Time to celebrate-

!!!!! My mail carrier came to my door around 1/2 hr ago and gave me a heavy box. Double Volume 2. It's as if Christmas, Fathers Day, Birthday were all rolled into one. Very well packed. Looked through both real quick. Great pictures of K98's, German troops with, information from A-Z. Quality books as their predecessors were, can't wait to really dive into both books. Haven't read Vols 1 and 3 completely yet (just bought in Aug). I love fall, the temps, bow hunting, the colors, fall smells, and such, but bring on a old fashioned Iowa 12" snowfall with 40 mph winds (a/k/a blizzard), I'll settle in with a pot of coffee and read and read and read. Thank you Bruce and Mike for all your fine work, the hours you put into the Volume 2, sacrifice from family, many late hours, and all whoever helped. These will become the go-too books for a long time for K98k's of this time period as Vol 1 and 3 were for their time periods. Thank you veddy much!!! Der Jagar
Had that wonderful new book smell too!!!!

Had that wonderful new book smell too!!!!
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