Optikotechna, from all the research and photo documentation i have, have kept their serial number sequncing the same since start of the production before occupation. It started with 4digit "24_____" and ended up in 6 digit "24_____" post war. All DOW and DOW+ marked scopes will fall into the 5-digit and 6-digit range. Further more, I have never seen an "Opticotechna" with a "C" marked scope.
Following are some quick pic documentation to illustrate the serial numbers.
Early, prior to occupation, production 4-digit:
Occupation period DOW/DOW+ marked, 6-digit:
Post-war "Optikotechna" marked, 6-digit:
What about 3 digit SN on typical SS DCdow scope?
Have a look on pics, you mean that yours is middle this line? That is is non sense. Is not it? Or do you mean that Germans made several very similar scopes during War?
Compare scale on yours dow. It is not engraving in production, but later (very often made for showing that is from war time) . Scale ring without numbers are typical for postwar hunting scopes. I had several in my hands as well.
Romanian Vz24 were used for sniper with typical mount. Yours is nice, but never been in Czech army.
German army had used two brands scopes from Czech production- Optikotechna and Srb and Stys Lovec ( this brand production was later moved to Meopta)
But not your type. Start production of this type was after occupation ( I mean dial ring around of tube)
Unfortunatelly I have pics Opticotechna only without look on sign, but maybe Dave has one( may not be acceptable, I know. I lost some data in my old PC)
BTW your Czech is very good.
Where did you learn ?