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  1. Y

    No Mod 98 bnz45

    Mike's nice bnz 45 w/ no "Mod 98" in the classifieds made me want to pull mine out and take a few shots -- I don't think I've shared this one in the past. it's 173r, so pretty early, and the only r block I've managed to pick up over the years. all blue except the TG and FP. pretty standard fare...
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    Woodwork swjXE

    Wow. Gotta love the “fairly rare” comment! Uh huh!! I’d be happy to find a receiver. Great finish.
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    R block BNZ45 with tiger stripe walnut

    Really nice and r’s not all that easy I bet you see 2-3 S’s for every one. Never too many late steyrs!
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    capture pile

    many of you probably saw this already (perhaps even posted earlier?) but I hadn't and saw on FB so thought I'd post for those who have not. we see lots of surrender piles but I thought this was a bit different with the indoors. nice work if you can get it!
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    Another National Arms and Ammunition Co. Gew. 71

    Love these. So there would have been German inspectors there doing their work?
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    1944 DOT 4481ap with Rejected GEW 98 Receiver

    That’s got to be pretty close to unique. Have to wonder what the gentleman issued this thought!
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    National Arms and Ammunition Co. Birmingham Gewehr 71

    I had no idea such a thing existed. Really neat. Hard to imagine Germany being an importer of arms when you think about all the contract 98s shipped out. I wonder what the soldiers thought of carrying a British made product given their own reputation for precision!
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    Question on svw MB

    Very hard gun to find - mine took many years! If truely as found and not messed with very desirable. I’ve got a green a block and thin grey b block, and frankly prefer the latter esthetically.
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    Norwegian Mauser parts

    Really neat zf41 I did not realize they (or any other country) actually used these as scoped rifles post-war! I wonder what they thought of them and how they performed.
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    Do you still have your first nice k98?

    Yes. My first matching and first of many kreigsmodells to follow. BNZ 45 T block bought out of the KCN classifieds for $250. I was hooked by that green receiver.
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    Bcd4 Phosphate

    Dark finish and stock are a nice plus on this one
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    Confession of an idiot buying 98k

    The best thing mike, Bruce, the books and this site have done is save K (and heating up g) 98 collecting for all of us over the past ten years. I’d love a normandy camo or ss helmet but I won’t even look at one because of what happened there, with sites evidently complicit. They’re simply off...
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    One of my few

    Def more than 600 particularly if bolt and stock mismatches go for over 1000. An auction might surprise.
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    My SWP45 sheet metal rear sight

    Really nice! I was very happy when I found mine and definitely one of my favorites. These use the last of three different screws with a larger head which explains the deep countersink.
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    Kar98k 3D Animation

    Very cool I’ve been messing with these for decades and learned something!
  16. Y

    Ordered the Karabiner 98k book, but need to ask a few questions about a 1944 DOU

    As for late dou, I like them although they are very consistent with little variation you see in other manufacturers so may be a little less popular but also easier to to get right
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    Ordered the Karabiner 98k book, but need to ask a few questions about a 1944 DOU

    Dou 44 went to the semi kreigsmodell stock (no bayo lug/takedown disc) in the double letter suffix. Bolt proof went from the root to the knob around the same time. No serial number even in the channel and no stamps behind the disc.
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    Question on byf45

    Looking forward to seeing this very rare variant
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    BYF 44 stock restoration.

    one thing to keep in mind with a white glue stock is that it is water soluble I believe so I might avoid rinsing anything away with water. Also my principle with anything like this is to slowly escalate the strength of anything I may use, i.e. start with mild and only use what's necessary to do...
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    Byf 44 stock

    Metal finish is great and stock restorable that’s a great price