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  1. P

    When your just too tired

    I’m not at all sure that he is infantry. Not only wearing spurs and riding boots but also carrying (or sleeping with) a k98b with side mounted sling. I generally assumed these type rifles were made for mounted troops not infantry as far too few were made new or converted to be general infantry...
  2. P

    An interesting DH Luger

    I don’t want to give the impression that I had all of the DH information figured out 30 plus years ago as that is not the case. I’ve learned at lot of specifics from the published information in the SS refurb volume of the 98k series published a bit ago and from the excellent posts on this...
  3. P

    An interesting DH Luger

    In all fairness there were many who understood these were SS reworked Lugers for quite a long time. I for one certainly connected the dots by the early 90s due to seeing enough K98k conversions with the same DH S marking and the crown N proofing. I may have been somewhat in the wilderness 20...
  4. P

    EWB Rifle Question

    I recently sold a Spandau 1917 EWB that I owned for about 45 years. It’s pretty clear when one considers the percentage of the German army that was made up of Bavarian units and of course troops compared to the estimated G98 output from Amberg that a good many other make G98s would have been...
  5. P

    Luger firing pin advice og/repro

    IMO the extractor on a Luger combined with its coil spring rates as about the most robust and dependable extractor design that I can think of on any automatic pistol. The firing pin is extremely unlikely to break unless dry fired too much, I recommend never! What is important is the possible...
  6. P

    mismatched bolt bringbacks

    I’ve been collecting, buying and selling 98ks and various other German used bolt action rifles for a bit over 50 years now. Back in those first 25 years many were bought directly from the vets or their immediate family members. There is zero question for me that many vets, perhaps most, brought...
  7. P

    early low turret sauer

    In my example which is a later 1943 byf LT, the hole is very small and only on one side as previously stated. I always suspected that it was accidental based on the tiny size and irregular shape. As you implied above, it would be easy to happen when the tapered screw access hole is bored as it...
  8. P

    1944 Hi Power B Has anyone seen one like this before. Eagle over N and 140 marked Barrel.

    These commercial Proofed HPs show up in other serial ranges within the production including much earlier than these late b blocks. For example a number have been noted in the high 30,000 range of the a block, like around 37000-38000. I understand that there are others as well. One can speculate...
  9. P

    BYF 42 Luger 1100i

    I agree that aluminum bottom mags ceased being numbered in later 1941. The comment above says the u block and I believe it was in the w block but that is only 1-2 months apart so not worth arguing over. I also agree that Mauser did not number black bottom mags but that when used on the Ku...
  10. P

    Period turret photo from Spielauer book

    I will take some solid evidence to convince me that any German officer was employed, used, detailed or whatever verb you want to use, as a full-time sniper. This doubt is even more true for a fieldgrade officer. 1400 plus confirmed kills is total non-sense. Maybe shooting into a POW camp but...
  11. P

    WTK: any chance of this sniper K98 being WW2 made ? Worth or should be refinished ?

    The work looks to me like it was done by a German gunsmith and very skilled work. I agree these are commercial bases. Strikes me a something done for a GI in the early post war period like the so called cigarette guns we see converted from 98ks
  12. P

    Varnish/Lacquer Removal

    Varnish easily comes off with acetone and coarse cloths like cheap terry cloth hand towels. Lacquer or shellac is best removed with denatured alcohol, same process as above. If the finish is polyeurathane you have a much tougher challenge
  13. P

    Legacy high turret

    I agree with all of the above comments. I also came to the same conclusion by the surprising lack of responses. I think that the price is very much in the park considering the MM scope assembly.