And? So again soely your opinion should be taken as gospel.
I can post pics of different camos too that are real and not all are drab.
Do me a favor and look at some period pics from Market Garden of German Camos.
Tiger stripe camos at shown.Hell, there's period pics of a lid with leaf patterns.
If there wasn't photographic evidence Iwouldnt believe it either.....but they exist.
Here's a rule of thumb I would recommend to camo collectors:
- Does the camo jump out at you, trying to get your attention, trying to impress you ? There's a good chance that it's a postwar creation.
- Does the camo sit there unassuming, trying to blend in, trying to hide, is unimpressive and quite bland, something you might well pass over at a show or shop not realizing it even is a camo ?
That is what you really want to see (assuming you are in the market for originals).
How is one supposed to authenticate burlap string wrapped around a helmet? This is a serious question. I see a worn out net made out of some variety of natural fiber, and it's draped over a helmet with a bent wire at the front. What separates this helmet with a net from any other helmet with a worn out net?
Wise advice
The same guys saying this isnt so probably fell for the sham wow debacle too![]()
How is one supposed to authenticate burlap string wrapped around a helmet? This is a serious question. I see a worn out net made out of some variety of natural fiber, and it's draped over a helmet with a bent wire at the front. What separates this helmet with a net from any other helmet with a worn out net?
I really wish that we could end this 'Soap-Opera' of conflict, child like behaviour and personal attacks and get this thread back on track to its purpose of evaluating Camo helmets. Wether that be a critical, objective or conclusive evaluation or just individual opinion.
The 'squabble' is becoming tiresome.
There are two members both on opposite sides of this argument that add absolutely nothing to the debate, both IMHO need to grow up and get on with their lives.
Opinions and counter arguments on various camouflage helmets have been written. It is for fellow collectors to make up their own minds on what makes them comfortable with a camo purchase as that 'comfort zone' will vary between each and every one of us.
I have had my thoughts on camo helmets changed a great deal by the points mentioned during this thread - some points taken on-board and others not. I have found it both interesting and educational...and unfortunately of late, as mentioned, tiresome.
Please enough is enough.
I really wish that we could end this 'Soap-Opera' of conflict, child like behaviour and personal attacks and get this thread back on track to its purpose of evaluating Camo helmets. Wether that be a critical, objective or conclusive evaluation or just individual opinion.
The 'squabble' is becoming tiresome.
There are two members both on opposite sides of this argument that add absolutely nothing to the debate, both IMHO need to grow up and get on with their lives.
Opinions and counter arguments on various camouflage helmets have been written. It is for fellow collectors to make up their own minds on what makes them comfortable with a camo purchase as that 'comfort zone' will vary between each and every one of us.
I have had my thoughts on camo helmets changed a great deal by the points mentioned during this thread - some points taken on-board and others not. I have found it both interesting and educational...and unfortunately of late, as mentioned, tiresome.
Please enough is enough.
Why would a non combat troop helmet be any more valuable than one made by Walt Disney or any other USGI? If the camo wasn't used by and camouflaged by combat troops is it really a war used camo? Just a thought.And like you were told earlier.A poster here said he talked to a vet and it was common for non combat troops to Camo their helmets because they thought it was cool.
Another theory of yours evaporates.
And once again your last paragraph is pure conjecture, like most of your observations sorry.
At GHW we talk about the actual helmet, not stories or what we think troops have done.
About time player11. Why was that so hard for you to share your knowledge. Posts like that are much more productive than personal attacks on M45.You must move a little the burlap to see the interaction between the helmet and the straps, probably it will have left some marks under the strap. Many times a good point to judge a camo is just moving the strap that uses to be laying in the visor, as the helmets uses to be placed in this position the strap protects the paint under it and it gives a kind of dark to the paint.
Look this example
Not a burlap string first of all.
Not a "bent wire at the front" either.
Not trying to be a dick but your lack of knowledge and comments are confusing.
You go on to make statements that I listed above that aren't accurate to say the least and want to know what makes this one different.
If you know what to look for it isn't that difficult.
Since "I don't post my reasons here you go".
1.Is the overall look consistent?Components undisturbed,net showing interaction with shell?
2. The net hooks oxidize on the shell similar to wires.
3 Not recent fraying and compression where the net goes over the net edge.
4. Knowing what a real net looks like.
Also these ABSOLUTELY need hands on.But according to Nibs and M45 they knew it was bad from 1 picture.
For the reasons I listed above there is NO WAY they could make the observations I listed from that 1 picture.
About time player11. Why was that so hard for you to share your knowledge. Posts like that are much more productive than personal attacks on M45.
Why was his previous post about a camo jumping out at you likely being post war vs a camo that blends in likely original. Wouldn't a camo that jumps out at you as soon as you see it really not be a very good camo. Isn't the point of a camo to blend in? I think that was the point M45 was making. That a bright shiny camo helmet would not make very good camouflage during a war. I am asking for an honest answer from yourself. As I read this thread it is becoming obvious to me that you also possess knowledge of camos. If you and M45 could have civil debates on camos presented this thread would be much more valuable.
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