Search results

  1. R

    Mauser Kar98K S/42 1937

    Pretty rough around the wood line concerning the pitting. I would pass on this one.
  2. R

    Hi everyone, I'm a new Mauser owner

    K98? Like to see it if possible.
  3. R

    BYF 42 3023 gg Walnut

    Very nice! Great having in walnut.
  4. R

    Matching D-day vet bring back S/27 with helmet and flags

    Beyond fantastic! Sure love how the stampings really stand out. Real treasures there.
  5. R

    Antique Store Find

    Great score! Good price for sure these days!
  6. R

    Neat picture

    Awesome! Yep from much better days.
  7. R

    BYF 43, G Block 20740

    Looks awesome Raven!! Nice to see it cleaned up so easy. Always thought the front sight hood adds to the overall looks of 98ks.
  8. R

    Pre-War Mauser metal finish?

    You bet prices have gone up. Even Russian Capture 98s are going for $ 800 often with Mix-matched parts.
  9. R

    Pre-War Mauser metal finish?

    Looks like a reblue from here but for 1K I would jump on it. Pre war plus rarer code. Blued butt plate is a giveaway.
  10. R

    Getting in 100 k98k rifles.

    Thanks for your efforts. Am sure you will have a few interested buyers. LOL
  11. R

    Getting in 100 k98k rifles.

    Wow sure looks like a quality assortment! Great to see a pile like that.
  12. R

    K98 sling

    Glad you mentioned that Muncher. My sling on my 40 Borsigwalde does not have cross -hatched as I have noticed on many others. L&F buckle on mine.
  13. R

    BYF 45 ZF41 Unissued

    Real beauty and thanks for sharing. Great to have such an example!
  14. R

    Matching BYF 44 c block

    I like it. Bluing looks good too!
  15. R

    New to this forum

    This forum can't be beat! Honest answers from knowledgeable folks. Good luck with your search.
  16. R

    Gunshow find M35 or M40

    I believe the M-40 had rolled edges.
  17. R

    Good Morning from Wyoming!

    Welcome and looking forward to hearing more.
  18. R

    Dirty or corrosion bore?

    Yeah looks like ya got some pitting in there. Many due look frosty though.
  19. R

    Warning to New K98 and Milsurp Buyers

    Great Heads-up. Unfortunately living in a world of scammers and dishonesty. Probably will never end but diligence is the key in the world we are living in today.