Volume II available for pre-order now!

Time to celebrate-:happy0180::happy0180::happy0180:!!!!! My mail carrier came to my door around 1/2 hr ago and gave me a heavy box. Double Volume 2. It's as if Christmas, Fathers Day, Birthday were all rolled into one. Very well packed. Looked through both real quick. Great pictures of K98's, German troops with, information from A-Z. Quality books as their predecessors were, can't wait to really dive into both books. Haven't read Vols 1 and 3 completely yet (just bought in Aug). I love fall, the temps, bow hunting, the colors, fall smells, and such, but bring on a old fashioned Iowa 12" snowfall with 40 mph winds (a/k/a blizzard), I'll settle in with a pot of coffee and read and read and read. Thank you Bruce and Mike for all your fine work, the hours you put into the Volume 2, sacrifice from family, many late hours, and all whoever helped. These will become the go-too books for a long time for K98k's of this time period as Vol 1 and 3 were for their time periods. Thank you veddy much!!! Der Jagar
Had that wonderful new book smell too!!!!
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Volume 2 Received

Received mine yesterday. 21a set now complete. Stayed up to 1PM reading and got up at 4AM to resume reading.
Thanks great work.:thumbsup:
Want to make a note - if you are ordering from overseas, USE THE PAYPAL OPTION You can used your credit card there - some people are having issues from overseas addresses matching up to cards, the problem is Authorize.net, the credit card middle man who cross checks addresses/cards. Their system has problems matching up certain foreign addresses, I have no idea why some work fine and others don't. If your order doesn't go through the first time try the PayPal option. This even happens with some US addresses. So if you are having issues with the system not accepting your card, try the PayPal option. It's on the first section of the ordering screen. Thanks. [/B]

Just a heads up, TPP's credit card approval system/provider is seriously flawed.

I initially tried paying via Visa card 3 times - the site told me my details were incorrect and the transaction declined, so I went Paypal - no issue.

So, i check my Visa card later today, and there are 3 x transactions of $201 USD on my account!!! Despite saying declined, they charged it 3 times!

Needless to say, I contacted TPP immediately and ask they reverse the 3 visa transactions immediately - no response as yet from Uncle Michael :p. I have contacted my bank, but since these transactions are pending, cannot do anything yet - I can dispute it IF the transactions go through.

This is a monumental FUBAR by TPP's credit card company - declining a trans and yet STILL PROCESSING IT! WTF?!!!

Just beware as Mike said and USE PAYPAL! RTFQ dumbo...(me...not you...yet...)
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Just a heads up, TPP's credit card approval system/provider is seriously flawed.

I initially tried paying via Visa card 3 times - the site told me my details were incorrect and the transaction declined, so I went Paypal - no issue.

So, i check my Visa card later today, and there are 3 x transactions of $201 USD on my account!!! Despite saying declined, they charged it 3 times!

Needless to say, I contacted TPP immediately and ask they reverse the 3 visa transactions immediately - no response as yet from Uncle Michael :p. I have contacted my bank, but since these transactions are pending, cannot do anything yet - I can dispute it IF the transactions go through.

This is a monumental FUBAR by TPP's credit card company - declining a trans and yet STILL PROCESSING IT! WTF?!!!

Just beware as Mike said and USE PAYPAL! RTFQ dumbo...(me...not you...yet...)

I've had exactly the same issue. My Credit Card provider informed me that the money is only reserved for the Credit Card system TPP is using. They need to "get" it. So check again after one week and they should not have charged your Credit Card.
Yeah, my only issue is I used a debit Visa, 3 x, so am out $600 til it refunds! And I have a gun I need to buy...
Let me explain how credit cards work, and what your issue is. We personally don't approve/disapprove/charge any credit cards, we have 3 companies involved in that process. 1 company (Auhthorize.net) vets the purchases, meaning they determine if the credit card is valid and matches the address on the card. The website provider, Volusion, takes the actual information which you put in to the system and provides it to Authorize.net. If anything does not match, the transaction is declined. If you tried 3 times, you presented your card to be charged 3 times. Your credit card company holds those funds in anticipation that you spent that money, not TPP. TPP has no hold on the money, in fact all 3 of your transactions using that card were declined. The last company in our chain of custody is the company that actually transfers the money from your account to mine (that is TSYS). Perhaps TSYS doesn't get the memo, or it's industry standard, but I actually never see your 3 declined orders. I probably could search the online history and find them, but I never see them because they are declined.

Overseas credit card purchases are the #1 form of credit card fraud online, so extra scrutiny is put on those transactions. If just one tiny thing doesn't match, DECLINED. If you use your nickname - DECLINED. If you put your postal code on the wrong line - DECLINED. If your address is odd and not exactly how the credit card company has on file - DECLINED.

So, to prevent that, I wrote in RED letters for overseas buyers to use PayPal. PayPal has a different system of vetting credit card users, mostly because the majority of users have previously used credit cards through them or have an actual account, meaning they can track fraudulent activity more easily overseas.

By the way, I have to manually approve each transaction, and since I never see the declined transactions they are never charged. I'm not sure what the hold time is, but I've had similar problems with my own purchases before, and I think it's 3 days.
Yeah, I know... but the odd thing is i entered the details precisely as is printed on my bank statements and still bingo. When I rang the bank, they confirmed details etc so its odd.

To top it all off, being a debit visa, the x3 holds overdrew the account last night when the fourth payment (Paypal) went through, so the bank charged an overdraw fee....grrrrrr (I keep funds in there low so fraud attempts won't get much if they succeed).

You better write something dopey for the dope in the books Mike :p
Maybe the first International (Canadian) order to arrive.

I received two packages which contained my Vol II and a numbered set of 4x books for a friend/contributor/fellow collector.

Very happy!!!!
What a book series! There will never be anything to improve upon it. No need to. Well done Bruce and Mike! :hail:
Still nothing here with me in Europe, I think they are scammers and the book doesn't exist ... all persons who posted pictures are just fake news :googlie

Just kidding - too unfair with still having to wait while all the others are happily reading!
I would track your order but it only goes to New York, then nothing. Several from Europe are starting to get books though, the post office just doesn't like you.

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Still nothing here with me in Europe, I think they are scammers and the book doesn't exist ... all persons who posted pictures are just fake news :googlie

Just kidding - too unfair with still having to wait while all the others are happily reading!

Don't worry, you are not alone and I still wait too, maybe the reason is our custom office?
Received my Vol 2 yesterday here in Southwest UK. Many thanks!! A meaty read for a novice like me!

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waiting from The Netherlands

Received my Vol 2 yesterday here in Southwest UK. Many thanks!! A meaty read for a novice like me!

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I have placed my order on September 25 for shipping to Amsterdam.
The order ref is "Order#: 482", is it possible to have a traking code to monitor the shipping?

Thanks Ardenne
I have placed my order on September 25 for shipping to Amsterdam.
The order ref is "Order#: 482", is it possible to have a traking code to monitor the shipping?

Thanks Ardenne

Yes, I will look that up for you tonight and PM you. Seems a few are being held prisoner in various European customs departments.

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