I was visiting with some guys at the Jefferson Barracks (Missouri) WW2 days last spring and had a chance to compare a rifle I built on a PTR44 rec. that's running original 44 parts with an unaltered PTR44 a guy had. He had his rifle field stripped and let me try my 44 carrier/bolt in his PTR. It dropped right in and locked up fine.Pete, I thought an original Bolt would not fit in a PTR44 receiver? (to large)
I was thinking the same Rommel. I was thinking it may be associated with shooting blanks.
This question is for "d dAY dOG", I know you have fired many rounds through your PTR 44 with very few problems.
And I was curious to know, does your PTR 44 show the same wear as timdp`s and Mrfarb`s? (as pictured below)
Actually the area that is damaged is towards the front rather than the rear where the metal is doubled due to the overlap of the seam where it is spot welded.From looking at the pics of the issues with the PTR receiver and the carrier falling through the bottom, makes me think do the PTR receivers have the reinforcing steel in the bottom of the receivers like originals do? Seems that this would help keep the carrier from falling out the bottom.
Also anyone know where I can find a new MP44 barrel? US made preferred. Or know where I can get one made?
So we looked at the jamming problem a bit more and found that the problem is with metal deformation on the bottom of the receiver near the trigger group hinge point. Not visible in the photo are metal shavings from where the bolt was wearing on the receiver. Note the location of the bolt in the jammed position. From the top this corresponds to the front face of the bolt being halfway across the top of the mag with the round being halfway stripped from the mag.
In the photo below the side walls were bulged out a small amount at the points where the red arrows are. The bulge was flattened with a pair of angle jaw pliers with not serrated jaws. The two ears marked with green arrows here tapped down a bit with a brass punch. No idea how permanent this repair is but the gun did not jam once during a 30 round mag dump of blanks.
Like I posted earlier, welding a piece in then cutting out the area for the hammer to clear would probably be a permanent repair.
Yup, will probably end up doing that, but the next battle is two weeks away. Testing to destruction is always fun....;-)
On a different note...
Latest and greatest PTR44 on GB...
The mags. are repros. but have surface rust? Reenactor...? Dunno, but as always, it should be interesting to watch the results.
But this one being offered by Recon has been out for weeks and NO bites. Not surprising given the description though...
However, I did see a PTR44 sell for $9500 that was CA compliant with some good extras and work done on it by John Andrewski a while back...
Pump up the value !!!![]()
Hi. What modell s of the SSD Guns Woud be popular in us? . If we produce them in us, what modell s do you want? . Thanks fore Any reply. Dingo.
Hi. What modell s of the SSD Guns Woud be popular in us? . If we produce them in us, what modell s do you want? . Thanks fore Any reply. Dingo.