Questionable Camos

You mistake real knowledge for hubris

We are hearing of this knowledge but not seeing it. It's much personal attack. I would recommend heeding Farb's words. I've learned over the last 15 years that it is generally wise to seek his counsel. Since I just got back from church I am going to clean up this thread and start moving ad hominem to the boxing robots thread in the capture screw forum.

Absolutely. Any collector forum worth its salt will offer educational assistance.

Otherwise it won't be anything but another "This helmet is good because WE say so", good ole' boys WAF-style circle jerk tool created for the sole purpose of taking advantage of those who are not "in the circle". The COA certified SS scam-pain ruin lid scandal comes to mind.

You missed the point,most there know that the others that we are experienced collectors.
1. A good portion of them have been passed around throughout the years,and discussed at one time or another and we recognize this.
2.Another assumption M45 gets wrong.There isn't really a tremendous amount of new camos popping up over there.
I think this thread is getting way out of hand anymore I mean personal attacks are getting even worse as we see it every day. I understand Player 11 you don't want to give out some of the knowledge on this subject because you don't want the fakers to use that to make even better fakes out there. But you have given no personal evidence of your knowledge so far. You basically said word for word it's real because I know it is but you have not posted any examples to show why it's real. You keep telling us you have many years of experience. And by some of the information and comments you have provided I believe you absolutely do. It's no different with me if I was complimenting on k98k rifles telling people what to look for but I've never posted any rifles on this site whatsoever.

The only thing I have against M45 is he's calling out alot of fakes and posting alot of other helmets from other people's collections. But I have yet to see him post one of his own helmets on here prove he even owns a real one.

And my last thought on the subject I actually like seeing all the different opinions from people. Except when people are personally attacking each other has nothing to do with the thread. If this was any other site with helmets I guarantee this would already been shut down or we would be banned. That's one reason I'm still here, I'm glad to be a member here, and friends with many members here.

And I'll be honest I don't own any camouflage helmets. I have studied them but to be honest the only camo helmet I would like to own is a World War 1 helmet.


I have given evidences of my "humble" knowledge, you can see how i have replied to M45 in those last replies, but the problem comes when somebody is so blind that even after replying to him, he keesp doing it. Im not going to be after him everyday questioning what he pust as questionable for those reasons, first because i dont have anought time and second because sometimes is so difficult to understand his arguements about a camo.
Its very easy, if this was a pananormal forum, and i dont believe or i dont understand it, i would be all day deniying what is writting here, with M45 happens the same, he denies what he can understand.

He has done so terrible mistakes judging Ronr helmets, because those helmet are real than irreal for many reasons, but when somebody begins an arguement saying " what is before the CW of the camo od the camo and the CW" is very difficult to search a reponsable answer to convince to this person of something he is saying is bad, That´s one of the problems with M45, he is so arrogant that he dont want to hear another posibility, something i save it in this way
The definition of hubris. Camo helmets are harder to authenticate than almost anything else. I mean authenticate, not "I think it's good because..."

Trust me he knows his stuff.This isn't some big conspiracy.Its rather simple.I see many examples of he and I giving our reasoning why M45 is wrong.Go about 20 pages back and start.

Are you going to believe 2 buddies on 1 forum that admit to owning no camos and say "hands on" isn't nessacary?

Or literally hundreds on GHW,many who were doing this before a lot of us were born?

And published authors?

Now with that being said,I by no means am saying just trust some guys because they've been doing this for years or have large collections or ar dealers or authors.


BUT,when you add all the knowledge,all the approval from many said experienced guys it adds up.And nwhen they are called they get called out.

We(they) get it right way,way more than we get it wrong.

M45 thinks posting some very obvious Latvian or E Bay fakes makes him the all knowing when literally everyone else thinks totally the opposite.

It's not that hard to figure out when some common sense is applied.
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Here you go M45 I would like your thoughts on this helmet.


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Trust me he knows his stuff.This isn't some big conspiracy.Its rather simple.I see many examples of he and I giving our reasoning why M45 is wrong.Go about 20 pages back and start.

Thanks! but i have reach to a point where i dont care what people can say about my collection or my helmets, i also love to play with people in this sense.

There is nothing like showing them via e-mail, with blurry pics, vivid colours after the sun etc.... Like this you can see who is a more interested collector or not. The more interested will ask you better pics with closer view of them before judging them, the rest ( where M45 would be included) would post them in a thread called "questionable camo" when the problem is that he has not shown interes asking for better pics that is the best way to understand a camo ( handling would be definitely, but as not allways is possible ).
I think this thread still has hope. I believe player11 is very knowledgeable in the area of camo helmets. I think he could be a value to this forum and thread. I also believe M45 is knowledgeable as well. Maybe M45 is just more skeptical. If those that don't like M45 look at him in the role of Devil's Advocate, and the personal attacks end, we could see very good debates about camo helmets that the less informed such as myself can learn from.

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Im sure all this was said prior to exposing the "scam pain rune fiasco"
,,,time will tell I guess
But I still believe M-45 is 100% correct on his helmet calls,,,bottom line is if its too good to be true,,it probably is
oh well I can sleep at night knowing I dont have any of these things in my collection
I joined in this discussion to learn something myself,,,not just camos,,but collector behavior,,its really something,,
the Herd mentality,,the "its good because its in this guys collection mentality" its good because I been studying these for 20 yrs
blh blah bblah,,,but I digress,,,you guys have fun with your collections,,I will stop by in about 5 yrs and read about how
so many camo helmet collectors were scammed by this guy so and so who has been cranking out high end fakes for years,,,, :laugh:
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I couldn't resist using it.

It's all in good fun. Nothing personal.

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I couldn't resist either.
Sharing my knodledge here is like giving clues to fakers, how can´t i think that M45 is a faker who is trying to educate peole with his " knowledge" ( well i know is not the case because he is not intelligent enought to do that)

I have been alone in museums with the owners being giving a personal tours and speaking with them about their helmets, people who were near of their 70s and have had camos all his life, i have smelt their helmets, seen their paints, the wear on it. Something that M45 wont see in his life.

I will help you in all what i can, if i can i will help you, feel free to Pm. I live in the west of France

I've heard that before and I don't accept it, the idea that we can't share detailed information about real and fake items on forums because the fakers will learn from it and better their fakes. I've seen this hoarding of knowledge on other forums and it came off as privileged information for those in the club. The ordinary Joe collector did not 'need to know' this.

I'm reminded of the old story that we could not discuss the fine details of "fake" vs. "real" Champagne SS decals because the fakers could learn from this and make their fakes even better. We only needed to know that there were "fingerprints" that clued the SS guru in as to what he was looking at. We were never told what such "fingerprints" were at that time, only that such things existed. This was privileged information that only the SS gurus knew, and they were not telling us. Then come to find out that the entire lot of Sham-pain Ruin helmets were bad. That should teach us not to trust the "experts".

The truth is, the fakers already know just about everything they need to know to make high-end fakes, those nearly indistinguishable from originals. Many of these have been circulating on helmet forums as rare "originals". So your little "secrets" are not going to make much difference either way, player.

No doubt some will insist these are authentic, but I believe them to be high end replicas, so well done that they are nearly indistinguishable from authentic camos/reissues.


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I have to agree with M45 that the good counterfeiters already know everything. The keeping of information private only hurts inexperienced collectors. I hate to keep referencing Finnish collecting on a Mauser Forum, but that had been my main area of collecting. Many times no one on gunboards would show a real SVT-40 Sniper Notch. Their reasoning was then it could be faked. Yet the information was out there elsewhere. I'm also sure those that are good at faking things had real snipers to work off of. Keeping the information hidden only hurt those who were new to collecting. Those who needed the information the most.

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Here you go M45 I would like your thoughts on this helmet.

An M40 Heer helmet with unknown Heer decal. Not an ET, Q, HJ&K, Pocher or reissue that I know of, so a possible fake.

Factories and Heer decals as I understand it:

ET: ET decal (some Wilhelm Abels)
SE: ET decal
Q: Q big foot (some ET, Wilhelm Abels, Pochers)
NS: Pocher (some Wilhelm Abels, ET, HJ&K)
EF: Pocher, ET, HJ&K (some gray lined Heer)
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Paint and wear look good, but photos are poor (poor lighting, poor detail).

A presumably fake decal on an M40 with no evidence of a former factory decal gets me suspicious about the paint. Don't forget REX-39's expert replicas.
Paint and wear look good, but photos are poor (poor lighting, poor detail).

A presumably fake decal on an M40 with no evidence of a former factory decal gets me suspicious about the paint. Don't forget REX-39's expert replicas.

Classic ET M40. ................

This is what I'm saying fellows.A basic ET M40 and he's wrong.So his Camo opinions are "spot on"?

Most people start off with non camos THEN may start collecting camos with added study .

BTW Rex's camos aren't "expert replicas" Maybe in your eyes?
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I'm glad to see this is turning back substantive. Some BS and mild flaming is OK generally, but I moved posts to the Infernus Rock Em Sock Em Robot thread. Y'all can go there and personally insult each other. Next comes custom avatars for the worst offenders. The reason I don't thread lock is because it encourages bad behavior from those who want a discussion stopped, i.e., a thread lock. I'm not saying anyone here is doing this, I think this is honest irritation and mudslinging. Carry on.