PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

So... this is where all the guys went from Gk43...:googlie Nice to see some familiar posters here. I was sad when all our years of accumulated data on the PTR44 disappeared. I'm sure certain posters here can chime in on the people who are new to the rifle and need info. I, for one, have no probem commenting/complaining about this rifle. Teehee

Nice to see you back D Day, how are things in the frozen north these days!?!
So... this is where all the guys went from Gk43...:googlie Nice to see some familiar posters here. I was sad when all our years of accumulated data on the PTR44 disappeared. I'm sure certain posters here can chime in on the people who are new to the rifle and need info. I, for one, have no probem commenting/complaining about this rifle. Teehee

Who let the Dawg in... Glad to have you here. They mods here were nice enough to create extra space for people with sheet metal rifles. Are you still looking for 8mm Kurz ammo? I've found a place selling FNM, which is actually made by Partizan with a custom head stamp and sealed primer.
So... this is where all the guys went from Gk43...:googlie Nice to see some familiar posters here. I was sad when all our years of accumulated data on the PTR44 disappeared. I'm sure certain posters here can chime in on the people who are new to the rifle and need info. I, for one, have no probem commenting/complaining about this rifle. Teehee

Hi Doug, I started posting here before the G43 Forum went Blank. I had a feeling things were going down hill, nothing like a fresh start.:laugh:

Who let the Dawg in... Glad to have you here. They mods here were nice enough to create extra space for people with sheet metal rifles. Are you still looking for 8mm Kurz ammo? I've found a place selling FNM, which is actually made by Partizan with a custom head stamp and sealed primer.

I found some online a month back and then let my buddy convince me to reload for the rifle instead. It was much cheaper to buy the powder, primers and bullets and then "make the brass" :) so to speak as I shoot up the 2000K rounds of Prvi I initially bought for the gun. I've heard that the FNM is good stuff tho.
Hi Doug, I started posting here before the G43 Forum went Blank. I had a feeling things were going down hill, nothing like a fresh start.:laugh:


Daaaaave. What's been up, bud? I noticed it starting to go down too, but have been so busy at work and on vacation that I didn't see it gone until the plug was pulled.

Not the right place to post this BUT - I might be looking at a K98 purchase from an old grade school friend of mine some day who has original WW2 bring backs that are in excellent condition and (he claims) completely matching - including the bolt. He is to get some pics of the guns and then send them to me. I'll post them here accordingly when I get them.

Yes Darivs...unbelievably, they did. If they only knew... :laugh:

Hey... Check out the latest and greatest PTR44 sale on GB...

With all the extras, I wonder if I could get $9K for mine now with all the fixings? hmmm...

Too rich for me at the moment. Got debts from fixing up the house. Really wanted a PTR-44, before they started importing them. By the time they did, I had enough money saved to buy an original MP-44, which is what I currently have.
Everytime I see one sell on GB it makes me want to go out and shoot my Baby. lol
I guess it was worth fixing all the problems.:happy0180:

Everytime I see one sell on GB it makes me want to go out and shoot my Baby. lol
I guess it was worth fixing all the problems.:happy0180:


To me it was. The waiting from 45 yrs. ago seeing the rifle on "Battle of the Bulge" - then occasionally seeing one in military comic books I read as a kid - and then seeing them on various military shows on cable TV made me want one real bad. Then in '07 I bothered to start internet researching to possibly purchase new WW2 reproduction firearms - I may have missed the boat. First it was Mullinex in '07 - then I.O. in '08-'09 - and finally PTR and Recon in '09. Almost 3 yrs. And I'll bet Gewehr Werks won't be bringing them in anytime soon either. Sad too... I was looking forward to having a real source for spare parts finally.
Picked this up when they were available. Pretty neat rifle, people have had a lot of issues with them breaking the ears from op rods and such, so much so that Recon Ordnance has started making new bolts and other parts. I wish SSD would ship some replacement parts in. I'm having an issue with mine at the moment, the bolt hangs up in the receiver and jams.

Mine just started jamming like yours. You might want to take a look at the end of the lever from the trigger group that extends into the receiver and bears on the op rod. Mine appears to be worn off at a 45 degree angle and there seems to be corresponding wear on the op rod. Going to get parts welded back up to spec tomorrow and will take pics.

Who has also replaced his op rod with an original op rod after the ears broke off.
Mine just started jamming like yours. You might want to take a look at the end of the lever from the trigger group that extends into the receiver and bears on the op rod. Mine appears to be worn off at a 45 degree angle and there seems to be corresponding wear on the op rod. Going to get parts welded back up to spec tomorrow and will take pics.

Who has also replaced his op rod with an original op rod after the ears broke off.

I did.
