Mine just started jamming like yours. You might want to take a look at the end of the lever from the trigger group that extends into the receiver and bears on the op rod. Mine appears to be worn off at a 45 degree angle and there seems to be corresponding wear on the op rod. Going to get parts welded back up to spec tomorrow and will take pics.
So we looked at the jamming problem a bit more and found that the problem is with metal deformation on the bottom of the receiver near the trigger group hinge point. Not visible in the photo are metal shavings from where the bolt was wearing on the receiver. Note the location of the bolt in the jammed position. From the top this corresponds to the front face of the bolt being halfway across the top of the mag with the round being halfway stripped from the mag.
In the photo below the side walls were bulged out a small amount at the points where the red arrows are. The bulge was flattened with a pair of angle jaw pliers with not serrated jaws. The two ears marked with green arrows here tapped down a bit with a brass punch. No idea how permanent this repair is but the gun did not jam once during a 30 round mag dump of blanks.