I agree and a good evaluation, - I would add that the TG is an impossibility, Gustloff didn’t make any and all known "milled" used by Gustloff Weimar were made by Brehmer, Leipzig ("d" code, waffenamt e/221) the left acceptance should be in all cases e/221 over the "d" sub-contractor code (for the part), the right waffenamt should always be e/749, bcd inspector for the assembly (they used e/46 for a short range in 1939, some 337/39 will have e/221 - e/46 inspection, after that until 1945 they used only e/749).
While the stock has the right pattern, it is not comparable to an original rifle, the lower waffenamt on the RS should be smaller, different and the e/H is not exactly right. Also, there is some doubts to whether Gustloff Weimar made 98k stocks at all, they did make G/K43 stocks, possibly some 98k stocks, but no 100% clear example has surfaced to my satisfaction. Most are naturally covered in e/749 for the assembly was obviously done by Gustloff, but most have the obvious Menzel code (c) and waffenamt along the lower buttstock because most, if not all, were made by them.