Kar98k 3D Animation


Active member
Hey guys, I spent some time putting together this 3D animation showing how a Kar98k works. I thought you all might enjoy it!


MODEDIT: Direct link

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I feel like ive seen a dozen of these type animations over the years, but this is by far the best one. Great work! Next time someone asks me a basic function question, I think I will just direct them to this!

I feel like ive seen a dozen of these type animations over the years, but this is by far the best one. Great work! Next time someone asks me a basic function question, I think I will just direct them to this!


Wow thank you so much John! That really means a lot man!
Very crisp animation. Great use of cutting between full image and cut-aways. I enjoyed that (and emailed the link to some friends - share the joy:biggrin1:)
Very nice graphics indeed. My only criticism is that the rifle's primary extraction wasn't mentioned, and can be seen only fleetingly. This is one of the Mauser rifle's strong points, and should've been highlighted.

3D Kar98k

Super job... so simply and effortlessly explained...... thank you... now I can share this
Thanks again for all the nice comments guys. Seriously it means a lot. And I’m happy it was helpful.
Great work ! Especially regarding the safety and the lock plunger.
Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to put this together ?
To be exhaustive:
- you may have said a few words about gas vent holes and the third safety lug on the bolt body (if a case is ruptured !)
- you may focus on the primary extraction as Richie said and on what happens to the firing pin when the bolt rotates : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnHMBrtQNtE
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Great work ! Especially regarding the safety and the lock plunger.
Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to put this together ?
To be exhaustive:
- you may have said a few words about gas vent holes and the third safety lug on the bolt body (if a case is ruptured !)
- you may focus on the primary extraction as Richie said and on what happens to the firing pin when the bolt rotates : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnHMBrtQNtE

Thanks so much for the nice comments! I kept track of most of the time spent on this and it came out a little over 500 hours...!

Yeah I had really considered the firing pin safety feature! Was really trying to keep the whole video under 3 minutes, and it came out longer even. Would have loved to incorporate more details like this though. I think the main problem is people’s attention spans haha.

Thanks so much for the feedback. In the future I will try to include details like this. Maybe even just a quick mention, rather than a drawn out explanation.
This is really awesome and a huge boost for us really. Gonna put this in the pic stickies!

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Matt, exceptional work! We longtime shooters and collectors of the K98k visualize all of this in our minds and have schematics, but your animation really takes it to the next level. Thanks for doing this and sharing it. Pic sticky for sure. :happy0180:
Matt, exceptional work! We longtime shooters and collectors of the K98k visualize all of this in our minds and have schematics, but your animation really takes it to the next level. Thanks for doing this and sharing it. Pic sticky for sure. :happy0180:

Wow thanks again for such nice comments! So glad people are finding it helpful. I can honestly say I don’t have a lot of confidence in my work, but it sure is nice reading things like this.

Thanks again guys.