PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44


Hopefully you'll be a fellow and let us know a couple months in advance before you start selling these so those of us that purchased a PTR44 for investment can get out from under them before the value is destroyed. Sorry for sounding selfish but right now that's where I'm at, some of us paid a lot to get a toe in the door and it would seem you're about to slam it open heh..

Are your guns going to be the same price, more expensive? I know you mentioned you don't know the exact price but you can hopefully give us a guesstimate on range.

Thanks for your response.

That's silly talk. I, for one, will be perfectly happy if the monetary value on ours drops. That just means there are more out there for people to enjoy. And letting us know in advance so that we can essentially rob someone before they become plentiful is just wrong. You want to sell yours for big money so the buyer is left holding the bag. I had suspicions about you based on your posts on other forums and you have confirmed them. Your screen name is appropriate; you're in it for the money, not the community. You're now in the fat scotty and jerry at recon ord. category in my book. Shame on you sir. I had thought about buying from you in the past but will never buy from now you even if you are selling something at half value.
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That's silly talk. I, for one, will be perfectly happy if the monetary value on ours drops. That just means there are more out there for people to enjoy. And letting us know in advance so that we can essentially rob someone before they become plentiful is just wrong. You want to sell yours for big money so the buyer is left holding the bag. I had suspicions about you based on your posts on other forums and you have confirmed them. Your screen name is appropriate; you're in it for the money, not the community. You're now in the fat scotty and jerry at recon ord. category in my book. Shame on you sir. I had thought about buying from you in the past but will never buy from now you even if you are selling something at half value.

Spoken like someone who is not living day to day right now struggling to pay the bills. Hopefully in the future I am too that wealthy.

"You're in it for the money."
You got me there, I did not become a dealer to save the starving people in Africa but to keep a roof over my families head.

"I thought about buying from you."
Sounds a lot like mom when you're a kid saying "I was going to take you to get ice cream but now that you've misbehaved it's not going to happen." Yeah right..

Love your judgmental presumptive attitude. Your name wouldn't happen to be Andy would it?
Best of luck to you.

I'm not trying to be rude with you. But you seem to have this image of me as some Gordon Geko screwing over the little guy.
Tonight like last night I'll sit up till 2am staring at the ceiling worrying about making it through next month.(as I'm sure a lot are). Imports have dried up, its not a lack of business but a lack of product. So when something that can destroy the value of one of the few expensive guns I own comes up, I get worried. I'm not like some of you guys who have roth IRAs and stock options or pensions.. Things like the PTR44 are my retirement plan and it worries me especially now when things are tight.

Not going to vent my BS problems any further but please don't be so quick to judge.
I recommend you sell your PTR44 right now and invest that 10~ish K in a Roth IRA in you and your spouses name.

A PTR44 is not a retirement plan. An NFA registered Mp44 is however, I have multiple for (in part) that reason in addition to multiple traditional investments. I recommend not investing in title 1 replicas.
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I recommend you sell your PTR44 right now and invest that 10~ish K in a Roth IRA in you and your spouses name.

A PTR44 is not a retirement plan. An NFA registered Mp44 is however, I have multiple for (in part) that reason in addition to multiple traditional investments. I recommend not investing in title 1 replicas.

Appreciate it. I may end up doing that. Lost a bit in 08 and am not exactly trusting of others with my money.

Do not want to drag the thread off topic, just felt an explanation was needed lest images of me in a ferrari counting hundred dollar bills as I cackle driving past poor people yelling "suckersssss" gets put in peoples minds. :facepalm:
It's a world of supply and demand and right now there is a chance for a new supply of mp44 clones. As long as the new supply remains pie in the sky, the PTR44 will hold value. From then on, the market will dictate the price and all of us -myself included- who didn't buy their rifles when they originally hit the market but second hand at a later point in time, will end up holding the bag. BFD.
I tried to convey this to some members while looking for a good MP44 or PTR44 barrel. They told me they bought the barrels as investment and would sell only if the price is right. Fine by me but with dingo putting more and more parts up for sale, I've already turned my back on the rusted $399.99 WW2 eBay butt stock ferrules long time ago and bought a $90 repro from dingo instead. It's such a faithful reproduction, I could probably toss it into my jacuzzi for a couple weeks and then sell it for $399.99 on eBay after light wire wheel treatment (just kidding).
Once dingo manages to get MP44 barrels stateside, some of the "investors" may have a rude awakening. Such is life.
Well come what may I have no intention of selling my PTR44. Yes I was one of the early ones to get one @$4300.00 however I had to sink another 2K into it to actually see it work correctly. Am I happy to see the value go down? No I'm not but on the bright side we will now have access to spare parts and I would love to get a new MP42(H):thumbsup:

Anyhow I'm in it for the long game come what may. One more thing on the new SSD guns, I will believe it when I see them for sale. Until that time they don't exist.

Reptile I would hold onto your PTR44, there is no guaranty these will actually ever come in and if they do they won't be cheap.
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Same company that told people three years ago "anticipate shipping within 2 months" and have been stringing people along ever since. I don't believe a word they say and personally feel they are taking peoples money to stay afloat while they do R&D. Again **PERSONAL opinion** as someone who had a preorder with them and then after 8 months of "2 months away" told them to go shove a stock up their rear.

Hi Ncreptile,

I can vouch 100% for Dingo, I have done numerous deals with him over several years and he is absolutely honest and faithful to the deal.

He won't take a penny from anyone until he knows he can deliver - he's put a lot of personal dollars into this deal and I hope it will fly with the BATf and he can get his business off the ground.

Unfortunately we all know certain letter bureaus can be complex and um, bureaucratic to deal with.
I too agree that Dingo is an excellent, honest person to deal with. He has gone more than out of his way to help me get my MP38c pistol running the way it should after it was "messed" with by a former owner. I also have one of the original SSD MP44's that I only had to do some work on the lockup to get to work every time. I have shot it at least 800 times with the only misfire being from bad old ammo. Harry
Hi Ncreptile,

I can vouch 100% for Dingo, I have done numerous deals with him over several years and he is absolutely honest and faithful to the deal.

He won't take a penny from anyone until he knows he can deliver - he's put a lot of personal dollars into this deal and I hope it will fly with the BATf and he can get his business off the ground.

Unfortunately we all know certain letter bureaus can be complex and um, bureaucratic to deal with.

I was referencing HMG. Same story with them that many others have, too many promises made and none of them kept. Saved the emails just in case one of them ever dares show their face on a forum to debate their "2 months away" BS.

Dingo on the other hand, I've heard nothing but good things about.
It's a world of supply and demand and right now there is a chance for a new supply of mp44 clones. As long as the new supply remains pie in the sky, the PTR44 will hold value. From then on, the market will dictate the price and all of us -myself included- who didn't buy their rifles when they originally hit the market but second hand at a later point in time, will end up holding the bag. BFD.
I tried to convey this to some members while looking for a good MP44 or PTR44 barrel. They told me they bought the barrels as investment and would sell only if the price is right. Fine by me but with dingo putting more and more parts up for sale, I've already turned my back on the rusted $399.99 WW2 eBay butt stock ferrules long time ago and bought a $90 repro from dingo instead. It's such a faithful reproduction, I could probably toss it into my jacuzzi for a couple weeks and then sell it for $399.99 on eBay after light wire wheel treatment (just kidding).
Once dingo manages to get MP44 barrels stateside, some of the "investors" may have a rude awakening. Such is life.

I was one of those guys looking for a stock ferule to replace the cracked aluminum Shoei repro I had on my MP44 and was tempted to buy one of those rusty ground dug ones that pop up on ebay. Then bought one from dingo and love it. It fits great and now my gun doesn't wobble at the buttstock.
Thank you for the support guys, 10 round MP44 magazines are now in stock. These magazines are made in completely new stamp dies, and tested in 5 different original MP44/STG type of rifles. In one of the rifles the magazines was a little tight, but they worked fine. They might still be a little to tight on some original rifles. We are working on completely new dies for the new guns, and for new 30 round magazines. I post this here so you will have time to get magazines first, I think these will go quickly. D
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Thank you for the support guys, 10 round MP44 magazines are now in stock. These magazines are made in completely new stamp dies, and tested in 5 different original MP44/STG type of rifles. In one of the rifles the magazines was a little tight, but they worked fine. We are working on completely new dies for the new guns, and for new 30 round magazines. I post this here so you will have time to get magazines first, I think these will go quickly. D

Awesome Dingo... You're worth every prop since you kick solid A!!
Ordered my 10 rounder today too !!! Haven't bought anything for this rifle in quite some time - thank God. LOL Looking forward to receiving it and testing it at the range.

I have to admit that I was initially a doubter about whether or not dingo was genuine, but I have since seen the proof. He has made good on helping us fix these guns and provide a better product in whatever way he realistically could. I eat any word or comment I may have said about whether or not his venture was vaporware or a fishing expedition for interest. Dingo is 100% genuine and he is making every effort to appease the MP44 enthusiasts by bringing in the rifles we love and the greatly needed parts for us poor PTR (PTR stands for "Pain in The a$$ Rifle") 44 owners. LOL Just keep bringing in the parts we need buddy !!!

I too don't find it particularly desirable to see the value of my PTR go down as I've put well over $10,000 into mine. IMO it is still somewhat speculative they will drop that much with less than 200 PTR44s in the country. But … it would be nice to see an excellent product hit American markets that can stand up to the extensive amount of use that we here in the USA put our Tat Tat toys through. Who knows, the pending samples may not get approved at all and then the values will go up.

Keep up the great work dingo !!! :thumbsup:
Ordered my 10 rounder today too !!! Haven't bought anything for this rifle in quite some time - thank God. LOL Looking forward to receiving it and testing it at the range.

I have to admit that I was initially a doubter about whether or not dingo was genuine, but I have since seen the proof. He has made good on helping us fix these guns and provide a better product in whatever way he realistically could. I eat any word or comment I may have said about whether or not his venture was vaporware or a fishing expedition for interest. Dingo is 100% genuine and he is making every effort to appease the MP44 enthusiasts by bringing in the rifles we love and the greatly needed parts for us poor PTR (PTR stands for "Pain in The a$$ Rifle") 44 owners. LOL Just keep bringing in the parts we need buddy !!!

I too don't find it particularly desirable to see the value of my PTR go down as I've put well over $10,000 into mine. IMO it is still somewhat speculative they will drop that much with less than 200 PTR44s in the country. But … it would be nice to see an excellent product hit American markets that can stand up to the extensive amount of use that we here in the USA put our Tat Tat toys through. Who knows, the pending samples may not get approved at all and then the values will go up.

Keep up the great work dingo !!! :thumbsup:

You still got money? Didn't your little lady skin you down to the bare bones? Or did you two have a good make up "session"?