DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

If a dealer is not an intentional serial monger of fakes and honors a lifetime guarantee of authenticity he's a good dealer. That's far different from being in league with a lid humper and/or knowingly peddling $7500 airbrushed humpjobs as original, manipulating the knowledge base to do that, and refusing to honor COAs.

Well, I suggest any and all who have an issue go the web site SS steel. The site seems to be quite busy and has lots to choose from. Some items listed as sold. He isn't hiding and his email is listed. HAVE @ IT. Go to the source. Don't just stomp your feet here and hope something happens.

I see NO sham-pain-ruin helmets listed for sale ???? Odd.. ? Also I got a kick out of an NS m42 S.D. where he actually gives M45's book a free infomercial and Quotes it outright to defend it.

Go to the site ask the question. " I have a helmet with your COA and someone told me its fake". Id love to hear the response..
Well, I suggest any and all who have an issue go the web site SS steel. The site seems to be quite busy and has lots to choose from. Some items listed as sold. He isn't hiding and his email is listed. HAVE @ IT. Go to the source. Don't just stomp your feet here and hope something happens.

I see NO sham-pain-ruin helmets listed for sale ???? Odd.. ? Also I got a kick out of an NS m42 S.D. where he actually gives M45's book a free infomercial and Quotes it outright to defend it.

Go to the site ask the question. " I have a helmet with your COA and someone told me its fake". Id love to hear the response..

Don't "stomp your feet here and hope something happens"? What kind of comment is that really? So one should go to a dealer site and do what exactly? How long do you think that would remain uncensored? So your recommendation it pissing up a rope is a good idea? We This is a "discussion forum". It is for discussion. That is what is happening. If you don't like that, then perhaps you should move along. You've complained about the length of these threads, particularly XRFacts and the Shampain Rune threads, but both of those revealed much when your lid buddies at WAF were shutting things down. So, we have open discussion here. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you like making snide and snarky comments, go do it at WAF and GHW and watch what happens to you. Just because it's tolerated here, don't abuse the privilege.
Don't "stomp your feet here and hope something happens"? What kind of comment is that really? So one should go to a dealer site and do what exactly? How long do you think that would remain uncensored? So your recommendation it pissing up a rope is a good idea? We This is a "discussion forum". It is for discussion. That is what is happening. If you don't like that, then perhaps you should move along. You've complained about the length of these threads, particularly XRFacts and the Shampain Rune threads, but both of those revealed much when your lid buddies at WAF were shutting things down. So, we have open discussion here. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you like making snide and snarky comments, go do it at WAF and GHW and watch what happens to you. Just because it's tolerated here, don't abuse the privilege.

Im giving you the web address and it has an email for Hicks. Send him an email stating your disgust and Tell him you have a sham-pain-ruin helmet you want to return... Screen print and post the response Id love to read it !!!!

Rambling on here will get no where IHMO as we have all read it and continue to do so. Go to the source and let us know how you make out. :thumbsup:
Im giving you the web address and it has an email for Hicks. Send him an email stating your disgust and Tell him you have a sham-pain-ruin helmet you want to return... Screen print and post the response Id love to read it !!!!

Rambling on here will get no where IHMO as we have all read it and continue to do so. Go to the source and let us know how you make out. :thumbsup:

If you'd really like to read a Hicks response, then why don't you send him an email and post the response?

You likely wouldn't get a response.

These threads are useful, especially when they remain active for a long time. If you don't think they are effective, ask you buddy Hicks what he thinks about these threads.
Im giving you the web address and it has an email for Hicks. Send him an email stating your disgust and Tell him you have a sham-pain-ruin helmet you want to return... Screen print and post the response Id love to read it !!!!

Rambling on here will get no where IHMO as we have all read it and continue to do so. Go to the source and let us know how you make out. :thumbsup:

Or go pound sand or piss up a rope. :thumbsup: While your suggestions are certainly interesting (and ridiculous), the fact is that we have a forum here, its ours, and we can post here and discuss things openly and without censorship whether that makes you happy or sad. My advice, again, is instead of whining about the length of threads, don't read them and certainly don't post in them whining about them because, ironically, that only makes them longer, which is what evidently makes you sad or frustrated. This site is obviously not well thought of in your other circles where you do your thing, buying and selling, and vetting to buy and sell. Why should we have to go anywhere to post just to be censored and banned when we have a great, open, uncensored and transparent forum here? Why waste time composing an email to be deleted or ignored when Mr. Hicks is welcome here any time to address whatever he likes?

Here's a better idea: Why don't you invite your lid GOB buddies who whine and moan about our discussions in a censored environment to come here and discuss it in an open and uncensored one? Don't you think that is what a man does? They never do that, and why do you think that is? Better yet, if you are concerned about Hicks and his perceptions, invite him here to openly post them. Don't you think that makes more sense than composing emails and sending them to get deleted or attempted to post things which constantly get deleted?
If you'd really like to read a Hicks response, then why don't you send him an email and post the response?

You likely wouldn't get a response.

These threads are useful, especially when they remain active for a long time. If you don't think they are effective, ask you buddy Hicks what he thinks about these threads.

Hicks is no friend of mine. I have only made acquaintance once or twice at shows we both frequent. I cant help that. I just went on the SS steel web-site more out of curiosity and as a scouting mission.

As he seems to be at the center of this controversy I see no adverse effects to him or his site. Other than there are NO sham-pain-ruin helmets being sold. He seems to have a boat load of inventory WAY overprices and some Items marked as sold.

This thread has been productive to the point as its kept it front and center. This is only for our members who are small in numbers compared to the rest world wide web. I was asking the obvious question what would happen if someone asked him for a refund real or otherwise ????

I also find it laughable he uses M45's book to justify a helmet he is selling. The same book that condemns his sham-pain rune approved air brushed fakes.. Not much mention of that on his site..
Hmmmmmm...... tjg, you are not going to find posts of anyone mentioning a "Grand Plan" other than myself. That is my own term for this whole C-SS mess.

I knew that. I don't get the impression that Doug B was involved in any "Grand Plan" to promote the legitimacy of the C-SS lid. I think that he sincerely believed they were legit, because his former trusted lid collecting buddy, the God of Lids, pronounced them legit. Your term for this whole C-SS mess involves a high degree of speculation to the point that I think it could be characterized as a "stretch" or over-reach.

DougB promoted the authenticity of C-SS by his numerous posts describing it as "textbook". Once the term 'champagne' became a dirty word, he said that he preferred to call it the 'NS-SS decal', obviously to attempt to maintain legitimacy. (Notice that he repeatedly referred to C-SS as a "decal" even though he was looking at it under magnification, the same C-SS we saw in the 'Mythbusting' thread that showed all of its painted faults so clearly.)

Doug B was correct. These C-SS lids were "textbook" examples of what was published in the Lid collector's bible. Just about everyone thought they were decals, although some described some of them as decals that looked spray-on. Just as with any TR item, some C-SS lids were likely considered fakes, but prior to your lot number study, very few were claiming they were all fakes, because that would've been blasphemy and disrespectful towards the God of lids.

If you go back and re-read this thread with all of the DougB's posts as I asked, you will find much of what you are looking for.

I know what Doug B posted on this forum and on GB about five years ago. Initially, Doug B was a believer in XRF lid testing and very close to the proponents, but he was able to sort the facts from the fiction. From all the Doug B posts I've read, I see a guy that was a serious lid collector with a learning curve that put a lot of faith in his reference books. That faith was eventually shaken, because the reference books were wrong. Doug B's flip on XRF and C-SS indicates to me that Doug B has integrity. I think he realizes he was mislead or fooled and he possesses the intellect to realize what happened.

Doug was a gung-ho supporter of Kelly's books, no doubt about that. He only conducted his 'investigations' after the lot# book showed him that the game was over for C-SS

Doug B admits all of that. He admits that the lot number study and the WAF ZAM C-SS thread caused him to question C-SS lid legitimacy after believing they were lid bible textbook examples. Doug B posted to the ZAM C-SS thread, and I'm sure he now regrets those posts. The effects of facts and evidence are not always instantaneous with everyone.

It's common knowledge that you and Doug B had a falling out some time ago over the C-SS lid issue and other issues involving the collection of lot number data. Hence, I detect a strong bias in your posts when you discuss Doug B. But, Doug B has admitted he was wrong, changed his opinion and apologized to you personally.

I think Doug B was one of the good guys in the lid collecting hobby. He's contributed some very good information. If he's quit the hobby for good, that's not good news for the honest members of the lid collecting community. It's good news for the lid GOBs. The lid hobby needs all the honest members concerned with legit versus fake.
Hicks is no friend of mine. I have only made acquaintance once or twice at shows we both frequent. I cant help that. I just went on the SS steel web-site more out of curiosity and as a scouting mission.

As he seems to be at the center of this controversy I see no adverse effects to him or his site. Other than there are NO sham-pain-ruin helmets being sold. He seems to have a boat load of inventory WAY overprices and some Items marked as sold.

This thread has been productive to the point as its kept it front and center. This is only for our members who are small in numbers compared to the rest world wide web. I was asking the obvious question what would happen if someone asked him for a refund real or otherwise ????

I also find it laughable he uses M45's book to justify a helmet he is selling. The same book that condemns his sham-pain rune approved air brushed fakes.. Not much mention of that on his site..

These K98k threads appear prominently in Google searches. They get maximum exposure. Hicks has bemoaned the "gunboards" threads and the effect they had on his beloved XRF testing. It's amusing to read Hicks bemoaning the effectiveness of gun collectors slamming the lid gurus and beating them at their own game.
Mauser99, why do you think we should stop our discussion here and go to a site where we know we will be censored and silenced? That's ridiculous, and begs the question of why you would suggest it. It serves no purpose. We have a perfectly good forum here to discuss these things and anyone can join in. You know they delete and censor at WAF, GHW, and WR, where you hang out. What kind of discussions do you see there? Post a link to one of those insightful discussions on the CRSS here. Now, go to WAF and post links to OUR discussions there. How quick was that censored? :laugh: Are they transparent and comprehensive like the discussions here? If someone wants to see both sides, the truth, transparency, is it better to have such discussions here, or there?

Mauser99, the honest, intelligent question is not your question of why we don't go there, but why don't they come here to discuss these issues? Have your lid GOB buddies ever come here to defend, deny, or dispute? Why not? Do you ever post up at WAF and challenge them to come here and discuss their issues? A better idea would be for you to ask them that. Invite them here and ask them why they are afraid to discuss their positions on an open and uncensored forum. Why do you think that is?

I think Doug B was one of the good guys in the lid collecting hobby. He's contributed some very good information. If he's quit the hobby for good, that's not good news for the honest members of the lid collecting community. It's good news for the lid GOBs. The lid hobby needs all the honest members concerned with legit versus fake.

I agree.
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--- A rather impulsive and poor decision. MAGICDUTCHMAN

I like you sir, but how dare you slander Doug in a thread in his honor.

Shame on you.

I will NOT put up for any further negative comments about Doug.

My finger is on the ban button and I'm itching to press it.

PLEASE go for it and make my day.

--- It is a bit like the kid in the park playing with his mates - 'it's my ball and i'm going home'.


Neil, it disgusts me that you would post this in a thread intended to honor Doug.

If you don't like it, pi$$ off. (ROY A)

The GHW forum may now have new owners but it has the same bull$hit controls that were in place when King DougB was running the place. Members absolutely SHALL NOT say anything we don't like.

A rather impulsive and poor decision. MAGICDUTCHMAN

EXTREMELY mild, my friend. I would say there is no equal to it being absolutely the worst decision ever made on a helmet forum. Extremely selfish, without the slightest care about collectors to rip the heart out of a forum like that.

It is a bit like the kid in the park playing with his mates - 'it's my ball and i'm going home' Neil.

It is a very slight bit like that, Neil. But I would equate it more like the kid playing inside of a large playhouse with his mates when the kid takes his toys out and then burns the playhouse down around the ears of his mates. His mates are sitting there wide-eyed covered with soot wondering 'what in the hell just happened?'


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Yes, you and Walter B were arguing against the legitimacy of the CSS lid when Doug B was defending them, but he changed his opinion based on the evidence. Your lot number study was strong evidence of the CSS lids being fakes. Doug B was slow to get on board, but he did get on board and provided additional evidence that they are all fakes. I have to give Doug B some credit for changing his opinion. If everyone would change their opinions based on evidence and facts, we'd be a lot further along. Changing your opinion based on evidence is a good thing. It's the scientific method in action.

DougB was slow to do a lot of things. He was slow to tell us what he really saw when he was looking at C-SS under loupes and magnification. For years he said nothing about the over-spray beyond masked areas, the fuzzy lines where spray when underneath templates, inconsistent shield breaks and points showing custom template work, inconsistent borders showing custom template work, inconsistent runic dimensions showing custom template work, repetitive hack marks and pock marks showing the fake wear, flaking paint on shields and borders, the paint rubbed/worn off of shields down to factory paint, etc...

Did DougB tell us anything like that during 2005 - later 2015 ? NO.

So what was DougB telling us about C-SS ? He was consistently referring to C-SS as a DECAL with a similar if not the same construction as a Pocher SS DECAL, and as a DECAL with clear period pulver and base construction. He even told us that there was PLENTY of period photographic evidence to support C-SS DECALS.

He would often vet C-SS with something like: "Textbook Champagne DECAL!".

Later, when C-SS was coming under increased scrutiny, he though that C-SS was a private purchase DECAL found mainly on hkp M42s and NS M35s.

When the term 'Champagne' became a dirty word, DougB said he preferred to call it the 'NS-SS DECAL'.

WHY do you think he did this? I think because it was part of his and Kelly's Grand Plan for widespread C-SS acceptance.
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DougB was slow to do a lot of things. He was slow to tell us what he really saw when he was looking at C-SS under loupes and magnification. For years he said nothing about the over-spray beyond masked areas, the fuzzy lines where spray when underneath templates, inconsistent shield breaks and points showing custom template work, inconsistent borders showing custom template work, repetitive hack marks and pock marks showing the fake wear, flaking paint on shields and borders, the paint rubbed/worn off of shields down to factory paint, etc...

Did DougB tell us anything like that during 2005 - later 2015 ? NO.

So what was DougB telling us about C-SS ? He was consistently referring to C-SS as a DECAL with a similar if not the same construction as a Pocher SS DECAL, and as a DECAL with clear period pulver and base construction. He even told us that there was PLENTY of period photographic evidence to support C-SS DECALS.

Later, when C-SS was coming under increased scrutiny, he though that C-SS was a private purchase DECAL found mainly on hkp M42s and NS M35s.

When the term 'Champagne' became a dirty word, DougB said he preferred to call it the 'NS-SS DECAL'.

WHY do you think he did this? I think because it was part of his and Kelly's Grand Plan for widespread C-SS acceptance.

I agree that the comment about "period photographic evidence" to support C-SS "decals" is flaky. They would have to be high resolution WWII color photographs to support that claim.
I agree that the comment about "period photographic evidence" to support C-SS "decals" is flaky. They would have to be high resolution WWII color photographs to support that claim.

Let's get this straight, tjg. The quote was PLENTY of period photographic evidence to support C-SS. That is not a "flaky" statement, it is a BLATANTLY FALSE statement.

Do you think my posts are negatively biased against DougB because of my censorship and banning ? There is such a thing as a positive bias you know. This is very possible due to the close friendships that DougB had with many of you. Friendships evoke emotions, and emotions are blind like love is blind. Is is possible that your close friendship with DougB is causing you be blinded to the facts of his past statements that you have nullified because he has "changed his ways" ?

You are telling me that a guy who used rare, original SS helmets for wall paper could not see a fake painted insignia under magnification from 2005 - late 2015 ? You think he was "fooled" by Kelly's books ? If DougB was as inept with SS helmets as you suggest (re: C-SS), then his walls would have been covered with fake SS helmets, not rare expensive originals.

Tjg, you are reminding me of the inept mother whose rotten, punk kid can do no wrong.
What I can say without much question is that tjg is not close friends with DougB. Tjg pretty much calls it like he sees it based upon the evidence. I'd say he's better friends with me and he'll call me out in a second and disagree. I think there is more bias on your end than tjg's but I see no bias from him. We don't have the history you do. Certainly I have no room to begrudge anyone for holding a grudge for being treated poorly.
Hambone, you've got to get past all of the 'grudges' and 'bad blood' and study the evidence. It's not revenge that motivates me; it's justice. Justice for the collecting community and for all of those poor souls who were duped into spending $$$ for modern art. It's time to get this hobby cleaned up. You've got to keep an open mind to what I'm saying. It is based on screen captues of DougB's own statements, not my own made up stories.
The "answers" the hobby needs are who made these and who was part of the trafficking and distribution of them.

Don't forget, who was involved in PROMOTING them as well.

If there is an official investigation into the C-SS fraud, it will likely go beyond where some of us think it should go and not stop where some of us think it should stop.

"Mr. D.A., please don't bother DougB, he is one of the 'good guys' of the hobby."

D.A.: "Didn't DougB promote this C-SS fraud for 10 years before finally outing it ? Didn't DougB make a number of blatantly false statements in regard to this fraud ?

"Yes, but he was fooled by Kelly H.'s books like we all were."

D.A.: "You expect me to believe that a guy who papered his walls with rare, authentic SS helmets is not an SS helmet expert who should have been able to EASILY spot a sloppy forged, painted insignia ???"
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I get the impression that M45 is so affected by his past disputes and personal animosity with Doug B that it's affecting his posting judgment such that if anyone gives Doug B credit for something, then M45 gets highly annoyed, hyper-biased and posts unsupportable assertions.

I have to give Doug B credit for prominently admitting that he was initially wrong on XRF lid testing and wrong for criticizing ZAM's observations of C-SS lid overspray. It's unusual to see anyone clearly admit they were wrong and apologize, but Doug B did just that. I think he was sincere. He's apologized to ZAM and M45 for past disagreements. Doug B also gets credit for being critical of the lid GOBs that condone fakery and single-source lid guru authentications. I think Doug B has made a significant contribution to cleaning-up the crooked lid hobby.
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Hambone, you've got to get past all of the 'grudges' and 'bad blood' and study the evidence. It's not revenge that motivates me; it's justice. Justice for the collecting community and for all of those poor souls who were duped into spending $$$ for modern art. It's time to get this hobby cleaned up. You've got to keep an open mind to what I'm saying. It is based on screen captues of DougB's own statements, not my own made up stories.

You're posting a mix of screen shots of old Doug B's comments and former opinions as if they're his current views with your highly biased and speculative assertions as to Doug B's intent and motivations. The result is that your narrative appears fabricated and it appears you have an agenda to smear Doug B by dredging up obsolete quotes. Is that fair? If Doug B admits that he was wrong and apologizes, which he has, then these types of criticisms don't appear relevant or fair. I think your negative bias towards Doug B is obvious and it appears that you haven't gotten over your previous disputes with him for which he has publically apologized to you. I can understand your feelings for being unfairly criticized and ostracized by Doug B over the C-SS issue when you were correct and produced the best evidence that C-SS lids were post-war fabrications, but Doug B capitulated on that issue and apologized.

You're implying that Hicks and Doug B both knew the C-SS lid was fake from the beginning, but I don't think that's the case. I believe they were both fooled by the spray-job. And, a big difference between Hicks and Doug B is that Doug B doesn't condone fakery; Hicks does.

Doug B has publically refuted the claims of David May's XRF lid testing and XRFacts. Prior to that, about five or six years ago, he was dazzled with Maui's XRF claims. Besides the XRFact cofounders, Doug B could have been considered an XRF lid testing insider, because of his participation providing lids for their baseline, and his proximity and relationship to Hicks and May. Would it be fair to criticize Doug B today for being dazzled by XRF lid testing five years ago after he's publically revealed how flaky and unreliable their lid XRF data was? I don't think it would be fair, because it doesn't reflect his current views and he has publically admitted he was initially wrong about XRF lid testing. It was easy for a non-technical type person to be dazzled by the XRFacts light show.
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I have to give Doug B credit for prominently admitting that he was initially wrong on XRF lid testing and wrong for criticizing ZAM's observations of C-SS lid overspray. It's unusual to see anyone clearly admit they were wrong and apologize, but Doug B did just that. I think he was sincere. He's apologized to ZAM and M45 for past disagreements. Doug B also gets credit for being critical of the lid GOBs that condone fakery and single-source lid guru authentications. I think Doug B has made a significant contribution to cleaning-up the crooked lid hobby.

Well said, my idea also.
You're posting a mix of screen shots of old Doug B's comments and former opinions as if they're his current views with your highly biased and speculative assertions as to Doug B's intent and motivations. The result is that your narrative appears fabricated and it appears you have an agenda is to smear Doug B by dredging up obsolete quotes. Is that fair? If Doug B admits that he was wrong and apologizes, which he has, then these types of criticisms don't appear relevant or fair. I think your negative bias towards Doug B is obvious and it appears that you haven't gotten over your previous disputes with him for which he has publically apologized to you. I can understand your feelings for being unfairly criticized and ostracized by Doug B over the C-SS issue when you were correct and produced the best evidence that C-SS lids were post-war fabrications, but Doug B capitulated on that issue and apologized.

You're implying that Hicks and Doug B both knew the C-SS lid was fake from the beginning, but I don't think that's the case. I believe they were both fooled by the spray-job. And, a big difference between Hicks and Doug B is that Doug B doesn't condone fakery; Hicks does.

Doug B has publically refuted the claims of David May's XRF lid testing and XRFacts. Prior to that, about five or six years ago, he was dazzled with Maui's XRF claims. Besides the XRFact cofounders, Doug B could have been considered an XRF lid testing insider, because of his participation providing lids for their baseline, and his proximity and relationship to Hicks and May. Would it be fair to criticize Doug B today for being dazzled by XRF lid testing five years ago after he's publically revealed how flaky and unreliable their lid XRF data was? I don't think it would be fair, because it doesn't reflect his current views and he has publically admitted he was initially wrong about XRF lid testing. It was easy for a non-technical type person to be dazzled by the XRFacts light show.

Listen tjg, DougB was no ordinary Joe-collector with a few SS helmets, a few friends and some "opinions" that were shown to be wrong that he "apologized" for.

DougB was probably one of the most prolific SS helmet collectors in the entire history of the hobby. People saw him as an authority and he behaved like an authority by answering questions, giving advice, posting detailed studies of SS decals, etc... And very importantly, he made no bones about his "close collecting friendship" with the man known for manufacturing "authenticity" for the biggest hoax to ever hit the helmet collecting community, Kelly Hicks. DougB was also an extremely active PROMOTER of the C-SS fraud on helmet forums by his innumerable vettings of C-SS as "textbook Champagne decals".

I know that you will probably NEVER understand this tjg, but I will say it for the less positively biased among us. It is clear to me that Kelly and Doug worked as a team to promote and sell C-SS to much less knowledgeable collectors. As we saw earlier, Kelly manufactured C-SS "authenticity" by publishing books with many photos and numerous false statements about them (re: the 'brass pulver' construction that caused the champagne hue, etc..). DougB was an active PROMOTER of this fraud by establishing himself as an SS helmet 'authority' on forums and by his vettings of C-SS as "textbook" decals.

By using the word "Textbook" to describe C-SS, DougB was not merely stating that the fake insignia was found in Kelly's books. 'Textbook' in the collecting world means that something is 100% period produced, pre-May 1945 Third Reich era production. So DougB was making false statements as an SS helmet authority by saying that C-SS was 100% period production, not only that it was published in Kelly's books.

The plan IMO was for the two to build TRUST in the collecting community. Kelly built trust by publishing his many books on the topic and giving C-SS "legitimacy" in those books. His many photos and descriptions of the fraud gave collectors the idea that Kelly the author was an expert and knew what he was talking about.

DougB's job was to appear on helmet forums and show off his massive SS helmet collection, inspiring awe and respect as an 'expert'. By giving advice, vettings and producing his SS decal studies, he marketed himself as an SS helmet authority and also began building TRUST among collectors. As an SS helmet expert, he began vetting C-SS as "textbook", not only a reference to Kelly's books but also making the unabashed claims that C-SS was 100% TR era production.

With the two working together (one the author and the other the promoter) C-SS helmets began flying off of Kelly's website. This was due largely to the aura of "expertise" that the two exuded and the TRUST that potential buyers had for the duo.

Once business began to boom, DougB's other job was to destroy all credible threats and resistance to the C-SS fraud, which he did with great enthusiasm. If you were his 'friend' raising credible threats, he would bury you under a pile of B.S. and meaningless statements in the hope that you would just give it up. If you were an outsider, he would gradually increase the heat by pouring on his frustration, anger, swearing and vulgarity in an attempt to get you to break off the attack. Liberal post alterations, outright removals and member banning were reserved for the more tenacious 'trouble-makers' such as myself ;)
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