PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

Just want to put in another plug for Shortfal (Pete) the master Gunsmith from Mo. Pete repaired my PTR44 last year (fitted a new MP44 bolt) and after getting it back I ran 100 rounds with no jamming however I was getting occasional slam fires. Well to make a long story short I purchased a original MP44 recoil spring to replace the "stiff" PTR spring and now after testing today it ran 100 flawless rounds (rapid fire) with no slam fires. :thumbsup:

So now I have 3 original MP44 parts running in my Gun. (op rod/carrier, complete bolt assy. and the recoil spring)

Way to go Pete.

Dave H.
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Update On Broken Bolt Saga

After my initial postings on the broken bolt I managed to find a NOS complete late style bolt still in the packing grease from when it came out of East Germany after the Wall fell. Once the bolt was in hand I contacted John Andrewski and requested that my rifle be sent back immediately. It arrived in about four days, at his expense. The rifle had NOT been touched at all in the thirteen (13) months that it was at his shop. Suffice to say, I not a fan of Andrewski!

Good news though.

It is now in the hands of the "Maestro" himself--Shortfal and it is has been receiving some tender, loving care, along with my original 1944 Erma Werkes MP44 that is having a new barrel installed. I sent a NOS oprod/bolt carrier group and the NOS bolt, both of which were DDR war readiness material stocks. In emails and phone conversations with Pete it sounds like I will be getting a "singer sewing machine" for a rifle when it comes back. He has reinforced the receiver to prevent bolt wear/jamming, cut a wider charging handle groove, fixed the sprung trigger group by removing a bad crimp at the top front edges, drilled and peened all the rivets that had razor sharp edges, fixed the headspacing, used his mandrel setup to reshape the rear receiver areas so the receiver end cap doesn't take two men and large boy to remove, and is even working on lightening the recoil spring tension. It looks like Christmas will finally arrive after Knob Creek this year! Yippeeee!!!

^^^ Awesome. I have heard this before about his work. When I find an original bolt to go with my original Op rod (and have some extra dough to spend) perhaps I can ask him if he'd be willing to work on mine too. I'd like to at least get the receiver reinforced and have an my original Op rod and an original bolt fitted to the rifle. Maybe any other massaging he can think of. It would be nice to shoot this rifle without worrying about it breaking.

I have an original extractor, extractor spring and retaining pin coming along with an original recoil spring I'd like to switch out with my PTR parts and see if that helps with my occasional feeding and extraction problems. I did install a new Recon Ord. extractor to the rifle and it seemed to help - until the lip broke on it. I bought another extractor from Recon, but replaced the broken one with the PTR part and it seems to work okay.


Doug, Sent you a PM, May have a lead on a bolt for you.

I shot the heck out of my PTR44 last week with cast bullets, it was flawless. Great fun.

^^^ Awesome. I have heard this before about his work. When I find an original bolt to go with my original Op rod (and have some extra dough to spend) perhaps I can ask him if he'd be willing to work on mine too. I'd like to at least get the receiver reinforced and have an my original Op rod and an original bolt fitted to the rifle. Maybe any other massaging he can think of. It would be nice to shoot this rifle without worrying about it breaking.

I have an original extractor, extractor spring and retaining pin coming along with an original recoil spring I'd like to switch out with my PTR parts and see if that helps with my occasional feeding and extraction problems. I did install a new Recon Ord. extractor to the rifle and it seemed to help - until the lip broke on it. I bought another extractor from Recon, but replaced the broken one with the PTR part and it seems to work okay.

IF, and I do believe that's a big IF, they import more of these this year.....I hate to say it but I'll probably buy one. Now that I know we have a member who can work magic on these, I'll probably do it. I'll be pissed when I have to get work done on it just to get it to function......but I'll probably end up doing it.
Doug, Sent you a PM, May have a lead on a bolt for you.

I shot the heck out of my PTR44 last week with cast bullets, it was flawless. Great fun.

Reply sent, Waffen.

Dingo - I'd be interested to know if there is a price list yet on any of the new rifles that are coming in.

PTR 44 parts

Hello everyone. Yes, I am a total newbie. Give me all the sh*t you want, I'm a big boy and can take it.

I'm here right now because my father is a HUGE WWII firearms fan, and recently got himself a very nice STG 44 clone (from what he tells me it's considered a PTR 44), needless to say acquired with much pride, and diligent and successful procurement of this fairly rare caliber. I've shot it myself several times and love it! I'm a bit of a europhile myself when it comes to firearms. My dad must have a dozen Kar 98ks or so, a couple waffenamt lugers, walthers, and a very, very impressive collection of vintage semi-autos from around the world, mostly Europe.

Now.... to the point. We were at the range a couple days ago, he was shooting the PTR 44, and the bolt froze shut. Takedown revealed that the piston/charging handle assembly had totally sheared off from the bolt carrier. He is pissed and heartbroken. The seller, a really great guy, Joe Salter for those who might not know him, can't really help out. He has parts, but not the piston/bolt carrier assembly.

I browsed through some of the current posts; I guess this is not an uncommon problem.

Anyone who can help me get an intact one for him will get extra awesome karma points. And the necessary money of course.

My dad's 77 and just wants to go to the range and enjoy his spoils. THANKS in advance! Derek
Welcome, and welcome to the club. From now on this will be home for you. Quite a few of us went through the same ordeal with broken parts but there's hope. You need two things: the right part and the right gunsmith. The parts you need are the op-rod (the long assembly with the charging handle) and the bolt. Preferably both parts should be original German WW2 manufacture.

There is an op-rod on right now but it's kind of pricey for my taste, with some luck -and patience- you can find one for $150 - $200 less. The bolt is much harder to come by and will set you back quite a bit. I'm looking for one myself, if you locate a spare please let me know. Unfortunately, the Europeans are still de-wating good bolts to this day by grinding the head off 45 degrees, hence not much to source from overseas.

Once you have the parts, you need a good gunsmith to get it all running smoothly and in unison. Your garden variety gun shop around the corner is NOT the right guy to work on an MP44 clone. There is member here who has demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills pertaining to MP44 and clones, his name is Pete and he is contributing here under the name shortfal. He is the only guy I would trust with my expensive rifle and the equally expensive spare parts.
Welcome, and welcome to the club. From now on this will be home for you. Quite a few of us went through the same ordeal with broken parts but there's hope. You need two things: the right part and the right gunsmith. The parts you need are the op-rod (the long assembly with the charging handle) and the bolt. Preferably both parts should be original German WW2 manufacture.

There is an op-rod on right now but it's kind of pricey for my taste, with some luck -and patience- you can find one for $150 - $200 less. The bolt is much harder to come by and will set you back quite a bit. I'm looking for one myself, if you locate a spare please let me know. Unfortunately, the Europeans are still de-wating good bolts to this day by grinding the head off 45 degrees, hence not much to source from overseas.

Once you have the parts, you need a good gunsmith to get it all running smoothly and in unison. Your garden variety gun shop around the corner is NOT the right guy to work on an MP44 clone. There is member here who has demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills pertaining to MP44 and clones, his name is Pete and he is contributing here under the name shortfal. He is the only guy I would trust with my expensive rifle and the equally expensive spare parts.


I feel for your Father because something similar happened to me about 3 years ago, that was one long ride back from the range. :facepalm:

The good news is Pete can fix your PTR44 but you are going to have to find the parts and it won't be easy or cheap.
I can tell you that it will be worth it in the end, good luck.:thumbsup:


It sounds like you just need an OPROD for now to get running. You will want to get a bolt later.

A forum member here, "Dingo" used to be able to help with the OPROD. You can also find them now and then of GUNBROKER.

Have Pete do the work!
Welcome to the forum (and the PTR44 Debate Club). Yep - gonna need some parts. An original op rod and bolt is best - if you want to avoid that possibility of happening again. There is one on but it is kinda pricey, yet these are readily available, so you have to decide to buy or wait for one that is less costly.

You should also buy an original bolt -even less common than the op rod however and also pricey. Then have a competent gunsmith fit them to your Dad's PTR44. If this is completed it should also raise the value of the rifle, in my opinion.

The other option is to send a message to "dingo" here on the forum and ask if he can help you with a replacement part. He was able to help several owners a while back with this same issue by offering a replacement portion of the op rod, but I'm not sure of his status now.

Rumor is that more of these rifles, to include spare parts, will be here in the future, but not sure when of if it is 100% going to happen (we've heard it before a few times). So you could wait to see if that happens and order already made fitting parts for the rifle then.

Sad this happened. But with time (and money) it can be fixed.

Isn't over yet.....

A very sincere thank you to all who replied. I really appreciate the help and advice. This firearm is way too awesome to give up on easily.

You all probably know this already, but.... it's kinda funny in a lame sort of way: I started with the first thing I could think of, contacting the PTR company. They were nice enough to respond, saying they had sold all MP44 parts to a company called Recon Ordinance. I just got off the phone with a guy there who told me it's "impossible" to find what we need. On top of that he was a total d*ck about the whole thing. So much for costumer service.....

Again, thanks for being so kind to a newbie. I'll keep at it and hope we can get this sucker back up and running.

For the record, and in keeping with the spirit of this forum, I'm not an expert by any means, but I love the Kar 98k. I spent about 5 years of my childhood in Germany, in German schools, and recognize and respect the Teutonic dedication to quality in manufacturing.