Here is a question from a non collector friend of mine who I spoke weeks ago on the topic of CH decals. "Was this mans' motive to expose this a personal vendetta against someone or to get his money back ?"
It got me to think. Tossing this out there, being careful how I say it because it won't go over well. And it may get read wrong. "Devils' Advocate". Points & thoughts put into my head from a civilian
When we look into the end results of this "discovery" on CH decals, at the end of the day, what did it do for the helmet collecting community ? It poisoned it. That's what it did. Maybe these discoveries did more harm than good, turning away new collectors for fear that now EVERYTHING is fake.
Someone recently used the term "A victimless crime" in reference to the CH problem. A term I personally don't agree with, but something to ponder. As the discussion progressed, points were made that the helmet community was going along very nicely, sure due to demographics & what, interest had fallen a bit. Guys who had CH decaled helmets were very happy & satisfied with them. Since nobody had publicly condemned them, everyone was happy buying & trading back & forth their CH decaled helmets. Though some of us had our doubts, we just stayed away from them
The theory is of late, there is only a "handful" of these CH out here, none have been produced since 1975 or whatever. The production has halted. No more being circulated. So the theory of "A victimless crime" kicks in. Similar to buying anything fake, if the owner is satisfied & their peers are satisfied, who is getting hurt ? Where is the victim when CH helmets were owned by many "experts".
Now since the findings that they are painted, guys stuck with valueless helmets, new collectors turning away, a very high level of anxiety & fear among collectors has now taken hold like a disease. One might ask, what fueled the motivation to do this ? A personal attack on KH ? At the end of the day, the rantings & condemnations have turned helmet collecting "Toxic". Friends turning away from each other, dealers being bashed etc.etc. Other than bashing COAs' & a few dealers, that's all it did. I think maybe it did more harm than good. If the CH helmets were still being made, & circulated, I would tend to applaude a bit louder. If I owned a CH helmet, well not sure what I would think of Doug. Again, these are just thoughts that some might ponder, agree or not
Sincerely, "Devils' Advocate"
Who are the members of the "old boys club" that are attempting to smear Doug B?
What exactly are they alleging about Doug B?
Exposing fakes is the most important information anyone can provide for this hobby.
Did I just read, basically, that there are people who are mad that the CH decals were outed because it took the fun out of collecting? And that maybe DougB did it As a way to ruin the hobby? Is this Bizzaro world here?
Did I just read, basically, that there are people who are mad that the CH decals were outed because it took the fun out of collecting? And that maybe DougB did it As a way to ruin the hobby? Is this Bizzaro world here?
I asked this EXACT same question at GHW2, as did 3 other members. The question was met with hostility and this response from an Admin, " for those of you wanting to name and shame, do your homework instead of hiding behind your pseudonyms and wanting everyone else to do the work". There are people there who have been helmet collecting for 30+ years; these people know who belongs to the "good ol' boys (GOBs)". Heck, I bet a few of them (GOBs) are lurking at GHW2 and that's why everyone has to be so hush hush. People won't dare oust them because they then lose a supplier of high-end stock. Those who are "in the know" are happy to maintain the status quo; i.e., sucking up the good stuff while the GOBs peddle their trash to new collectors. I haven't been burnt, so I feel I can speak objectively and dispassionately.
We need to identify the GOBs.
They really aren't Good Ole Boys, which is a compliment where I'm from. They are pontificating self important douchenozzles really, lording over tiny cyber-worlds they control. It's little man stuff, and of course, some of them are engaged in trafficking in humped up helmets and such. They really are more in the zone of petty criminals and Irish Traveler type scam artists, hardly worthy of "GOB" nomination.
Well, in this context, the meaning of the word "good" isn't really good. To clear up the vagueness, we should start identifying these "good old boys" and track their actions. It'll be like turning on the kitchen lights and watching all the cockroaches scurry away.
I know, the "correction" is rhetorical really, you teed it up so I could hit it. It's not like they are a mafia of any kind, like a "lid mafia" as that imparts too much respectability and honor. They are more a pompous rat nest of shoplifters and petty larcenists
Some of the damage to GHW done by DougB; over 500 helmets and over 1/4 million views of Ron R's collection deleted. This was done, mind you, with the full blessings of the current GHW administration!
Early complaints about Doug were angrily denounced with demands like "you shall honor the memory of DougB !!" Pretty pathetic, really. DougB rips the heart out of the GHW forum and all the admins can say is, "let's get back to posting, guys! After all, that is what were all about!"
Ron R. is a trooper and starting to re-post all of his deleted stuff, but it may be a blow from which the forum will never fully recover. Such insanity never even happened at WAF!
For those of you who STILL think DougB is a great guy, think again! If he actually believed in C-SS all this time (re: the last 10 years or so) then at best he is an arrogant, incompetent blowhard. He, the "expert", could not even see under magnification that C-SS was a template, spray painted fake in his early magnification posts ?
On the other hand, if he actually knew very early on that C-SS was fake, then he has been playing the entire collecting community for fools for the past decade. Makes you wonder. His "good collecting friend" Kelly H. was busy giving legitimacy to C-SS (the forgery) by publishing it with photos and detailed descriptions (I love the 'brass pulver' explanation for the champagne hue). Doug was the leader of the C-SS parade in trumpeting from on high that C-SS was published, had the 'scientific backing' of XRFacts, had 'plenty of period photographic evidence' to support it, had a 'clear period pulver and base construction', and even came with a COA guarantee ! All the while Kelly was making a fortune off of these things at the expense of collector's hard earned $$$. That doesn't sound like a great guy to me.
I think I detect a hint of bias in this post. I think it's important to remain objective, understand the timeline, and stick to the facts when assessing the CSS lid fiasco.
All you have to do, tjg, is go back through this thread and look at ALL of those screen captures of DougB making his outrageous statements. I know you think I'm hurt and upset at being banned, but that's all really beside the point. I don't have to make up anything, it's all right there for us to see. I agree, by all means remain objective and read the screen captures. Those are his words, with date and time stamps mind you. Why do you think he erased everything he ever said on that forum? I think it's because that although he was very careful in what he said about C-SS in those early days (you can definitely detect evasiveness in his language), he made some very incriminating statements about 'plenty of period photographic evidence' supporting C-SS (clearly false) and C-SS having a 'clear period pulver and base construction (also clearly false). He also said something like C-SS had a 'similar if not the same construction as original Pocher SS decals' (false once again - a painted insignia does not resemble a celluloid decal in construction).