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  1. P

    SS tunics I used to own.

    Collectors of anything make a very big mistake when they choose to draft behind one or two (or 10) big names particularly dealers in whatever field they are collecting.
  2. P

    SS tunics I used to own.

    I fully agree with you. They are not the correct cut in the ankles for panzer trousers nor do the details strike me as tailor made. They look like production made ski trousers either pre war or perhaps late 40s-50s. Officers could and did wear some variation cut uniforms but these do not seem...
  3. P

    My grandpa, 29.ID Falke Division (Hawk Division)

    Did he return to the 29th after Stalingrad or was he assigned to another posting after he recuperated? I’m assuming the latter given that he ended the war in Czechoslovakia. These were very tough times for most German soldiers and really civilians as well.
  4. P

    My grandpa, 29.ID Falke Division (Hawk Division)

    Very informative 👍
  5. P

    P.08 Plastic Grips - Original?

    It’s a big plus that the grip condition is completely consistent with the finish condition on the metal. When the grips have been added more often than not the two are not consistent if one examines the piece carefully. Getting it right becomes more difficult if the the finish is towards the...
  6. P

    My grandpa, 29.ID Falke Division (Hawk Division)

    Very interesting, thanks for posting. It was a very good division. I have a late war combat uniform from this division, the 15th PZ grenadier regiment. After Stalingrad the division was “recreated” in France in mid 1943 from some recovered wounded, like your grandfather, replacement Bn personnel...
  7. P

    P.08 Plastic Grips - Original?

    The composition grips have been reported for some years in many if not most every block of 1940 42 code Mausers from h onwards. Its always difficult to say for certain if composition grips have always been on Luger but sometimes wear patterns and really solid vet chain of custody, particularly...
  8. P

    M83 Erfurt Reichsrevolver - 26.R.A.1.28

    The original heat blue is difficult to find. It’s beautiful but fragile as you can see. It seems that the 1883 models (the 79s were browned) were routinely sent in to the arsenals and rust blued which was also a very nice and more durable finish. I’m guessing most of these were sent in after...
  9. P

    Very Rare WW1 Reichswehr Navy Butcher Bayonet Matching , MY SOS FIND

    I can state with certainty that there is a G98m within a few dozen numbers (Ost See) of this bayonet, naval rework either Reichsmarine or kreigsmarine depending on the exact month inn there it was marked I guess. I’m also thinking that some G98m were being re-worked and property marked quite...
  10. P

    P.08 Plastic Grips - Original?

    Brown composition “Krieghoff” grips certainly were factory installed on some 1940 Mauser 42 code Lugers. Particularly around the g-i blocks seemingly at random and limited. A fair number of 1940 Lugers have for decades also been reported with the black grips in that general range as well. It is...
  11. P

    K29 question

    Thanks for the link. I had read this thread a while back and just re-read it. I have a 1930 four digit d block, I don’t recall the actual serial range at the moment and will have to check. I conclude from the linked thread that it was likely finished in 1931 or maybe even 1932. Mine is a German...
  12. P

    K29 question

    Nice rifle. Can anyone tell me the estimated production in 1930? I assume blocks of 10,000? What was the suffix range? Thanks
  13. P

    P08 Grips 'Black widow'

    Those appear to be threaded, but I agree that needs to be verified in person. Unfortunately fakes have moved well beyond threaded holes for some years now. There is much more that has to be examined and even then it can be difficult to tell. The basic problem and these are common to most Geman...
  14. P

    New to me K98k crack in barrel (resolved but still good reference if you have an swp45)

    It must be incredibly complicated and difficult to perform such a splice with two threaded ends, male and female, and index the joint tightly all the while ensuring that the lands and grooves of the two bore sections line up perfectly!
  15. P

    P08 Grips 'Black widow'

    From the photos they look original. I would take a chance on these with an inspection approval right. I could not say on any High quality Black Luger grip without a hands on but these look in every respect correct.
  16. P

    Real “black widow” advice.

    Unless you got it from the vet and even then in the right circumstances, there is no way to know 100%. Of course there are few things we can know 100%. There are definitely about a half dozen things (short of getting the piece from a vet 30-50 years ago) these include ensuring the grips are...
  17. P

    S/243 1937 vs BYF43

    If you are in Europe I can not venture a price range there but from experience there in years past I know that rifles like the byf 43 condition wise are tough to find anymore. In the US I think that the byf 43 would sell in the $2000-$3000 range. I’d sell it in minutes at a good show for $2000...
  18. P

    S/243 1937 vs BYF43

    I agree with the others that the byf appears to be the better of the two. I really like pre war 98ks even pre 42 98ks and I give them a lot of slack but the stock kills this one for me.
  19. P

    It started again

    I may be able to answer that and it is an important question. As noted there was the Allgemeine SS and then at the end of 1940 the Waffen-SS. There were other organizations of the SS during the 1930s and beyond to include the SS security service, the SS head command, the totenkopf verband...
  20. P


    Difficult to find and typically sell fast for over 1k if in nice condition, fully functional and no sign of repair. I’ve seen a few super nice condition meaning near mint sell for near 2k recently on the “right” sites. I have to say that I saw this coming about 7-8 years ago but wish that I had...