Questionable Camos

Trust me no collector gets upset by what M45 has to say.

All I see here is super obvious E Bay lids called out and ones that GHW also say are bad,but for some reason M45 doesn't disclose that.

A novice can identify those.

This is the problem,less knowledgeable posters see this and think he's good at determining fakes, the problem is there are many called fake that simply aren't

This angers us because most of us have put the work in over years.

I thought you said that no collector gets upset by what M45 has to say.

My intent for this thread is to primarily discuss questionable camos, everything from the obvious to the high-end fake. Whether a particular forum does or does not out said helmets is secondary IMO, although certainly related.

Wouldn't that be terrible, if camo collectors actually thought that I'm good at determining fakes ??

Now which (obvious) Latvian fake camo was posted, that while outed as such was said to be 'scary good looking', and that despite the bad liner might actually be original ?

I realize it was just a couple of guys opinions, but when obvious Latvian fakes are actually seriously considered as real, then we have a problem Houston.


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I apologize, I guess I am getting off track,,thats the problem,,a guys tarts squabbling and next you know the thread is off topic,,
lets stick to learning camos,, it would be helpful for the "believers" to state why they believe M-45 is wrong,,,
because so far he is the only one who has been explaining why he believes the way he does

Pure invention, if you had any personality, would notice how a huge majority of people in forums when a fake is posted there , can recognise them. the problem with M45 is that his arguements are pure and false inventions.

Only handling them can give you idea of what you have in hands and will help you to discover them, non any false "guru"
I am less than a novice. So M45 posting clear Ebay fakes and pointing out why they are fake I find interesting. I wish the other experts who disagree with M45 on ones that he says are fake but they believe are real would state their reasons for a specific camo but I guess this is never going to happen. If the ones who disagree with M45 don't say why they disagree about a particular helmet, it makes M45's argument that they are fake more convincing since there is no counter argument other than M45 is wrong because he hasn't handled camos.

For the record I think handling anything is important. However if the decision of sending $5k to someone can only be based on pics I would err on the side of caution which is really what I think M45 is doing. I just sent multiple four figures to someone in Europe for a couple scopes. I only had pics to go by. The scopes just are not found here. A situation like this is where M45s info I can see helping camo buyers.

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Pure invention, if you had any personality, would notice how a huge majority of people in forums when a fake is posted there , can recognise them. the problem with M45 is that his arguements are pure and false inventions.

Only handling them can give you idea of what you have in hands and will help you to discover them, non any false "guru"

Another one of those 'collector myths' that all camos must have an in-hand examination to determine if fake. Helmet forums vet camos all of the time without in-hand inspections, but they cannot be shot down without an in-hand ?? Pure hypocrisy.
Another one of those 'collector myths' that all camos must have an in-hand examination to determine if fake. Helmet forums vet camos all of the time without in-hand inspections, but they cannot be shot down without an in-hand ?? Pure hypocrisy.
That is an excellent point how can one say a camo is real without an in hand inspection if one can't say a camo is fake without an in hand inspection. IMO being 100% either way does require an in hand inspection, but in the age of the internet and international commerce in hand inspections happen less and less before money is transferred. Being 20% sure something is fake is enough for me not to send money. For me to send a large chunk of money I would need to be 95% sure it is real.

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I am less than a novice. So M45 posting clear Ebay fakes and pointing out why they are fake I find interesting. I wish the other experts who disagree with M45 on ones that he says are fake but they believe are real would state their reasons for a specific camo but I guess this is never going to happen. If the ones who disagree with M45 don't say why they disagree about a particular helmet, it makes M45's argument that they are fake more convincing since there is no counter argument other than M45 is wrong because he hasn't handled camos.

For the record I think handling anything is important. However if the decision of sending $5k to someone can only be based on pics I would err on the side of caution which is really what I think M45 is doing. I just sent multiple four figures to someone in Europe for a couple scopes. I only had pics to go by. The scopes just are not found here. A situation like this is where M45s info I can see helping camo buyers.

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Bingo! out of the mouths of babes,,,well put
I am less than a novice. So M45 posting clear Ebay fakes and pointing out why they are fake I find interesting. I wish the other experts who disagree with M45 on ones that he says are fake but they believe are real would state their reasons for a specific camo but I guess this is never going to happen. If the ones who disagree with M45 don't say why they disagree about a particular helmet, it makes M45's argument that they are fake more convincing since there is no counter argument other than M45 is wrong because he hasn't handled camos.

For the record I think handling anything is important. However if the decision of sending $5k to someone can only be based on pics I would err on the side of caution which is really what I think M45 is doing. I just sent multiple four figures to someone in Europe for a couple scopes. I only had pics to go by. The scopes just are not found here. A situation like this is where M45s info I can see helping camo buyers.

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Well, lets begin with that e-bay helmets in a 99% of the cases are fake, said this judging ebay helmets, is the easiest fact you can do. I would recommen you not to buy ever from ebay if you are not an expert on helmets.

Of course, i can argue with M45, is so simple ( speaking about camos), but as said before, im not going to share my years of hard study with him, im not going to give him so interesting points to detect them ( read my poit about ghost starps in paint) and then he can uses them to increase his stupid ego.

Allways buy from people you know they are honest, being dealers or not, and dont trust on anybody. Along my life i have hear meany histories about helmets bring back by vets and then are fakes. Even big museums in Normandy have some fakes. All what i mean with this, is that knowledge and having handled is the most essential.

You cann see millions and millions of helmets, but when you are in a shop in France, and a man comes with a FJ helmet to sale for 2000 E, your fist idea is to be a fake, but when you have seen sime of them, even handled more than those you notice what is good and what is right, even a fake helmet and an original one have different smeel because many of the fakes are manipulated with quimical products and they leave there a special smell.

I have spend more than those 5k in helmets, and if you find the honest person there you wont have any problem.

What M45 is doing here is pure theatre. In my years of collecting is a pure chilhood.
Since you are not willing to share your knowledge openly player11, which I kind of understand why, if a newer collector were to PM or email you pics before making a purchase would you give them your honest assessment?

I agree with all your points about buying from someone. Thus why it took me almost a month to close the deal on the scopes I just purchased. I wanted to know who the buyer was. Even then I would only do the deal if he agreed to PayPal goods and services because there are at least some protections there. It wasn't easy to get him to agree to Paypal. In Europe not many use PayPal since it is so easy to do direct bank transfers, but bank transfers offer no buyer protection. If you don't mind me asking where is it that you are located player11?

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Since you are not willing to share your knowledge openly player11, which I kind of understand why, if a newer collector were to PM or email you pics before making a purchase would you give them your honest assessment?

I agree with all your points about buying from someone. Thus why it took me almost a month to close the deal on the scopes I just purchased. I wanted to know who the buyer was. Even then I would only do the deal if he agreed to PayPal goods and services because there are at least some protections there. It wasn't easy to get him to agree to Paypal. In Europe not many use PayPal since it is so easy to do direct bank transfers, but bank transfers offer no buyer protection. If you don't mind me asking where is it that you are located player11?

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Sharing my knodledge here is like giving clues to fakers, how can´t i think that M45 is a faker who is trying to educate peole with his " knowledge" ( well i know is not the case because he is not intelligent enought to do that)

I have been alone in museums with the owners being giving a personal tours and speaking with them about their helmets, people who were near of their 70s and have had camos all his life, i have smelt their helmets, seen their paints, the wear on it. Something that M45 wont see in his life.

I will help you in all what i can, if i can i will help you, feel free to Pm. I live in the west of France
Then perhaps you can tell us simpletons why you think M-45 is wrong,,,you talk about generalizations???

I have many aren't listining.

There are many posts why I say his "analysis"is either dead wrong,can't be proven or speculation presented as fact.

I really think there is a reading comprehension problem here.

You really don't even need to know anything about camos to dismiss some of what he says .
What I saw was a generalization that another member said you were wrong about. Maybe I missed a post.

I really don't find a need to personally attack you even though you seem to not be able to not launch personal attacks.

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LOL,YOU started the personal attack questioning my abilities that I've been honing for 15 YEARS.
I thought you said that no collector gets upset by what M45 has to say.

My intent for this thread is to primarily discuss questionable camos, everything from the obvious to the high-end fake. Whether a particular forum does or does not out said helmets is secondary IMO, although certainly related.

Wouldn't that be terrible, if camo collectors actually thought that I'm good at determining fakes ??

Now which (obvious) Latvian fake camo was posted, that while outed as such was said to be 'scary good looking', and that despite the bad liner might actually be original ?

I realize it was just a couple of guys opinions, but when obvious Latvian fakes are actually seriously considered as real, then we have a problem Houston.

Simple percentages say you are wrong.

But on here people can't wrap their heads around you and Nibbles are the only one calling real camos fake.

It's really just common sense.

Not mad at all,I find this amusing that's all.
That is an excellent point how can one say a camo is real without an in hand inspection if one can't say a camo is fake without an in hand inspection. IMO being 100% either way does require an in hand inspection, but in the age of the internet and international commerce in hand inspections happen less and less before money is transferred. Being 20% sure something is fake is enough for me not to send money. For me to send a large chunk of money I would need to be 95% sure it is real.

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LOL,YOU started the personal attack questioning my abilities that I've been honing for 15 YEARS.
I questioned it because I have seen nothing written by you other than attacks on M45 and statements that others countered and you didn't respond to.

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Lets get in peace, the problem is M45 with his stupid way of questioning helmets. I have questioned his replies, but other ones are so silly that doesnt deserve my time and others´s

Your hubris is going to be your downfall.
I questioned it because I have seen nothing written by you other than attacks on M45 and statements that others countered and you didn't respond to.

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You guys keep saying that but it's there.

Go back and read the last 5 pages or so.

I clearly explain why my net lid is real

I have said why some of M45's assumptions are wrong because they are simply opinions that can't be proved such as soldiers do this and that.
Oh just thought of something else.

A common complaint of M45 is "everything at GHW gets a "thumbs up" or "nice lid"

That's because most in there know what they are doing.

Are they supposed to look at every helmet they know is good and give a detailed answer as to why?

Of course not, that's ridiculous.
Are they supposed to look at every helmet they know is good and give a detailed answer as to why?

Absolutely. Any collector forum worth its salt will offer educational assistance.

Otherwise it won't be anything but another "This helmet is good because WE say so", good ole' boys WAF-style circle jerk tool created for the sole purpose of taking advantage of those who are not "in the circle". The COA certified SS scam-pain ruin lid scandal comes to mind.
I think this thread is getting way out of hand anymore I mean personal attacks are getting even worse as we see it every day. I understand Player 11 you don't want to give out some of the knowledge on this subject because you don't want the fakers to use that to make even better fakes out there. But you have given no personal evidence of your knowledge so far. You basically said word for word it's real because I know it is but you have not posted any examples to show why it's real. You keep telling us you have many years of experience. And by some of the information and comments you have provided I believe you absolutely do. It's no different with me if I was complimenting on k98k rifles telling people what to look for but I've never posted any rifles on this site whatsoever.

The only thing I have against M45 is he's calling out alot of fakes and posting alot of other helmets from other people's collections. But I have yet to see him post one of his own helmets on here prove he even owns a real one.

And my last thought on the subject I actually like seeing all the different opinions from people. Except when people are personally attacking each other has nothing to do with the thread. If this was any other site with helmets I guarantee this would already been shut down or we would be banned. That's one reason I'm still here, I'm glad to be a member here, and friends with many members here.

And I'll be honest I don't own any camouflage helmets. I have studied them but to be honest the only camo helmet I would like to own is a World War 1 helmet.