PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

Hi. I was tipped off about a livestream posted by HMG yesterday. HMG stated that they had been in contact with SSD/D-K Production group about working together on MP44 project. I can say that HMG have never been in contact with anyone in SSD or D-K Production, so the statement was incorrect. If HMG have been in contact with anyone, there are non in these 2 companies. We have never tried to contact HMG, and we have no desire to do so. The prices they was talking about is completely taken out of the air, since they are not calculated yet. Export from Germany is also not a problem, we now have 5 samples on the way from Germany that are going to ATF. Just wanted to point this out to you guys!. Dingo

Watch it @ [video][/video] around 32:30 minutes.
In the video, one of the dudes says "What do I know, I'm an idiot. I don't know nuthin about nuthin." No one can say they are completely dishonest.
I bet they weren’t ready for how much it actually takes to bring a new firearm to market while pretending to have things under control, drinking black rifle coffee and vaping.

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The HMG STG44 does exist!

But then again, so do farting unicorns (says Elon Musk):
What is anyone suppose to do with that receiver? Only fits parts that don’t exist and doesn’t even look like the real thing.
What is anyone suppose to do with that receiver? Only fits parts that don’t exist and doesn’t even look like the real thing.

Details.. details. What's with all the negative waves? It's a beautiful receiver. :googlie
Details.. details. What's with all the negative waves? It's a beautiful receiver. :googlie

I actually wouldn’t take your post with too much sarcasm if a trunnion was included...then one would “only” need a $10K shop setup to machine and pin a barrel, drop in an HK trigger pack. Of course then you’d still be missing the gas tube, hand guard, front sight base, bolt and carrier. God bless HMG for their aspirations but at this point they’re an embarrassment to American entrepreneurs.
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I actually wouldn’t take your post with too much sarcasm if a trunnion was included...then one would “only” need a $10K shop setup to machine and pin a barrel, drop in an HK trigger pack. Of course then you’d still be missing the gas tube, hand guard, front sight base, bolt and carrier. God bless HMG for their aspirations but at this point they’re an embarrassment to American entrepreneurs.

Yes, pure sarcasm. I also believe they had the best of intentions. But maybe I'm just naive?
Yes, pure sarcasm. I also believe they had the best of intentions. But maybe I'm just naive?

I want Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons to make another video with them where they once more claim the Germans shimmed the MP44 locking shoulder with lead strips to correct head space.
lead shims????

I want Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons to make another video with them where they once more claim the Germans shimmed the MP44 locking shoulder with lead strips to correct head space.

Glad you saw that too. I know I commented on it. Ian HAS to know better I'd think. Hard to know where that nugget of info came from.
Wonder where that came from. Did anyone read the description? Buy the thing for 1.5 K or whatever, get from FFL it's sent to, send to HMG for a build. W T F ??
C'mon Dingo, get those flats in country.

It's a Kommiefornia thing. The crooks running the state of CA first declared any centerfire rifle having a pistol grip and a detachable magazine an "Assault Weapon", then set a deadline for build date (December 2016) and another one for AW registration date (June 2018). Past the registration deadline, your rifle either needed to be "featureless" (i.e. adding a dumb looking shark fin to the grip to prevent clutching the grip) or converted to "fixed magazine" (you need to pop the action open in order to be able to eject the mag) or you need to get rid of the rifle altogether.

With the delay in production at HMG, apparently some Kommiefornia buyers convinced HMG to send them unfinished but serialized receivers so they could DROS the receivers before the build date deadline, then send the registered receiver back to HMG and have it completed into a rifle before the AW registration deadline. This did not work out as the registration deadline passed without HMG delivering. As the AW registration required submitting pictures of the entire rifle, but no completed rifle existed, the owners now have to write off the idea of having a HMG StG44 in AW configuration. Instead, they have to receive the rifle from HMG in either featureless or fixed magazine configuration. The auction doesn't state this.

Epic fail.
here we go the HMG abortion, it has Ian's finger prints all over it ( see the promo vid)

I had a running duel with the owners of this site over at Weaponsguild a few years back over this abortion. better yet, was the fact Ian could not defend himself as he is banned from WG. smart website. There is a lot I can say about Ian but mom always said if you cant say anything nice do not say anything.
when I see someone re-post Ian videos, I already the skill level of the person posting

I wished and I expressed this with the owners of HMG that they shift gears and go traditional MP-44. they claimed they had a better/ more versatile product

oh well as Pete said Dingo get those flats out
I’m just saying, HMG did very well with their reactive targets and their CETME-L kits. There was no reason to believe they would pork it wholesale on the STG clone. I don’t fault anyone for being excited about it. I fault HMG alone.

I personally enjoy Ian’s videos, and I don’t care if sprat thinks less of me for it. I also enjoy WG so whaddya gonna do.