Third Party Press

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  1. L

    Reloading problems

    edit: most say the bullet should be .001 over bore size imho bore condition is somewhat critical w cast loads. I only shoot cast loads now if the bores near perfect. any pitting and i dont bother. Since your not using gas checks id try them next. ive always used Gas checks and SPG lube for my...
  2. L

    Advice required please on my bnz 1944 k98

    my goto load for 8mm and the Lee cast bullet is 16g of 2400. ive never had leading issues casting with scrap or wheel weights. however if you have pure lead or close to it i doubt even your unique load will work well. In fact 14g of Unique sounds high to me. I haven’t had much luck w Unique in...
  3. L

    Kahles H/4x60 on Sauer HT

    was just lookin at my LSR H/4x60, it has the assembly number on the ocular as well. i cant find the one on the tube but im not removing the mount/rings. would the number be located under the ring in front of the recoil lug? not important i guess, just kinda curious. thx guys! Gene
  4. L

    Questions on G24t

    heres some pix of the rod that came with my 24T. fits nice and threads in well. hth Gene
  5. L

    Forum Fund Drive for 2021-2022 Operating Costs

    thx guys for keeping the forum going, nd thank you to all of you who ive traded with, and gotten advice from! Gene
  6. L

    6 slings for review

    hi all, i got these 6 slings as part of a package deal from an older gunsmith last week. thought id post them up here and ask everyone to let me know which if any arent wartime german, or any other info you would be willing to provide. 4 are 47”, 2 about 51”. top one is nearly black, actually...
  7. L

    Byf 45 with zf-41 scope mount?

    best info online regarding these is here: got any pix?
  8. L

    Polish Mauser research

    heres a 1930 K29. one thing i have wondered about is the 2 on the buttplate. interesting to see 14999M above has it as well. this one appears to be in original Polish condition
  9. L

    Tropical Frog OK?

    thx as always guys, this place is the best!
  10. L

    Tropical Frog OK?

    Hi everyone, i found this one today with a matching but unremarkable 38 P weyersburg bayo in a pawn shop on the road. Ive never seen a canvas frog for the k98 bayo before, so i thought id see if it was legit. thx all! Lear
  11. L

    antique store scope covers

    heres some more pix of the caps, if you want more just ask. Happy to contribute here when i can edit, pix kinda grainy, had to reduce their size. i can try again later if needed
  12. L

    antique store scope covers

    im amazed at the pieces you guys have found. Keeps me humble. absolutley amazing
  13. L

    antique store scope covers

    much appreciated! never know what youll find.
  14. L

    antique store scope covers

    thx everyone! id trade both these any day for a set for the Kahles. These do fit my BEK well Gene
  15. L

    antique store scope covers

    thx guys, i saw these late friday evening, didnt want to wake you Absolut, so i only asked Dave and got my answer too late to grab them that evening. i am curious, the waa414 supposedly according to the internet wasnt used after 42 i cant...
  16. L

    antique store scope covers

    happy to show the sling, already put in on a rifle thank you as always Dave! your help is most appreciated.
  17. L

    antique store scope covers

    found these at a local antique store yesterday. ran them by Dave and brought them home along with a decent sling today. funny, i have lived here all my life and never knew about this store 45 mins away. rather than 99% girl stuff, this place was full of militaria. anyway after reading here i...
  18. L

    Cleaning Rod for G98/40

    hate to jump in someone elses thread, but i never looked closely at my *98/40 rod, when i did i found this mark…anyone know what it is? rifles a 44
  19. L

    Mauser. DSM34, should safety be numbered / brought it home

    thx everyone for the information. the wood is internally numbered matching, and the muzzle cover hole measures about .315. happy to have it!
  20. L

    Mauser. DSM34, should safety be numbered / brought it home

    thx! ill keep the cap w the 22 for now, dunno how long they have been together

Military Rifle Journal