Hi everyone, I'm a new Mauser owner

I'm in the process of purchasing my first full bore rifle, a Mauser P98 (correct me if that's wrong). It's a target rifle and the reason for my purchase is to enable me to take part in my club full bore competitions.
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K98? Like to see it if possible.
I'm hoping to pick it up at the weekend, I'll post a picture.
It's definitely listed as a P98 with a heavy barrel and AJ Parker target sights.
I admit to knowing very little about these rifles, so any advice would be welcome.
Ok, so I picked up my rifle today; very happy so far.
To ask questions and seek advice from more experienced owners, where should I post a thread?
I do have one pressing question, and that is that here in the UK we're supposed to secure our firearms and bolts separately. But having removed the bolt, it's still cocked. Surely this is not good for the spring?
Should I and how do I un cock it?
Yeah, photo's will follow when I know where I should post them - and when the light improves!
is it like this one?

(hope that works…)

looks like what is known as a “sporter” built around a K98k receiver, floor plate & trigger guard with the the barrel replaced to make it 7.62, target sights & pretty wood stock added. I take it that it is NOT demilled? Is the trigger/sear assembly original, or aftermarket?

the bolt: because the M98 is a ‘cock-on-opening’ design, it makes following the storage regs a PITA if you want to relax the spring. you could unload it partway by rotating to the closed position & letting the cam forward, (leather gloves on, bolt out of action, but on safe) or completely disassembling the rear assembly, (shroud, cocking piece, firing pin & spring). I would ‘almost’ assume that with all the work done to this rifle that the firing pin spring would have been replaced, & so less concern than original antique one, & that replacements are available. ( may also have a modern fp in it)

I’d guess the 1945-present sub forum as the best fit for ‘where to post’ this rifle. Looking forward to details & perhaps a range report!
Actually, it is that one!
haha! not familiar with the term “P98” I just did a search and….!
if you think it has the original fp spring in it & you wish to ‘save’ it, buy a modern replacement, then just remove the bolt for storage per regs. There may even be high tech replacement parts like a stiffer spring (perhaps just a different wire profile, like rectangular) or a titanium firing pin, to reduce lock time.
I've found nothing either, so I won't be using P98 any longer, it'll be known as my K98K target rifle, I don't want to cause any ripples!
I've found nothing either, so I won't be using P98 any longer, it'll be known as my K98K target rifle, I don't want to cause any ripples!
searching the term ‘P98’ led me to some sights like the Mauser home site that I hadn’t visited before; the images found were all of converted target 98s with fancy wood so perhaps P98 is a ‘real thing’?
Looking forward to a range report!
Muncher, are we ok to continue the conversation here? Or should I post elsewhere? I really appreciate your thoughts.

I'm planning a local indoor range session with a more experienced club member (who shoots an Enfield .303). That should be fun!
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where to post pix? Its likely a Nazi era based rifle 1933-45, but what we can see today puts it more in the 1945-Postwar use category, as that’s certainly when the barrel, stock & sights were done. You could also post it in the ‘Collecting off-topic’ forum, really no wrong place, if a moderator feels it belongs in a different category, I believe they can move the thread. try to keep image size @ < .5mb to upload here.

are there any original marks on top of or on the right side of the receiver? It appears scrubbed & new serial number applied. Or, might the seller provide any info, perhaps the smith’s name that did the barrel, stock & sight work? The German inspection marks can steer us in a direction as to date, if any are left on the actual receiver. the trigger guard & floor plate have inspection marks, but don’t share the receiver s/n, so likely just random parts used.
Thanks Muncher, there are markings on the receiver end of the barrel that are obviously newish, there are other stamps and numbers elsewhere on various parts.
I'll try to get some more detailed pictures when I can. Right now the weather is crap here in the UK and the light is awful!
I'll be honest, I'm excited to shoot!