Sounds like Jerry from Recon, yes the very man who was going to sell me the Rifle for $4300.00 then 5 days later after the rifles came in he upped the price to $5000.00. Good thing I ordered one from PTR @ $4300.00. (They held to the original price for 2 weeks)
He also sold me that American made bolt for $400.00 that was completely useless. Sounds like Dingo will help you out however the only thing that will fix that rifle in the long run is replacing both the op rod-carrier/ bolt with original MP44 parts and yes Jerry is correct it's impossible for "HIM" to do anything to help you out.
Ha! Fair enough. Read you loud and clear. Thanks for backing me up HDH...
Here's the next development in my lengthy tale of a seriously epic fail of the op rod and bolt:
So..... for those of you just tuning in who care, last weekend my dad and I were out shooting his PTR 44 and on the last ill-fated shot the op rod sheared clean off the bolt and the bolt got frozen in the chamber. Op rod came right out, minus the "ears" I guess you might call them.... the hooks that connect with the bolt; but the bolt was completely frozen, chambered. Wouldn't budge a millimeter.
This evening we decided to get that bolt unstuck, whatever it took. After taking several steps to be absolutely sure that what got stuck with the bolt in place wasn't a live round (thank goodness, no. I'm a safety freak and being unsure, even knowing it was out in his shop in a safe the idea kept me up at night....) well, we got started. We tried a bunch of methods, angles, tools, etc, scratched our butts for a while, no luck, not a hair's worth of movement, totally at a loss.
We almost gave up when my dad saw that there was a piece of steel, a small rod lookin thing, on the bottom left side of the bolt that didn't belong there, and he correctly guessed that it was the dang firing pin! Long story a little shorter, we get the firing pin out from under the bolt and it of course comes right out like it should.
Correct me if I'm wrong here: seems to me, shot was fired, op rod broke off the bolt, leaving it and the brass chambered, and for whatever reason the firing pin drops out into the receiver at that exact moment. Op rod comes slamming back, shoving the pin under the bolt, freezing it in place.
To be fair and honest, I'm not exactly a competition shooter, but this is one of the crazier fails I've ever seen.
Question: despite all that nonsense, both the bolt and firing pin seem to be unscathed. Y'all think we might be able to put them back in with a replacement op rod?
By the way, huge props to Dingo. I think he has an op rod for me......