When your just too tired

Slept with the pig in the bag with me when it was cold. 'this is my rifle; this is my gun' :ROFLMAO:
You served Jordan? Which branch?
I wanted to join the Army and become a combat medic after I got out of high school in 2008. Wanted to go to all the schools. Wanted to go to Ranger school and eventually go up to special forces. At the time I trained my body pretty hard for it. Was running almost 4 miles a day, dropped well over 50 lb, and was hitting the gym another seven times a week. Was delayed at first because of medical reasons even though I passed the PT test with flying colors, and the ASVAB. Then I was delayed again because the Army was actually slowing down on recruitment. We were getting ready to pull out of Iraq because we actually had too many soldiers at the time. So as I was waiting went to work for our family electrical business, and has been an electrician ever since. Of course I wanted to try again by 2013, but with my cousin coming out of Afghanistan he kind of frowned upon that decision. I guess after doing two tours over there plus fighting a lot in Kandahar Ridge, and getting a Purple Heart. He wasn't a fan. Now as I get older do I regret not joining? Sometimes, but I'm glad I stayed home to build a business. Honestly I think I would have enjoyed the Brotherhood with my fellow soldiers.

But truth be told it really does disappoint me the sacrifices our men and women have made for this country. And the way our government has treated them over these years. We all here know the reasons, but I don't want to get too political in this collecting section.
Please thank your cousin for his service for me. I’m going to offer some advice, take it or leave it completely up to you, but I would no imply that you have served if you have not.

The excuses of why you didn’t serve doesn’t matter, as implying that you have served and have not is offensive to those who did. As you said those who have served have made sacrifices, especially those we remember this holiday as they made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and as our Government is of the people, don’t be that guy who mistreats veterans by pretending to be one.
Hold on a minute I have never once said I served or been overseas on this forum. Wait a minute are you accusing me of stolen Valor? I have never once pretended to be a veteran on this forum. Never in my life have I ever pretended to be a veteran. Yes my forum name is warrior1354 why because I am a fighter. So what. Just because I posted a picture of a sleeping soldier I was claiming to be a veteran that served? Wow I never expected that from anyone here. But to compare this description with a 98b photo: "Anyone that has ever served in the military knows when your allowed to get some shut eye you can fall asleep almost anywhere." Means I'm claiming military service is very sad.

And if you think the current government is for the people then you are a very naive. The current government caused that massive debacle in Afghanistan which really pissed off many of my military friends especially my cousin. That is the same government that traded those high-ranking Taliban leaders for one deserter. And just for the record my cousin lost three men in the operation to capture one of those guys. And like I said I did not want to make this political. Apparently it turned into that.

Over the years I have shared thousands of pictures of rifles from my collection, thousands of photographs from my collection, and data I have gathered to the collecting community. Not to mention going out of my way to help others in the collecting community. Because I wanted too. I wanted to share that information to help keep the hobby alive. But apparently to some I'm an asshole for it.
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Jordan, please don’t think your contribution to the hobby or the forum goes unnoticed or unappreciated. There’s no need to get defensive, I don’t think anyone was attacking you and your choices in life. That said, those of us who have not served in the military but are familiar with the culture—people like you and I—need to walk a fine line and always be clear that we did not pick up expressions and habits while serving. We need to be very clear that we did not serve. There are so many out there looking to take credit for others sacrifices, after all.
I don't mean to get defensive but when you get lumped into a group of the most despicable, disgusting category of people it really does make you unhappy. Especially when you come from a military family, and you only have one living relative left. They are all dead most died from cancer, and I watched the VA turn their back on them when they needed them the most.

I may not have served, but I always tried to give back the best way I could. I donated thousands of dollars of my own money to the DAV, and the Wounded Warrior Project. I stopped donating to the Wounded Warrior Project when I found out. Their CEO was hosting big parties on donation money, and it wasn't going to the veterans. I did electrical work for military friends, and family members that served free of charge never charge them a dime. One of them recently passed away last year due to a heart attack. Me and another buddy made it a mission to sell his collection to get his family the most money we could. We also tried to help with the funeral cost, but the family refused that sort of donation from us. My family business has also tried to make an mission to hire veterans. And on top of that I paid for a memorial brick for my grandfather in the Greenfield War Memorial. Just for the record he wasn't my blood grandfather, but I loved him that much as if he was. And to summon all of this up I never wanted recognition, or a thanks for any of this. I did it out of the goodness of my heart.
I joined the military (kind of) in 77. I took all the tests and passed. Took my physical and passed. Got my orders. I had thirty days before reporting. Got in a bad accident and broke my back (amongst other injuries) a week later. There went my career (life) in the military. Forks in the road of life, some voluntary, some not.
And great pic by the way. You just keep on posting those pics and do not worry about the narrative.
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He has a band on his helmet so the photo was taken during the annual Reichswehr maneuvers. My dad left me many photos. The NCOs rode while the grunts walked!
I think he's actually an officer candidate. Might be playing the NCO role in a field problem, looks like collar litzen and the binos are also a good indicator.
Cool pic
Anyone that has ever served in the military knows when your allowed to get some shut eye you can fall asleep almost anywhere. Thought this picture was neat, especially showing the sleeping soldier with his Kar98b.

Brings back memories.... When we mobilized out of FT Riley in 2008 for Afghanistan, the "training" was such a soul sucking experience of briefings, counsellings, classes, etc. everybody would fall asleep. So we started taking pics of everyone on the team and eventually got everyone. We put all the pics together, put them on a Dominos pizza box that had a square box drawn with a sharpie, had a giant checkmark in the middle. That was our "team plaque" that went on the wall in the dining facility for all to see. Hope its still still there lol
"Team Wolverine", class of (whatever it was) Combat Advisor School (check the box). Still waiting for my "combat advisor" tab to come in the mail... :rolleyes:
I don't think he's an officer candidate. These wore Doppelitzen at the Schulterklappe, not on the sleeve. He's a very experienced NCO, though. Take a closer look at his collar!

I never planned on serving one day in the military, but the Draft got me in 1967. I won an all expense paid tour to Viet Nam.
I came home, looked at the other options available, shoveling shite in Podunk Georgia, and made the military my career.
I never regretted my decision to become a "LIFER", but after my return from the Gulf War it was time to leave.
Those who chose to serve do so for many and varied reasons.
It was, and is, a way up from poverty, for some of those like myself.
I’m not at all sure that he is infantry. Not only wearing spurs and riding boots but also carrying (or sleeping with) a k98b with side mounted sling. I generally assumed these type rifles were made for mounted troops not infantry as far too few were made new or converted to be general infantry issue. I also question if Infantry NCOs or even Junior officers were mounted drunk this period and they were certainly not by the later 30s