Werhmacht Awards Forum (WAF)

I know and it is annoying. I am surprised that members haven't left yet. Paying money for a forum and not having access is not a good combination.
Waf is going downhill fast, for several years I basically only follow their estand and that too isn't anymore what it used to be a decade ago.
They chased away decent collectors with their fake blessing (Matt M/Perry F for example) and expelling everyone that disagreed with a moderator (Tooth Willy).
It woudn't surprise me that they will go offline completely in the near future.
That would be a shame. For all it's issues, it is the best all around WWII German forum. I have been a member since 2004, most of the time paying.

That would be a shame. For all it's issues, it is the best all around WWII German forum. I have been a member since 2004, most of the time paying.


If you know enough to see through the rah rah toadie horsesh!te, censorship and such. But if you can see through that you really don't need them. When I first signed on in 2005 (and was banned shortly thereafter I was politely asked to get on board the GOB train) I thought rah rahing certain "exotic freshie" camo helmets as a joke, i.e., sarcasm. The problem is that reality, truth, and knowledge were being distorted because they censored and ran off those who disagreed. This is what perpetuated the "Great Champagne Rune Fraud". The prevailing mentality in some of their forums is best described as the "Cyber Max Show." Those who know, know exactly what I mean. There are some genuinely RKIs at WAF, but those have become fewer and fewer in number. These are all just my opinions of course. I've collected happily without WAF since 2005. A better thing would be maybe for me to buy WAF, eliminate some moderators, keeping some, and install moderators like we have here. That place would boom. Of course, it would then be free and wouldn't be as profitable as it is, but I guess I could use it as a business loss.
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Technical issues and forums go hand in hand. With first hand knowledge, I can assure you that keeping a forum online 24-7 is impossible. This forum is long in the tooth itself, meaning the software that supports it. It hasn't been updated by the provider (VBulletin) in a LOOOOONG time, and before long they will discontinue support altogether. At that point, we will be forced to buy the new version of Vbulletin which is different than this version. Long story short, WAF is probably doing what we are, using old software for continuities sake, as "moving" to new software is a whole new nightmare.
Technical issues and forums go hand in hand. With first hand knowledge, I can assure you that keeping a forum online 24-7 is impossible. This forum is long in the tooth itself, meaning the software that supports it. It hasn't been updated by the provider (VBulletin) in a LOOOOONG time, and before long they will discontinue support altogether. At that point, we will be forced to buy the new version of Vbulletin which is different than this version. Long story short, WAF is probably doing what we are, using old software for continuities sake, as "moving" to new software is a whole new nightmare.

That's not related to the douchebaggery though.
If you know enough to see through the rah rah toadie horsesh!te, censorship and such. But if you can see through that you really don't need them. When I first signed on in 2005 (and was banned shortly thereafter I was politely asked to get on board the GOB train) I thought rah rahing certain "exotic freshie" camo helmets as a joke, i.e., sarcasm. The problem is that reality, truth, and knowledge were being distorted because they censored and ran off those who disagreed. This is what perpetuated the "Great Champagne Rune Fraud". The prevailing mentality in some of their forums is best described as the "Cyber Max Show." Those who know, know exactly what I mean. There are some genuinely RKIs at WAF, but those have become fewer and fewer in number. These are all just my opinions of course. I've collected happily without WAF since 2005. A better thing would be maybe for me to buy WAF, eliminate some moderators, keeping some, and install moderators like we have here. That place would boom. Of course, it would then be free and wouldn't be as profitable as it is, but I guess I could use it as a business loss.

I think that is a great idea to buy WAF. Maybe you can strike a deal with the Canadians for gunboards too, and fire 90% of the Mods there as well. They can't seem to keep gunboards online either so maybe they will sell at a discount.

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Thanks but that was really a tongue in cheek joke. The internets is a life vacuum and a better use of my time and money would be to buy a couple monkeys and pay to have custom clothing made for them. Point is, forums / sites are made or ruined by the moderating which is invariably best when limited. The best road to forum intellectual Armageddon is through arbitrary and capricious censorship.
BTW, IMHO, there are pockets of forum excellence at WAF and GB, moderating and certainly members. The duds are in the minority but sadly sometimes if these duds hold "rank" they are like the metaphorical punchbowl turds. You could have a 50 gallon punch bowl, properly spiked even, which is ruined by one tiny turd bobbing about in it.
BTW, IMHO, there are pockets of forum excellence at WAF and GB, moderating and certainly members. The duds are in the minority but sadly sometimes if these duds hold "rank" they are like the metaphorical punchbowl turds. You could have a 50 gallon punch bowl, properly spiked even, which is ruined by one tiny turd bobbing about in it.
There isn't much excellence at all left at gunboards. Military Mauser section is who can find the most pitted mismatched Mauser

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I don't even go there Capt. so I don't know what they are doing now. When I was moderating there I stayed mainly at the K98k side. Poor moderating can kill a forum (i.e., the punchbowl turd). In such instances it's best to have no moderating whatsoever, which is better than bad moderating. Good moderating is none to very little and with subject matter knowledge. The moderators here were chosen for subject matter knowledge in their forum areas.

The problems start when you have a moderator who begins to think that a forum is "his" and that He and his circle of toadies should dictate what the forum should see and know. That is no longer a discussion forum. Genuine discussion includes different positions and sometimes heated debate. Presumably, everyone here is an adult and has been involved in a debate. Mod censorship is excused by the moderator claiming that he is "keeping things civil" and "we're handling this behind the scenes" and the opposing viewpoint is coming from a "troublemaker."
I'm about too the same point now when it comes too Gunboards. Both Mauser sections have gone down hill in the past two years or more. I think the only thing keeping the K98k section afloat is thanks too Mike. But as I see it with the amount of crap information being posted there anymore and dealing with some of the toadies nowadays. Its like trying too save a boat taking on water with a Dixie cup.

And don't get me started on the Mauser section good lord. You have such a nice rare, rusted, shot out bore, pitted, mismatched, cut down Mauser. Did I tell you have rare it was. Here let me show you mine and the rest of its pitted, rusted, mismatched friends.

"All those are junk"

Junk how dare you say that let me post seven paragraphs telling you how much I know about Mausers and how rare these are. These are extra special and worth thousands!
I'm about too the same point now when it comes too Gunboards. Both Mauser sections have gone down hill in the past two years or more. I think the only thing keeping the K98k section afloat is thanks too Mike. But as I see it with the amount of crap information being posted there anymore and dealing with some of the toadies nowadays. Its like trying too save a boat taking on water with a Dixie cup.

And don't get me started on the Mauser section good lord. You have such a nice rare, rusted, shot out bore, pitted, mismatched, cut down Mauser. Did I tell you have rare it was. Here let me show you mine and the rest of its pitted, rusted, mismatched friends.

"All those are junk"

Junk how dare you say that let me post seven paragraphs telling you how much I know about Mausers and how rare these are. These are extra special and worth thousands!

Sounds like something Vid would say