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  1. H

    Romanian contract vz24

    What does the M stamp on the right side of the receiver mean? It also has it on the bolt, also is there any info on what year this could have been made based off of the block letter and serial number, I couldn’t find FR block anywhere else
  2. H

    Would this sell?

    Yep thinks, just realistically what do you think this could actually sell for?
  3. H

    Would this sell?

    And does the trading here work the same? Only I would also send ffl info to the other person?
  4. H

    Would this sell?

    Not sure what would be a good price for this, and for selling would they just send you the ffl info so you can ship it there? Can you even legally sell with out any licenses?
  5. H

    Would this sell?

    Bought it for $700 definitely overpaid, I’ll probably lose money if I tried to sell it, also I have no idea how sales work on this site and all the legal stuff or ffl transfers, I feel like it would be easier to sell on gb but they have crazy fees already learned my lesson with that
  6. H

    Would this sell?

    Idk if this would have a chance at selling for any decent price port. Contract k98 Most stuff isn’t matching, it’s been reblued once and refinished twice, most likely one of the German diverted ones but that won’t add any value, great condition though
  7. H


    Used 7 coats of blo to refinish the walnut stock, but obviously when gun oil or something gets on it I can see that it’s just going to get absorbed if I don’t wipe it off, I see a lot of older guns and k98s have this like layer on the wood or something am I suppose to put something to seal it or no
  8. H

    Refinished my refinished k98

    Was actually able to get rid of that gloss finish and I used a few coats of blo looks wayyy better, it has a redder tone to it but the pics don’t show it well
  9. H


    Ya u might be right
  10. H


    Dumb question, it’s been reblued and from the pics it’s hard to see but it’s a dull grey and doesn’t look to good, there’s no way I’m gonna reblue this but is there a way to naturally wear the bluing or something to get that worn look that a lot of k98’s have on the metal? yes I’ve been...
  11. H

    Putting magazine floorplate back on

    lol got it for 700 but ya idk where you got 4700 from
  12. H

    Putting magazine floorplate back on

    the button does depress fully and it's aligned with the hole on the mag, i can push it all the way down it just wont slide forward
  13. H

    Putting magazine floorplate back on

    I’ll buy it through gunbroker or ebay, is there a finish on it or is it just bare wood?
  14. H

    Putting magazine floorplate back on

    I’ve been doing that I just had the mag up like that for the pic, it’s fully depressed down in the back then I try sliding forward and it doesn’t go
  15. H

    Putting magazine floorplate back on

    You think you could put it up on gunbroker?
  16. H

    Putting magazine floorplate back on

    Didn’t have a problem taking it off but I can’t get it to slide forward now and fit in with the quick release, seen some videos on putting it back and I’m not sure if im doing something wrong, been trying for well over an hour now and it doesn’t budge i've been trying for several hours now, i've...
  17. H

    Refinishing walnut stock

    alright thanks I'll probably do that or flaxseed oil, anything would be better than what's on now lol
  18. H

    Refinishing walnut stock

    what if I use 0000 steel wool or something and just try to get dull the gloss down a bit? or some chemical, also I didn't plan on sanding it down. it's driving me crazy how it looks with the gloss because it makes the stock not even look original.
  19. H

    Portugese Contract Kar.98k Serial Study

    G 17534 (GER, RC, mismatched bolt, no import stamp)