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  1. PizzaBert

    Question 98K

    How would someone reblue a take down disk? It’s such a difficult part to take down, probably not worth the effort.
  2. PizzaBert

    Question 98K

    define “real”? There aren’t any new production 98ks pretending to be authentic. There are old 98ks that have been messed with that pretend to be something they are not. Your rifle appears to be honest and original besides some stock sanding (unfortunate but common)
  3. PizzaBert

    1941 98K Impressive performance.

    I’m dumb as a rock haha
  4. PizzaBert

    1941 98K Impressive performance.

    I hate to say it too, but I’m 23 and I likely could not see a 2.5” round at 500 yard even it was fluorescent yellow. My best shooting ever was 4/5 shots with modern barrel BYF43 on 12” bright orange steel at 400 yard in prone. I still had trouble seeing that. OP - send a video if you get the...
  5. PizzaBert

    1941 98K Impressive performance.

    Very nice shooting man. I do understand the doubts from others since the accuracy standard for the 98K was ~4 MOA at the factory. What ammo were you shooting?
  6. PizzaBert

    S/42G at Legacy - 5600b

    Thanks for sharing Bruce. I took a look at the reference photos after seeing this and it is pretty evident.
  7. PizzaBert

    S/42G at Legacy - 5600b

    I bought a refinished luger from legacy advertised as “all matching” but discovered it to be crudely renumbered when in hand. Just an anecdote, but they managed to appease me with $200z
  8. PizzaBert

    S/42G at Legacy - 5600b

    Christ almighty. How would you go about identifying this as a forgery if you it wasn’t a previously observed example?
  9. PizzaBert

    Need help with a value of this K98

    No offense taken at all. Always interesting to see the perspectives of other collectors. I don’t own an RC and at the prices they are going for today, I think I would rather get a bolt mismatch. I’m just trying to find an explanation for their meteoric rise in value these last two years.
  10. PizzaBert

    Need help with a value of this K98

    I should have elaborated a bit more in my comment a few days ago regarding “collectibility”. I completely agree that an RC is worse than a mostly mismatched gun in the eyes of a Mauser collector. Once beautiful rifles were torn apart, crudely renumbered, and refinished. However, to someone...
  11. PizzaBert

    Need help with a value of this K98

    I think people are starting to recognize the Russian captures as legitimately interesting and historical pieces. The yugo and other Balkan reworks are still lagging behind in that regard. (Also maybe people just like the eagles)
  12. PizzaBert

    Help With 1940 237 Army Or Navy?

    Now that’s very interesting.
  13. PizzaBert

    Help With 1940 237 Army Or Navy?

    Appears to be a kreigsmarine property marking and inventory number. N indicates North Sea Fleet
  14. PizzaBert

    Lazy S deaths head research

    I li I like the look of #5, #6
  15. PizzaBert

    byf 44 K98k - legit all-matching Mauser or not?

    is the rear sight serialized? Check under the wood and firing pin too.
  16. PizzaBert

    Erfurt Police Luger - Unit Markings Question

    That second unit marking has very atypical placement. Super cool though