Volume II available for pre-order now!

Seems a few are being held prisoner in various European customs departments.

Mike is right, as example my books was held prisoner in a custom department in Northern Germany and yesterday I could rescue them. The shipment from America to Germany was very fast, the package arrived already last week in Germany and yesterday I could pick them up.

Many thanks to Bruce, Mike, Jon and all the other helpers who put their knowledge and time into this great project. The books are awesome!!! :happy0180:
Glad my friend and Germany reminded me. Just ordered Volume II today. Over the winter I will try and really learn about K98k Mausers.
Glad my friend in Germany reminded me. Just ordered Volume II today. Over the winter I will try and really learn about K98k Mausers.
There are 2 books in Volume II, and it's $135 for BOTH books as a set- they are not sold separately.

I take pride in my reference library which I have been building since the 80s. These books could be sold for $135 each, i.e., $270 for both, easily. They are assets which will appreciate in value, which is why the book dealers are snapping them up. I bought an extra set. I've had the time to go through mine in better detail. This is one of the best firearm reference book series ever written, IMHO.
I take pride in my reference library which I have been building since the 80s. These books could be sold for $135 each, i.e., $270 for both, easily. They are assets which will appreciate in value, which is why the book dealers are snapping them up. I bought an extra set. I've had the time to go through mine in better detail. This is one of the best firearm reference book series ever written, IMHO.

I hate looking at my books as valuable collectibles, but as I get older and I see things sell out and go up in value, I have to accept that I've got some expensive pieces of paper on my shelf. I finally sat down and cataloged them a little while back, and came up with this inventory. I did some napkin math on their "value" and it horrified me:


Shamefully, I'll admit that I've actually gamed the system a time or two, most notably with my first edition of "Ak-47, Grim Reaper" by Frank Iannamico. The book was printed in a small batch and then sold out rather quickly. Given that they were (and are) the best book on the AK, the resale value exploded on them. I heard a rumor that a second edition would be coming out, but it was a gamble. Anyhow, based on this, I sold my used copy for 3 or 4 times what I paid. Six months later, the new one came out, and I ended up getting the new version at cover price and pocketing a good chunk of cash. One of these days, this 98k series will sell for $1,000+ without much effort. Mine will never sell for that, as I won't ever sell it and my wife/kids will probably dump them for $20 each on ebay once I'm dead, but the value is there, and worth it. Crappy books don't appreciate, and these ones truly are amazing.

When can we pre-order the captured weapon book?
It is tempting to buy an extra set especially when you see Branko's Serbian Mauser Paperback book was selling for $120 (now closer to $80). They were $15-20 for the longest time. I could easily see a set of 4 selling for $1,000.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Heck, as a collector myself, even I'm socking a few sets back. Kriegsmodell books are almost sold out, those will be the first to start appreciating - people that are coming along now can buy sets, but once those are gone you will HAVE to go to the secondary market to complete a set.
I bought two additional spare sets with my matching Vol. II .. but it seems they are still stuck somewhere in the shipping system. Hope to get everything soon!
What is the total print run for each Volume?

Is this the last volume?

Any chance of a contract or capture volume of both?

Will there be another print run?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I picked up today the first of two boxes ... no idea why they are apart since I assume you had shipped them the same day, but well in this package there is a Vol. II set included, so looking forward to the second set now!
Received both orders of Volume II today. I must say it is a work of art. Hopefully someone else is inspired to write similar books on other Milsurps and they use these as a guide.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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Finally, everything here!


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Bruce and Mike--Received my numbered 2nd order of all four books Sat., thank you again for all your work--"Sie sehen gut aus"!!! Der Jagar
Bought the complete 4 book set. Incredible amount of information and along with tons of pictures. This is now the definitive source for K98's. Also, I must say that the printer did an excellent job.

Worth every penny. Highly recommend. Get it while you can. :hail:

So when are you all coming out with books on G41/G43/K43?
Got my books yesterday, I must say, I'm very impressed about the quality and pleased to have my set complet. thanks for the good work :thumbsup: