Why would someone involved in a long running scam with criminal implications then suddenly not only out said scam, but expend a good bit of money, time, and effort painstakingly proving it up, taking heat along the way and refunding on a bad helmet? Seems to me that it would have been quite simple for DougB to have simply done nothing. Had he done nothing where would we be? Getting censored and banned at WAF, GWH, and WR for trying to discuss this? Had DougB done nothing then nothing would have happened. Under your theory, what's better for DougB, complete reveal of the CRSS fraud, or nothing?
I have previously explained this. The Grand Plan (for widespread C-SS acceptance) was under threat from lot# research due to increasing numbers of collectors realizing it was fake. DougB realized that his ship 'USS C-SS' was sinking and he had to do something about it fast.
Seems to me that it would have been quite simple for DougB to have simply done nothing. Had he done nothing where would we be?
If he had done nothing at that point, him remaining in the C-SS camp would have caused him to become irrelevant to the collecting community. He would have been seen as grossly incompetent at best, a charlatan at worst due to most collectors realizing that C-SS was fake except apparently DougB himself who would have still been touting them as "textbook" DECALS. Had he done nothing, DougB would have been pushed aside until someone else had done a study similar to the Mythbusting studies. Then DougB would have looked like a charlatan who
should have seen and known for the past decade that C-SS was a template spray-painted forgery.
So if DougB wanted to salvage his reputation, he had to move fast and play the only realistic card he had left to play; he had to turn against C-SS, the forgery he had promoted for so many years. His hopes were that by "exposing" C-SS in great detail, he would be hailed as a hero for his great work and that all of his past statements supporting it would be forgotten. This was, for awhile, largely successful due to him being hailed on the 3 main helmet forums.
But plan 2 had its problems as well. DougB would be pitting himself against the GOB's club he had previously been a member of, and publicly "out" his good friends like Kelly. He would have to spend his own money to conduct the testing and would have to refund some money; all this he was prepared to do to salvage his reputation.
There were also collectors who had been watching this character for years who began putting the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together and revealing a very interesting story. And those 'damned collectors' began asking uncomfortable questions of DougB, like why had he not seen years prior under magnification that C-SS was a clumsy spray-painted fraud ???
Here is an old post from 2011. Terry is confused, as he should have been because that was part of the plan; keep collectors confused about what was really going on so that they would be forced to bow before the altar of the great DougB for answers to the mystery. DougB unabashedly describing the template, spray-painted C-SS fake as having a "bronze pulver" composition.