Putting magazine floorplate back on


Active member
Didn’t have a problem taking it off but I can’t get it to slide forward now and fit in with the quick release, seen some videos on putting it back and I’m not sure if im doing something wrong, been trying for well over an hour now and it doesn’t budge
i've been trying for several hours now, i've tried filing down parts that connect on the magazine and it just won't slide forward

EDIT I got in by placing a screwdriver in between the mag plate and the trigger guard and prying it in kinda, that’s the only way I was gonna be able to get it on


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It appears you need to keep the FP out of the front groove before trying to engage the rear portion.

When attempting to place back, keep the floor plate close to the trigger guard and slide forward with a little down pressure.
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Didn’t have a problem taking it off but I can’t get it to slide forward now and fit in with the quick release, seen some videos on putting it back and I’m not sure if im doing something wrong, been trying for well over an hour now and it doesn’t budge
i've been trying for several hours now, i've tried filing down parts that connect on the magazine and it just won't slide forward

Honestly, STOP. You will screw up a rifle that cost you good money. This, and the stock refinishg thread... Trust me, if you are doing this stuff for the first time, just stop. There is NO NEED for any filing, grinding, sanding, or whatever.

On your other thread, on the stock. I have a beat up Vz.24 stock that you can have for a few bucks and shipping. If you are so set on trying to change the finish on thak k98k why not practice on that junk stock first before you do somehting you will regret.
Your magazine button looks like it is not fully depressed to lock onto the rear. I had this issue on a byf44, try moving the button back and forth to see if it comes out further. Mine was crooked and I had to straighten it. Seeing the serial numbers match I guarentee nothing is wrong with the FP and Magazine fit or it wouldn't have been accepted into service.
Honestly, STOP. You will screw up a rifle that cost you good money. This, and the stock refinishg thread... Trust me, if you are doing this stuff for the first time, just stop. There is NO NEED for any filing, grinding, sanding, or whatever.

On your other thread, on the stock. I have a beat up Vz.24 stock that you can have for a few bucks and shipping. If you are so set on trying to change the finish on thak k98k why not practice on that junk stock first before you do somehting you will regret.
You think you could put it up on gunbroker?
It appears you need to keep the FP out of the front groove before trying to engage the rear portion.

When attempting to place back, keep the floor plate to close to the trigger guard and slide forward with a little down pressure.
I’ve been doing that I just had the mag up like that for the pic, it’s fully depressed down in the back then I try sliding forward and it doesn’t go
Once the files, the grinder, the sandblaster, the 50 pound sledgehammer, the welder, the steel wool, the sandpaper, the wire wheel, the Swiss Army knife, the whittling knife, the dull and worn screwdriver, the all purpose glue, and the Brown buttstock paint all finally make an appearance like a dirty shirt you know this is going to be an Entertaining Bubba and Pimpshine Thread!
I’ll buy it through gunbroker or ebay, is there a finish on it or is it just bare wood?
Why would you do that, and have the seller pay their fees, just PM waw44 and work out how to pay him, give him your address and he'll send it to you...why make things complicated? Its what we do around here...
Your magazine button looks like it is not fully depressed to lock onto the rear. I had this issue on a byf44, try moving the button back and forth to see if it comes out further. Mine was crooked and I had to straighten it. Seeing the serial numbers match I guarentee nothing is wrong with the FP and Magazine fit or it wouldn't have been accepted into service.
the button does depress fully and it's aligned with the hole on the mag, i can push it all the way down it just wont slide forward
Once the files, the grinder, the sandblaster, the 50 pound sledgehammer, the welder, the steel wool, the sandpaper, the wire wheel, the Swiss Army knife, the whittling knife, the dull and worn screwdriver, the all purpose glue, and the Brown buttstock paint all finally make an appearance like a dirty shirt you know this is going to be an Entertaining Bubba and Pimpshine Thread!
It’s a good learner piece. He only paid $4700. A throw away you can practice yer smithin’ skills on. 🙄
It's hard to tell from the pictures, but what is all that goo on the metal? Remove encrusted varnish if that is what it is. Metal should be lightly oiled only.
I’ve had this problem before. But, I’ll be dangled if I would take a file to it.
Clean it really well, everywhere. Then, oil everything lightly and keep trying. Somewhere in this process it will slip in perfectly and you will have no idea what you did to make it happen. You will also probably resolve to never take one off again.