Kar98k 3D Animation

Wow thanks again for such nice comments! So glad people are finding it helpful. I can honestly say I don’t have a lot of confidence in my work, but it sure is nice reading things like this.

Thanks again guys.

You suffer from the same thing most artistic and talented people do. I suffer from that as well, I pinstripe cars for a living and all I see is the flaws in my work, nobody else ever sees them. I've overcome it by being successful, you will too. You have an ability and vision that very few people have. Everyone (well, mostly) has a talent they are good at - machinist, architect, coding, lawyering - whatever. Yours is this.

Here's my advice - stop listening to people who tell you what you could have done better. Don't ever listen to them - they mean well, don't blow them off or be mean, just say thanks. But trust me when I say they couldn't do what you do, their talent may be they are good at criticism (helpful or not).

One other piece of advice which probably helped me more than any other advice in my life. Don't let the people who dislike you get you down. By that, I mean look at the people who dislike you - those people are usually the ones you would never want to be like. So, the haters you have as you get more successful are actually the ones you want to dislike you. The more someone dislikes me, the happier I am - because, my success is making them miserable, and I don't like them. So, all you haters, thanks, it makes me feel good that you are miserable at my success.

Rock on, remember us when you are making graphics for the history channel and discovery. And your voice over guy, he's very soothing. I felt very calm about how a 98k works watching that. LOL.
You suffer from the same thing most artistic and talented people do. I suffer from that as well, I pinstripe cars for a living and all I see is the flaws in my work, nobody else ever sees them. I've overcome it by being successful, you will too. You have an ability and vision that very few people have. Everyone (well, mostly) has a talent they are good at - machinist, architect, coding, lawyering - whatever. Yours is this.

Here's my advice - stop listening to people who tell you what you could have done something better. Don't ever listen to them - they mean well, don't blow them off or be mean, just say thanks. But trust me when I say they couldn't do what you do, their talent may be they are good at criticism (helpful or not).

One other piece of advice which probably helped me more than any other advice in my life. Don't let the people who dislike you get you down. By that, I mean look at the people who dislike you - those people are usually the ones you would never want to be like. So, the haters you have as you get more successful are actually the ones you want to dislike you. The more someone dislikes me, the happier I am - because, my success is making them miserable, and I don't like them. So, all you haters, thanks, it makes me feel good that you are miserable at my success.

Rock on, remember us when you are making graphics for the history channel and discovery. And your voice over guy, he's very soothing. I felt very calm about how a 98k works watching that. LOL.

This was really great advice, thank you! Pretty much nailed it when you said that only we can see all the flaws in our work:

I try to read every comment I can, as most of them are good, and really drive me to creating more content. Every so often you get some nasty ones and it can get to ya. Definitely gotta have some thick skin for some of these internet folks haha. I like your advice though... just let the haters hate. The people that post some really rude comments are the same people no one wants to be around. So yeah... all good :D

Yeah, I went through several voice actors, and when I heard Andy's voice, I immediately knew he was the guy haha. Just had that 'grittyness' to it that really fit well.

Anyway, thanks again and good luck on your pinstripe business!
Thanks so much for the nice comments! I kept track of most of the time spent on this and it came out a little over 500 hours...!

Yeah I had really considered the firing pin safety feature! Was really trying to keep the whole video under 3 minutes, and it came out longer even. Would have loved to incorporate more details like this though. I think the main problem is people’s attention spans haha.

Thanks so much for the feedback. In the future I will try to include details like this. Maybe even just a quick mention, rather than a drawn out explanation.

Wow, 500 hours !
Matt, don't get my previous comment wrong : I would just love to see more.
Your animation of the 98k is the best and will get millions of views just like your Glock and AK vids.
I came across this video on Reddit yesterday in r/videos. Not only is it an exquisitely made video, but people in the comments section were really positive and enthusiastic. Considering Reddit isn't really a "firearms friendly" community, that's high praise! Nicely done OP!
Wow thanks again for such nice comments! So glad people are finding it helpful. I can honestly say I don’t have a lot of confidence in my work, but it sure is nice reading things like this.

Thanks again guys.

And you're getting this from one of the guys who wrote The Books on the K98ks, so that's about as affirmed as it gets :thumbsup:
Wow, 500 hours !
Matt, don't get my previous comment wrong : I would just love to see more.
Your animation of the 98k is the best and will get millions of views just like your Glock and AK vids.

I came across this video on Reddit yesterday in r/videos. Not only is it an exquisitely made video, but people in the comments section were really positive and enthusiastic. Considering Reddit isn't really a "firearms friendly" community, that's high praise! Nicely done OP!

And you're getting this from one of the guys who wrote The Books on the K98ks, so that's about as affirmed as it gets :thumbsup:

My hat's off to your creation. Outstanding!

Thanks all! This really is a great community with a lot of positive vibes. The internet needs more people like ya’ll. Glad people are liking it, as I was pretty nervous about how it would be received. I put together an animation about air conditioning, but it wasn’t quite as popular as firearms lol.