PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

Holly PTR44, Batman !!! :faint: Hey there all you PTR44 Club Members … check out what Rock Island Auction just sold a PTR44 for with only 6 mags, a missing front sight hood, and reproduction sling and mag. pouches … Oh, and the "scarce" instruction manual !!! WOOHOO !!! :happy0180:

And to all those nay sayers out there who said these rifles will never hold a value … :moon: :laugh:

Wow, $13.8k. Now nobody can argue that the economy isn't doing well with this kind of money being spent on a $6k rifle. You might think the bidder could get a dewat or a transferable class 3 for not too much more than this repro. But then again he may not live in a state that allows C3 weapons so this is as close as he would get to one.
I wonder if that price includes the 18% buyers fee. LOL

I would never deal with RIA. At least on GB one can find an occasional deal.
After all the trouble I had getting my PTR44 to run correctly there is no way I would sell it.
I don't care If Dingo ever gets them imported and bring's the price down to 5K again.
Besides what would I spend the 10 -12K on anyway??? Another Gun that's not as cool as what I sold. :googlie
After all the trouble I had getting my PTR44 to run correctly there is no way I would sell it.
I don't care If Dingo ever gets them imported and bring's the price down to 5K again.
Besides what would I spend the 10 -12K on anyway??? Another Gun that's not as cool as what I sold. :googlie

Sell it and buy a dewat with that kind of cash!
After all the trouble I had getting my PTR44 to run correctly there is no way I would sell it.
I don't care If Dingo ever gets them imported and bring's the price down to 5K again.
Besides what would I spend the 10 -12K on anyway??? Another Gun that's not as cool as what I sold. :googlie

After all the trouble I had getting my PTR44 to run correctly there is no way I would sell it.
I don't care If Dingo ever gets them imported and bring's the price down to 5K again.
Besides what would I spend the 10 -12K on anyway??? Another Gun that's not as cool as what I sold. :googlie

^^^^^^ A-men guys !!! This is the most accurate statement I have seen about this rifle. What's more cooler than an STG44? I've owned dozens of military or "assault" rifles in various configurations. When you can say that you have the 1st "assault" rifle (albeit a copy), what beats that ? … Only an original STG44 IMO … :biggrin1:
^^^^^^ A-men guys !!! This is the most accurate statement I have seen about this rifle. What's more cooler than an STG44? I've owned dozens of military or "assault" rifles in various configurations. When you can say that you have the 1st "assault" rifle (albeit a copy), what beats that ? … Only an original STG44 IMO … :biggrin1:

+1 Correct D-Day.

For me nothing comes close and unless Dingo comes through nothing ever will.

Pictures from 4 or 5 years ago but you get the idea. PTR44 Cool factor blows them all away.
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there's one for sale now on gb the bidding is up to 6 k the seller I believe is a known reviewer from AK forum or files and few other sites.

interested to see the final bid
$8,125.00 was the winning bid. I should say these replicas has gone way up in value, a good investment!

I think if he sold it with some extras it would have gone for more. To me 8K is the new base price for these Guns not 6K.

Bottom line is it's far and away a better deal than what the guy on Rock Island had to pay and that PTR44 was missing the sight hood.
Granted that rifle came with some extra Mags/pouch/sling and original ptr manual.
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$8,125.00 was the winning bid. I should say these replicas has gone way up in value, a good investment!

Don't say that.. At best you'll have someone correct you saying these don't make wise investments, at worst you'll be told you only live for making money. :facepalm:

Sarcasm aside, unless Dingo gets his imported which with the wonderful ATF I don't give it good odds, they will continue to be good investments IF kept in decent shape. I've seen a couple people scuffed up for reenactment and cringed.(Don't ask for a source this has been a year+ since seeing).

Misha(the seller) is a good guy and some sort of surplus Jedi.. The guy soaks in information and does not forget it which makes those of us who do forget stuff feel like complete idiots in comparison. The buyer will be very happy with that rifle.
I never would have found it were it not for you buddy. I owe you a dinner you know.

Hey, I wanna go to dinner too guys !!! :happy0180: I'm definitely gonna plan a trip one day to simply hang out with my internet brothers (Model, Wilhelm and Frye Daddy) :barf: :moon: … maybe we'll shoot a few guns though. :bump2:

From what I've seen, I'd agree on the consensus for $8K as a reasonable base price. From there, add on anything beyond the rifle, a couple mags. and a sling. After all, if no more than the 150 "working rifles" ever get in … well … then only a 150 will ever be here. :biggrin1: