DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

You can't take out of the equation the fact that dealers run the WAF site and control the message there, to the detriment of the average collector and the benefit of the average dealer.
I see that on WAF now in addition to ridicule those who speak up on the shampain ruin scandal, some even have started to cast doubt on Doug's study. Of course without explaining what in Doug's study they deem to be not valid.

Being a helmet collector, my online time is mostly spent on GHW2, and I only read threads at WAF. The whole shampain ruin affair has really opened my eyes to the less admirable sides of this hobby. There has always been dishonest dealers selling fake helmets, but this debacle is something quite different as renowned characters are involved.

The sad thing is that it seems they are succeeding in their "damage control". Possibly someone at WAF will soon claim shampain ruins are original again.....:facepalm:

Looks like your predictions are spot on Peiper. Looks like there was a SOS night meeting of the WAF SS Lid Grand Poobahs who are now deciding that DougB's research is wrong and that They Know Better. Typically WAF, these new findings will be secret and in the form of edicts and rhetoric for the waftarded, not evidence, and those who disagree will be ridiculed, accused (of having a "secret agenda", of "doing Hambone's bidding", and being a "hobby anarchist", etc.), and then silenced. :googlie

We eagerly await the "evolving" response to DougB's findings. My question is "evolving" from what and into what?


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Of course champaign runes are authentic, kelly Hicks said so, Bob Cole saw one in 1962 and Maui's raygun has declared them authentic.
What more evidence do we need?
Of course champaign runes are authentic, kelly Hicks said so, Bob Cole saw one in 1962 and Maui's raygun has declared them authentic.
What more evidence do we need?

It would be nice to see one today. Although, that isn't necessary for everyone.
As Peter has stated what do we know? Hell what do I know about this stuff I wasn't even alive in 1962, hell my dad wasn't even born till 1964. So it must be true.
In relation to the shampain ruin scandal, I am more than happy to be a " hobby anarchist doing Hambone's bidding". I chose to make up my mind based on the facts and information available, and not based on the opinion leaders on forums.

Something is rotten at WAF, and being an outsider on that forum I think it is easier to take a birds eye perspective to the discussions on various threads on WAF debating the Shampain ruin scandal.
In relation to the shampain ruin scandal, I am more than happy to be a " hobby anarchist doing Hambone's bidding". I chose to make up my mind based on the facts and information available, and not based on the opinion leaders on forums.

Something is rotten at WAF, and being an outsider on that forum I think it is easier to take a birds eye perspective to the discussions on various threads on WAF debating the Shampain ruin scandal.

Peiper, your problem at WAF is that you are reasonable and objective. When alternative opinions are not allowed, then one ends up with the internet forum intellectual equivalent of North Korea. What kind of people thrive in such an environment? It is without question that WAF censors and bans those with contrary opinions. They admit that. It is without question that we do not. These threads are a testament to that. They are completely transparent. Even Maui of XRFacts noted that he could give his opinions without censorship. How many of those parroting ad hominem at WAF have you ever seen come here to argue their points in this open forum? So then, who has the "hidden agenda"? Those who hide nothing or those who censor, hide information, and act secretely?
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Well, it seems the discussion now has stopped. It seems that those unfortunate to have bought these helmets with COA's are not getting a refund. Only one known refund has been posted, and it was Bill Shea who made things right. If there are others who have been able to claim a refund, it is not posted up on the forums.

I think the whole Shampain ruin scandal is just sad, and I fully understand why Doug decided to pull out. The lack of community efforts to come to the bottom of this is almost like having your house robbed, with the culprit on camera only to experience that the Police is filing the case as "closed due to lack of evidence" due to resource issues....
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Peiper I couldn't agree with you more. While I can't say for sure it appears to me that DougB was truly shocked when he realized the scope of this scam and the personalities involved including some to whom he felt close. In any case those with influence will eventually try to bury this scandal and as you noted earlier there is an effort to rehabilitate the C-SS helmets by some parties desperate to curry favor with their gods. I always knew there were folks who "improved" helmets by adding decals or camouflage but to have this strike so deeply at the heart of the hobby and involve trusted persons is simply heartbreaking on the one hand and criminal on the other.
My opinions: I've never seen a more aggressively obfuscatory and interference running people as those at WAF who argued so forcefully that no one should file any lawsuits for refunds if they were not given them. What that showed me is that too many of these people have fingerprints on this 30+ year fraud. They are in the chain of title in these things. What this has proved is that SS helmet collecting is in complete decline. You would have to be an idiot to trust that end of the hobby and its "bigwigs". By so militantly excusing and abiding ethical misconduct and outright fraud, and sweeping it under the rug, these buffoons have $hit in their own high dollar SS helmets. That's hilarious.
I've moved on. I did what I could, and I think I helped a few people. Good enough, the ones who want to be fooled are probably happy in their ignorance I guess.
Disappointing when the most experienced in the field allow themselves to be duped by a badass reenactor special. Guess I've lost the touch for the "one looker". Sad state of affairs for the bigwigs that I've followed for years

Interesting words on the SS Steel site about KH's books, by the author himself. It's just business as usual....

Kelly Hicks has collected WWII artifacts for over 40 years and has written five original works and many contributions toward other books regarding the collecting of helmets of the German Wehrmacht and SS. His offerings in these pages include the sharing of important information regarding SS and other helmets, especially providing in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of original helmets and what to look for in the latest fakes. Armed with the right information, especially in today's collector market, collectors can make quality decisions about what they purchase, at the same time protect themselves from becoming victims of fraud.

How did that protection work out for those wanting a refund?
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My opinions: the handling of this at WAF was shameful and disgusting. However, if your spine is wet noodle flexible enough to allow you to bend over so far as to do nothing and take it again from a krewe of airbrush humper peddling and blessing arrogant klowns and buffoons like this, after getting openly and notoriously ripped off to the tune of $7500-$24,000 by the same people, you deserve it and WAF and SS helmet collecting are for you. It would be handled differently here and in our hobby.
Buying from dealers with "Lifetime guarantee" and COA's identifying that a helmet is a "true piece of Third Reich history" has definetively lost its credibility. The Shampain Ruin scandal has shown that the money talks in german helmet collecting. My helmet off to Bill Shea who has so far stod up to his word and guarantees as the single example of the most known dealers. Most of the dealers has sold Shampain Ruined helmets with fake insignia, and one should think it was in their interest to have any refunds on such helmets be known in the collector community. It would certainly enhance their reputations as honorable dealers.

But, it seems that the smoke screens has worked. WAF and the Waftarded have managed to scare those with Shampain Ruined helmets from taking any legal action. It seems Kelly Hicks had a nice Show of Shows and no one confronted him. He is most likely of the hook and can continue business as usual.

My interest in the forums and the collecting community has taken a hit after learning that the community is so thick skinned that it is able to stand up without a spine.....
I can understand why nothing is being done at WAF. After all, they are Waftarded, being led by stuffed shirts like Willi Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

But what about the site dedicated to specifically to helmets - German Helmet Walhalla? It seems to me they have dropped the ball as much as WAF. They allow no discussion about who is responsible and they lock threads on the subject as quickly as WAF. The same characters who ran interference for the fakers on WAF do the same thing with impunity on GHW. Why do they get a pass?
Katzen, you are starting to catch on.

Helmet forums have long been used by straw men to promote the fake wares of their dealer friends. It becomes painfully obvious when scores of them (almost comically) line up behind clearly altered helmets. These highly questionable helmets can then be marketed using the vetting of the collective forum 'expertise'. After all, this is a hobby based on 'trust' and 'honesty'. It is all about who you listen to, remember?

Recall that the sham-pain ruins were heavily promoted on these forums, and now that the katzen is out of the bag, moves have been made to squelch serious inquiry into the scandal.
I have been an acolyte on GHW2, and I too noted that the Shampain Ruin scandal quickly went away even there. It is clear that there are people who know the truth on the Shampain Ruin scandal, but for reasons unclear choose to remain silent.

The number of high end camo helmets being presented now is a bit concerning. You might be spot on, Brian.