Hi guys I just popped in and read oh I don't know, half (?) of the thread. I know the thread I created is only available on GHW2 for members and is a massive read, more like a small book than a normal thread so if anyone had questions I can answer them.
The article will be recreated on a website I plan on doing in the (hopefully near) future once I get some work out of the way and I have had offers for publication in a mainstream Militaria magazine and in 2 books that are being worked on by others, so it will be widely available on a number of platforms for those that do not want to join the forum.
I do want to apologize to the forum as in my original article I acknowledged Gunboards as the bulwark on which XRF crashed and as I am not a member of either that forum or normally post here and not a gun guy, I mixed the two up which I immediately corrected once I was told about it.
I also credit the lot number book of Brians in the article. I did use this in my research along with my own lot number research I've compiled on lot numbers specific to SS helmets and was valuable indeed.
I know I was a proponent of the CH "decals" at one time, under the spell of publication and personality. How could they be bad if the world's most foremost expert says they are good??? However experience is a valuable teacher and I could not ignore the mounting evidence against them despite what was written in books. There are many now who are saying the same thing, how can this be!? (Not here I know...) That said, COAs on bad helmets, XRF nonsense, and other published fakes told me the level of knowledge was not unassailable and....well, I will leave it at that. Let's just say I was asked to keep thing on the QT when I found some bad blessed helmets out there. It was just not ethically correct.
Then came ZAMs thread which was an eye opener for me along with an off the record conversation that occurred at an SOS a few years back with a respected collector. So it was then about 3-4 years ago I decided I simply needed to find out for myself if these were all real or all bad as I was told in this conversation. I wasn't going to take anyone's word but my own, as I did with XRF over time (which is unmitigated bullsh1t).
Buying Brians great lot number book was part of what I needed to move this forward but the most difficult part was getting collectors to send me their examples. Without them making a public case against them that was open and shut was impossible.
Anyway a bit of background as I've read a bit of speculation about this or that but as I've said I'm happy to answer any questions.
PS Brian I know you and I have crossed swords in the past which I attribute to a clash of personalities. I apologize for any transgressions of mine on the past, and hope we can consider it as water under the bridge. You've done some fine work and I freely admit I was wrong on a number of counts. Hope we can move on with respect.