Warning to New K98 and Milsurp Buyers


Well-known member
I feel like there should be a warning to new buyers regarding these scam auctions which Gunbroker refuses to stop. Peoples first experience collecting should not be getting scammed.
Maybe a Sticky if not one already. I put this in K98 Sub-Section as thats where most new people start.
I have lost count of how many I have reported and never heard back from them and there they are back up every night.

They all seem to follow similar format.
  • Gun Priced at 60% Market value, to get people to bite on a deal that's too good to be true.
  • Zero or very low Feedback.
  • Phone number listed in description which area code does not match stated location.
  • Paypal Only (If you get scammed paying for a gun over Paypal, Paypal WILL NOT help you since you aren't allowed to use PP for guns)
  • Buy-It-Now / 1 Day Auction
  • Setting on pictures does not match sellers other auctions. (Stolen Photos)

All huge red flags when combined with the others. I'm sure others can name more.

Common Example Below

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Very good advice as there are more and more scammers on GunBroker and other auction sites. I always check feedbacks number one and their return policy number two. Avoid sellers that do not offer a 3 day inspection period. With due diligence you can often find some great deals on auction sites.
I guess Gunbonker gets paid even if it's a scam? Gunbonker also collects "tax" for the states that assesses sales tax per an agreement with Gunbonker. Gunbonker charges the tax but does Gunbonker remit the tax it collects to the states? Not a fan of Gunbonker as of the last couple years.
Thanks for the post, it's a good "heads-up" for those shopping there (or any of the online gun sites). It still fits the old adage, "if its to good to be true, it probably is" Ditto everything what mag318 said. I've run across these same types of scammers online in multiple categories - cars, antique radios, vintage stereo equipment, you name it. It doesn't surprise me to see those on Gunbroker as well. They can post multiple times with different ID's, and only need to get a very small percentage of people to bite to make it worth their time doing it. Always do your best due diligence.
Great Heads-up. Unfortunately living in a world of scammers and dishonesty. Probably will never end but diligence is the key in the world we are living in today.
I had 'known' about this type of chicanery in the automotive world but big money will obviously bring out the worst in people and the best forgers. Fine art being the first thing that comes to mind.

Great Heads-up. Unfortunately living in a world of scammers and dishonesty. Probably will never end but diligence is the key in the world we are living in today.
We have always lived in a world of scammers and dishonesty. The internet just enabled more connections between suckers and those wanting to take advantage of them.

Now, who wants to get in on a sure bet with me. I have this friend in Nigeria and he has a gold mine....