If I get a non matching set will Collectors of the future look down on my set? Hahaha
My future sales pitch:
"I heard that late in the book process the authors stopped caring and just used whatever number books they had to get sets out the door....."
Ha Ha... You made me think of this: Incessant Allied bombing, troops closing in, some of the volumes were found awaiting their covers and jackets after the K98 Mauser Buch Werks had to be abandoned...
Are the shippingcost to Belgium already known?
I doubt if i should order vol II or the whole set.
If you want to wait, we have a book dealer in Belgium that is ordering books from us when we have books to send - http://www.arms-books.be/eng/default.asp
Shipping overseas is extremely expensive due to the weight - even one book has to go USPS Priority Mail and is around $60.00.
You guys crack me up with the mismatched number scenario, but I collect latewar so I am going to put myself a numbered set together with numbering errors. Maybe a Volkssturm edition with simple cardboard covers.![]()
It may just be my crappy connection but I tried to click "add to cart" on my computer and on my phone and it does nothing, but as I said, my internet connection is kinda crap right now. Anyone else having a problem?
Thanks! Looking forward to getting set #496!