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  1. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    I have no intention to highjack this thread, but since there is no one to respond, I will continue to share information with someone interested, if there is any. The size of the fonts used for the rifle serial# seems to be mainly in two types. Small size: about 3mm height Large size: about...
  2. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    Suffix G Suffix H Suffix I Suffix K I am not sure I am allowed to do this, since most of the pictures here are the ones I was offered for my database or the ones I have gathered form the net, and not mine. If you find your number and don't like it here, please let me know and I...
  3. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    Matt, These are for your Research. 5digit (Mauser Oberndorf) : No Suffix Suffix A Suffix B Suffix C Suffix E Suffix F
  4. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    It seems to be safe to say the location of "duv" depends on time series, not on the place where the rifle serial number was marked. Early mounts from early Type1 ZF41 have no "duv". When they have started marking "duv", it was in the lower position, under the WaA214. Perhaps this phrase is...
  5. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    As I have mentioned in the other thread, I have renewed my database list by adding data on mount markings. If your scope is already on the list, please add the data of the mount to fill the blank. And new data is always welcome. Pictures will...
  6. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    Matt, I have finished my work and the new list is here. I have one question. Does the flatt roller mount goes on normal K98k-Zf41?
  7. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you again!
  8. kentomon

    ZF41 Study

    Thank you for the data. Is the former number 5 digit from the width of 2 and 8? It seems to be longer than 4565. 4 digit is the correct range for cag scopes. I wonder what have occured. Very interesting.
  9. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    Matt, I am now working on gathering data of mount makings connected to the scope data. When done I will renewal my database list. I hope it will help your research.
  10. kentomon

    ZF41 Scope Mount Thread

    Very interesting and great effort! Thank you very much for fixing this. So these numbers are from the matching set. I will check my database, but unfortunately I have no matching data.
  11. kentomon

    "correct" scope for unnumbered Zf41 mounts

    Thank you for the info. Yet, I still believe unnumbered mounts were not used with the rifles. My thought is that from existing examples we cannot define the truth, so I am neutral on this. I understand no matching numbered pair is observed on late byf44 and 45, while legitimate K98k-Zf41s do...
  12. kentomon

    "correct" scope for unnumbered Zf41 mounts

    I am not familiar with Serial numbers of K98k. From my database, the highest scope Serial number of CXN is 194104 with a rifle Serial number 25166 C on the mount. And looking at other numbers on the mount, perhaps the highest Serial# is 37484 K. What can you say about these rifles?
  13. kentomon

    "correct" scope for unnumbered Zf41 mounts

    Thank you very much all for your comments!! This is very interesting. Please let me think for a while since I have to understand English first! I just stick to the Point, the armorer zeroed the scope, and then the set was sent to individual soldiers. If something was wrong, the set would be sent...
  14. kentomon

    "correct" scope for unnumbered Zf41 mounts

    "The unnumbered ZF41 mount was never issued with a K98k." I am thinking this is logical. Numbering the mount was not only a rule but essential. Please let me hear your opinion if you do not agree.
  15. kentomon

    "correct" scope for unnumbered Zf41 mounts

    Also, from my observation, not so many ZF41s were made late 1944 to 1945, perhaps none. And I believe old scopes were recycled and used. I have a very early cxn Type1 regreased and added triangle mark later. It is possible the scope was used with a new rifle.
  16. kentomon

    "correct" scope for unnumbered Zf41 mounts

    The scope is Type2 made around 1943, I guess. From my opinion, those unnumbered mounts were never issued with the gun. Can you shoot a gun without zeroing the scope? If you adjusted the scope, you have to keep it with the gun. And the adjustment was done by Waffenmeisters not the user. There is...
  17. kentomon

    zf41/1 and mount

    It is clear that the lens system of ZF40 and ZF41/1 (or ZF40* and ZF41 Type2) are same. You can see there is no difference between dow ZF40 and dow ZF41/1, except the nomenclature. As for the word "rework", Mr.Senich used the word in his book "The German Sniper" and I thought I could use the...
  18. kentomon

    zf41/1 and mount

    Hello Matt, note the base of designation "ZF41/1" is milled. Another example here. I believe these types were originally marked "ZF40" and were then reworked into ZF41/1. My opinion is that eso is in the same group as cag, dow and dym. I have to update my Website on this...
  19. kentomon

    zf41/1 and mount

    Thank you very much! Your data fits nicely to the group of early eso ZF40 reworks.
  20. kentomon

    zf41/1 and mount

    Your eso is a rare ZF40 reworked model. See my data base. (Marking pattern eso A2) Would appreciate it if you tell me the scope serial# on the ocular tube under the rear rainshield for my database.

Military Rifle Journal