PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

A very sincere thank you to all who replied. I really appreciate the help and advice. This firearm is way too awesome to give up on easily.

You all probably know this already, but.... it's kinda funny in a lame sort of way: I started with the first thing I could think of, contacting the PTR company. They were nice enough to respond, saying they had sold all MP44 parts to a company called Recon Ordinance. I just got off the phone with a guy there who told me it's "impossible" to find what we need. On top of that he was a total d*ck about the whole thing. So much for costumer service.....

Again, thanks for being so kind to a newbie. I'll keep at it and hope we can get this sucker back up and running.

For the record, and in keeping with the spirit of this forum, I'm not an expert by any means, but I love the Kar 98k. I spent about 5 years of my childhood in Germany, in German schools, and recognize and respect the Teutonic dedication to quality in manufacturing.
Check your pm
A very sincere thank you to all who replied. I really appreciate the help and advice. This firearm is way too awesome to give up on easily.

You all probably know this already, but.... it's kinda funny in a lame sort of way: I started with the first thing I could think of, contacting the PTR company. They were nice enough to respond, saying they had sold all MP44 parts to a company called Recon Ordinance. I just got off the phone with a guy there who told me it's "impossible" to find what we need. On top of that he was a total d*ck about the whole thing. So much for costumer service.....

Again, thanks for being so kind to a newbie. I'll keep at it and hope we can get this sucker back up and running.

For the record, and in keeping with the spirit of this forum, I'm not an expert by any means, but I love the Kar 98k. I spent about 5 years of my childhood in Germany, in German schools, and recognize and respect the Teutonic dedication to quality in manufacturing.

Sounds like Jerry from Recon, yes the very man who was going to sell me the Rifle for $4300.00 then 5 days later after the rifles came in he upped the price to $5000.00. Good thing I ordered one from PTR @ $4300.00. (They held to the original price for 2 weeks)

He also sold me that American made bolt for $400.00 that was completely useless. Sounds like Dingo will help you out however the only thing that will fix that rifle in the long run is replacing both the op rod-carrier/ bolt with original MP44 parts and yes Jerry is correct it's impossible for "HIM" to do anything to help you out.

Sounds like Jerry from Recon, yes the very man who was going to sell me the Rifle for $4300.00 then 5 days later after the rifles came in he upped the price to $5000.00. Good thing I ordered one from PTR @ $4300.00. (They held to the original price for 2 weeks)

He also sold me that American made bolt for $400.00 that was completely useless. Sounds like Dingo will help you out however the only thing that will fix that rifle in the long run is replacing both the op rod-carrier/ bolt with original MP44 parts and yes Jerry is correct it's impossible for "HIM" to do anything to help you out.


Ha! Fair enough. Read you loud and clear. Thanks for backing me up HDH...

Here's the next development in my lengthy tale of a seriously epic fail of the op rod and bolt:

So..... for those of you just tuning in who care, last weekend my dad and I were out shooting his PTR 44 and on the last ill-fated shot the op rod sheared clean off the bolt and the bolt got frozen in the chamber. Op rod came right out, minus the "ears" I guess you might call them.... the hooks that connect with the bolt; but the bolt was completely frozen, chambered. Wouldn't budge a millimeter.

This evening we decided to get that bolt unstuck, whatever it took. After taking several steps to be absolutely sure that what got stuck with the bolt in place wasn't a live round (thank goodness, no. I'm a safety freak and being unsure, even knowing it was out in his shop in a safe the idea kept me up at night....) well, we got started. We tried a bunch of methods, angles, tools, etc, scratched our butts for a while, no luck, not a hair's worth of movement, totally at a loss.

We almost gave up when my dad saw that there was a piece of steel, a small rod lookin thing, on the bottom left side of the bolt that didn't belong there, and he correctly guessed that it was the dang firing pin! Long story a little shorter, we get the firing pin out from under the bolt and it of course comes right out like it should.

Correct me if I'm wrong here: seems to me, shot was fired, op rod broke off the bolt, leaving it and the brass chambered, and for whatever reason the firing pin drops out into the receiver at that exact moment. Op rod comes slamming back, shoving the pin under the bolt, freezing it in place.

To be fair and honest, I'm not exactly a competition shooter, but this is one of the crazier fails I've ever seen.

Question: despite all that nonsense, both the bolt and firing pin seem to be unscathed. Y'all think we might be able to put them back in with a replacement op rod?

By the way, huge props to Dingo. I think he has an op rod for me......

Sounds like Jerry from Recon, yes the very man who was going to sell me the Rifle for $4300.00 then 5 days later after the rifles came in he upped the price to $5000.00. Good thing I ordered one from PTR @ $4300.00. (They held to the original price for 2 weeks)

He also sold me that American made bolt for $400.00 that was completely useless. Sounds like Dingo will help you out however the only thing that will fix that rifle in the long run is replacing both the op rod-carrier/ bolt with original MP44 parts and yes Jerry is correct it's impossible for "HIM" to do anything to help you out.

What was it about the US made bolt that didn't work? Just curious.
Ha! Fair enough. Read you loud and clear. Thanks for backing me up HDH...

Here's the next development in my lengthy tale of a seriously epic fail of the op rod and bolt:

So..... for those of you just tuning in who care, last weekend my dad and I were out shooting his PTR 44 and on the last ill-fated shot the op rod sheared clean off the bolt and the bolt got frozen in the chamber. Op rod came right out, minus the "ears" I guess you might call them.... the hooks that connect with the bolt; but the bolt was completely frozen, chambered. Wouldn't budge a millimeter.

This evening we decided to get that bolt unstuck, whatever it took. After taking several steps to be absolutely sure that what got stuck with the bolt in place wasn't a live round (thank goodness, no. I'm a safety freak and being unsure, even knowing it was out in his shop in a safe the idea kept me up at night....) well, we got started. We tried a bunch of methods, angles, tools, etc, scratched our butts for a while, no luck, not a hair's worth of movement, totally at a loss.

We almost gave up when my dad saw that there was a piece of steel, a small rod lookin thing, on the bottom left side of the bolt that didn't belong there, and he correctly guessed that it was the dang firing pin! Long story a little shorter, we get the firing pin out from under the bolt and it of course comes right out like it should.

Correct me if I'm wrong here: seems to me, shot was fired, op rod broke off the bolt, leaving it and the brass chambered, and for whatever reason the firing pin drops out into the receiver at that exact moment. Op rod comes slamming back, shoving the pin under the bolt, freezing it in place.

To be fair and honest, I'm not exactly a competition shooter, but this is one of the crazier fails I've ever seen.

Question: despite all that nonsense, both the bolt and firing pin seem to be unscathed. Y'all think we might be able to put them back in with a replacement op rod?

By the way, huge props to Dingo. I think he has an op rod for me......


Derek, what you just explained is exactly what happened to my PTR44 when it failed. I also pieced together the rifle with repaired parts however it was never the same until I had Shortfal (Pete) work on it. I now have 3 bolts for the Rifle, the original that came with it, the POS Recon Bolt and the new German STG44
bolt that came from Gunbroker that Pete was able to mate up with an original German Op-rod/carrier that also came from GB.

Even when the rifle was new I would get 1 or 2 FTF/FTE per 26 rounds of ammo, after all the repair work it now runs 100% flawless!

I have come to the conclusion that the only way to really fix these PTR44 rifles is to strip out all of the original SSD parts that came with it and replace them with original German WW2 MP44/Stg44 working "GOOD" parts. Otherwise all you will have is a ticking time bomb waiting to Brake at any time.

Good working Parts combo.

Repaired parts that never worked correctly. (Recon bolt top, repaired original parts below)

The damage.

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every other week the op rods come up for sale from europe, grab them sometimes the rod is pock marked from corrosion, the rods can be replaced and available, so can the handles they are available also,

original bolts are tough and spendy, when they come up for sale expect to pay anywhere from $300 plus, if not i will gladly buy one at that price. I bought a complete bolt easter night I paid $ 275.00 for it, and glad to do so

like everyone said get original parts off of gunbroker then send the rifle of to Shortfal ( pete) and let him go over it, he is a great guy and is fair with his pricing.

jerry at recon also sells on gunbroker so look who is the seller before buying, I have always had nice conversations with him. but never bought MP-44 parts from him either

In the second pic above, the recon bolt locking area is visually much different and "sharper" at the lock point than a german one. That just screams "wrong".
In the second pic above, the recon bolt locking area is visually much different and "sharper" at the lock point than a german one. That just screams "wrong".

Part of that is just the placement, it locks up tighter than that.

Picture of a working PTR44:thumbsup: next to a MPi-KM (E. German) AKM
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Part of that is just the placement, it locks up tighter than that.

Picture of a working PTR44:thumbsup: next to a MPi-KM (E. German) AKM

here is my real MP-44 with a east german ak-47 Mpi ( PLO kit) and my east german Wieger

this wieger is un like others it uses wieger mags, has a eg 74 trunnion, wieger barrel, and a real wieger muzzle brake, with I/O stock set, gas block, handguard retainer, the rest of the parts are US for compliance or east german


  • eg wieger & MP-44 001.jpg
    eg wieger & MP-44 001.jpg
    255 KB · Views: 48
here is my real MP-44 with a east german ak-47 Mpi ( PLO kit) and my east german Wieger

this wieger is un like others it uses wieger mags, has a eg 74 trunnion, wieger barrel, and a real wieger muzzle brake, with I/O stock set, gas block, handguard retainer, the rest of the parts are US for compliance or east german

Nice, I had a Wieger clone from I/O purchased back in 09. It was total Crap.

Basicly a WASR with some Fake E. German furniture on it assembled by retarded monkeys. (at least Century's monkeys were not retarded!)

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yes as I noted my wieger is not a I/O clone except for the stocks, gas block and handguard.

wieger barrels are made at suhl we all know how the shoot

the I/O clones are as you stated are romanian rifles with reproduction stocks, gas blocks and handguard retainers

I have located parts of original handguards

I/O supposedly bought the rights from the former east german company, under very strange and questionable transaction

I posted this because this rifle as built by me is unlike any other in the US

Ouch! my op rod is broke too

Hello all. The ears on my PTR44 op rod broke off a several months ago (after about 900 rds) and I got another PTR op rod (being parted out) from Recon Ord shortly after on Gun Broker. Now I guess I have another time bomb on my hands until and if I can find an original. I was wondering if it is possible to weld those errant ears back onto the failed op rod without ill effect and it holding up in use? I was also wondering if cryogenic treatment of these parts would correct the bad heat treatment attributing to their failure? Thank you, Frank
Hello all. The ears on my PTR44 op rod broke off a several months ago (after about 900 rds) and I got another PTR op rod (being parted out) from Recon Ord shortly after on Gun Broker. Now I guess I have another time bomb on my hands until and if I can find an original. I was wondering if it is possible to weld those errant ears back onto the failed op rod without ill effect and it holding up in use? I was also wondering if cryogenic treatment of these parts would correct the bad heat treatment attributing to their failure? Thank you, Frank

I see original op rods for sale all the time, nothing against jerry but i would pass on the PTR op rods
Yeah, that's two Ptr-44's. I'm a glutton for punishment I guess, ha ha. Both are running with original op rods and bolts.

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metal treatment

Hello all. The ears on my PTR44 op rod broke off a several months ago (after about 900 rds) and I got another PTR op rod (being parted out) from Recon Ord shortly after on Gun Broker. Now I guess I have another time bomb on my hands until and if I can find an original. I was wondering if it is possible to weld those errant ears back onto the failed op rod without ill effect and it holding up in use? I was also wondering if cryogenic treatment of these parts would correct the bad heat treatment attributing to their failure? Thank you, Frank

I don't know about cryo but if a guy wanted to get into it he could have piece of a broken carrier analyzed to see what alloy it is made of. Then see how hard it is on the Rockwell scale to determine if it's so hard as to be brittle. If so it could be drawn down to be less hard and prone to breakage.
That's all assuming they break from being too hard. That could be incorrect though. Worth looking into by PTR 44 guys.