PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44


It's a Kommiefornia thing. The crooks running the state of CA first declared any centerfire rifle having a pistol grip and a detachable magazine an "Assault Weapon", then set a deadline for build date (December 2016) and another one for AW registration date (June 2018). Past the registration deadline, your rifle either needed to be "featureless" (i.e. adding a dumb looking shark fin to the grip to prevent clutching the grip) or converted to "fixed magazine" (you need to pop the action open in order to be able to eject the mag) or you need to get rid of the rifle altogether.

With the delay in production at HMG, apparently some Kommiefornia buyers convinced HMG to send them unfinished but serialized receivers so they could DROS the receivers before the build date deadline, then send the registered receiver back to HMG and have it completed into a rifle before the AW registration deadline. This did not work out as the registration deadline passed without HMG delivering. As the AW registration required submitting pictures of the entire rifle, but no completed rifle existed, the owners now have to write off the idea of having a HMG StG44 in AW configuration. Instead, they have to receive the rifle from HMG in either featureless or fixed magazine configuration. The auction doesn't state this.

Epic fail.[/QUOTE
Good info re my question about that receiver. Sad for the CA guys.
CA, a good place to be F R O M !
I’m just saying, HMG did very well with their reactive targets and their CETME-L kits. There was no reason to believe they would pork it wholesale on the STG clone. I don’t fault anyone for being excited about it. I fault HMG alone.

I personally enjoy Ian’s videos, and I don’t care if sprat thinks less of me for it. I also enjoy WG so whaddya gonna do.

he does, and anyone else for that matter
Finaly the custom are starting to release some stuff. First shipment of magazines came today, MP38,MP35 and FG42G mags.


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Man, I’d love to have one of these. I wanted one when they were offered in the past but they were just too expensive for me!
First batch of 10 round MP44 magazines are still in custom, hope they are coming in a few days. D
Tested som samples today, goes to ATF tomorrow.


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Yes, that's what I'm talking about! Good luck with the ATF.
Will you be offering BD44 spare barrels in the near future?
I am working on barrels, got approved import on 38 barrels and bolts. The barrel issue is difficult but I hope to find a way for the 44 to.
Dingo, do you have a price in mind for the bd44 or fg42 if approved for US sales? Are the fg42s being brought in too?
The rifle on the picture is BD43/1. I hope to have some with scope mounts and some without. I heve both 43/1 and 44 for approval. Price is not calculated yet, i hope that the government dont add the 25% tax increase on foreign metall / metall products that Trump was talking about.
I hope to bring inn all the modells of guns that we have. The FG s comes in next group i will submitt, unless the ATF banns all the 5 models i send now. If that happens, it is probebly no use in going forward in this project.
Hi. I wanted to let you know that a small batch of 10 round 44 mags are coming inn next week. I will keep the website open for 1 more month, before I go back to Europe to wait for the ATF evaluations on the guns.
Best of luck! How long are the evaluations expected to take? Despite these having been approved and available on the US market in the past, I suppose that has no bearing on this batch?
Best of luck! How long are the evaluations expected to take? Despite these having been approved and available on the US market in the past, I suppose that has no bearing on this batch?

The ATF say 60-90 days, but last time it tok 6 months. Thy have changed the laws since the last time they where approved.

Hopefully you'll be a fellow and let us know a couple months in advance before you start selling these so those of us that purchased a PTR44 for investment can get out from under them before the value is destroyed. Sorry for sounding selfish but right now that's where I'm at, some of us paid a lot to get a toe in the door and it would seem you're about to slam it open heh..

Are your guns going to be the same price, more expensive? I know you mentioned you don't know the exact price but you can hopefully give us a guesstimate on range.

Thanks for your response.
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Hi. I was tipped off about a livestream posted by HMG yesterday. HMG stated that they had been in contact with SSD/D-K Production group about working together on MP44 project. I can say that HMG have never been in contact with anyone in SSD or D-K Production, so the statement was incorrect. If HMG have been in contact with anyone, there are non in these 2 companies. We have never tried to contact HMG, and we have no desire to do so. The prices they was talking about is completely taken out of the air, since they are not calculated yet. Export from Germany is also not a problem, we now have 5 samples on the way from Germany that are going to ATF. Just wanted to point this out to you guys!. Dingo

Same company that told people three years ago "anticipate shipping within 2 months" and have been stringing people along ever since. I don't believe a word they say and personally feel they are taking peoples money to stay afloat while they do R&D. Again **PERSONAL opinion** as someone who had a preorder with them and then after 8 months of "2 months away" told them to go shove a stock up their rear.