Good Morning from Wyoming!


Well-known member
Thanks for the add to forum; not exactly new to WW2 German K98K collecting, due to life some things get tossed on the back burner i.e. time in the service and other things. Looking forward to using this platform to learn more on these rifles and hopefully share a little knowledge as well. As of now I am sitting on a 1938 S42 barreled action condition is pretty good, also have a bnz 44 sitting at my local gun shop waiting to be picked up. Again thank you for the add and I'll post some pictures of the S42 later today with the flat butt plate stock I picked up for it. The rifle has an interesting story behind it. More to follow here in a bit. Thanks!
Ok so here are some of the pictures I took; I have more just need to crop them. So I am guessing some of you seen this particular rifle on Gunbroker. This was supposedly sent home by a Vet in FA unit in Europe. I am inclined to believe the story due to the 105 tube with shipping acceptance stamps shippers name and how it was going to in Oregon. I LOVE the rifle I like the back story to it. I just wish it had not been messed with. But I do have another rear sight collar and I already removed the original front sight. But overall I really like the condition of the barreled action I'll just have to get it back to OG specs. Enjoy folks!