called out as bad and to top it off the hanger on idiots, who would not know their arses from their elbows commenting....

Come on Hambone, call it for what it has become, your no fool!

And its a Kiwi frank, ex NZ living in Australia.

Most of his analysis I agree with, some I don't, and have said so. I call it free speech and transparency. This isn't a place for fools. We believe that the best way to reach an overall consensus is to allow open discussion, good and bad. Our members can choose to read or not read whatever they wish and even block the viewing of the posts of those whose posts they don't care to see.

My apologies, I probably would have been able to tell the difference in the accent. The person who becomes the frank with the two Nad bros beans, won't get to choose that avatar. Thank you. :thumbsup:
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I own a pretty cool camo, a no questions asked original because of this thread. You sold it to me.

You have to admit there has been value here before some turned everything into a friggin' sideshow.


Thank you, again, well said Frank. Rest assured that if the sideshow continues the venue of the performers will be limited. We evidently keep Stug around for entertainment, albeit venue limited.
For one I was kind of glad to see the camo thread being quiet for a couple days. Then when someone started asking about a helmet the personal attacks came back out again. Have to say the new avatars really bring the point across lol!

But seriously the thread lost its way many many pages ago and has become an utter joke.

I initially had some respect for M45, but his one sided crazy analysis and obvious blunders are appalling.

So many good lids called out as bad and to top it off the hanger on idiots, who would not know their arses from their elbows commenting....

Come on Hambone, call it for what it has become, your no fool!

And its a Kiwi frank, ex NZ living in Australia.

I agree, I have been almost 6 months quiet reading what he was writting here, but reach a point where i couldnt stay quiet. So i decided to play my role, disacrediting M45 in his same way, and think i have won the battle. I came to this forum only because i was told about him, so idecided to came to see what is was here. As soon as this kind of joke turned into an " im a guru of camos and can study all what is shown here by pics" i decide to take part on it. Of cource, i addopted a role to play the game.

So im happy that i came " to take the balls" to m45 and i managed to do it ( so the avatar fits very good my paper as player), if i would found a more serious person, who studied it in a more professional way i would have act in a different way, but with somebody who has written a book about lot nr, and the fisrt serious decaled helmet shown here, without asking the lot nr he dare to say fake when the helmet is 100 % legitimit, all those 230 pages turned into rubbish for me.

Said this and knowing the rule im playing here, i dont care the avatar i can have, i dont care if Niblet thinks or not that i know to GHW2 mods. And was is more inportant, i said months ago, that i wasnt worried if i was banned or not from here, since i came to have fun, and in a sense i miss M45 because was funny to read his bannal sentences about good camos.
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