The Time Has Come - Forum Software Change

We all appreciate your hard work as Ryan stated Mike. Next month I'll treat you to your favorite restaurant Waffle House it's like an SOS show tradition!
Ok, I've made the unread text darker, and changed the bar color of stickies to differentiate them from normal threads. I darkened the borders a little too, makes it more compartmentalized.

If you run across any improvements I'll be happy to hear them.
Looks good now and works just right. I also realized that it seemed to treat all the threads as unread - probably because they were unread in this new forum format even if I had read them before in the previous one.
I'm not going to lie, there are some oddities I've found. As far as missing messages, if it doesn't show up anytime in the next few days they got ghosted. You know something has to go wrong.

There were some database issues I'm sure that we were not aware of, things surely got mixed up in the conversion. But generally, it looks like we came through virtually unscathed. I have access to the old VB forum if something serious is missing, but I hope to not have to resort to that.
Yes Absolute, I see that. I'm sure we will find instances where the database didn't quite sync up I guess. This morning we had the opposite happen from a few weeks back - since we downgraded PHP to keep the old forum running, the new forum didn't like the old PHP. Its all up to date now.
I'm good with it and I don't like change generally. Well done Farb. We as a hobby owe much to Mike and Bruce.
Yep, looks really good. Websites costs money to operate, would like to donate. Any instructions on how?
I will be doing a fund drive soon, possibly this weekend. Just have to set up the particulars.
Liking the new forum so far, but when on mobile, man do I wish that after clicking on a photo you could click anywhere to close it, rather than having to go up to the top corner and click the “X”
Three questions/wishes:
- The old forum software allowed up to 20 images attached to a post. The current software allows only 10 pictures attached to a post. Do you plan to change this setting back to 20 pictures per post, or will it stay this way? I had really enjoyed the old forum for allowing this, but I can live with the current setting. It is just a bit more work and will enhace my post counting a bit more by requiring me to add a second post with no more text but just the pictures. I noticed the old pictures remained in the original resolution and file size.
- The picture size and quality of the old forum was better. It seemed to me it did not crop the pictures to a certain size nor quality. Is this a setting that you now are using (I think maximum size currently 1600px width or length, whatever the larger one is), or will there be changes? The quality is much worse as well, but I had not tried to see whether this is a result of picture size being reduced, or if it is a second step independent of the size.
- The old forum had different icons for the threads. There were (aside of difference read/unread) different icons for a thread where oneself had posted and for threads where one had not posted. Currently the "icons" are a small version of the avatar of the thread starter. I really liked to see in which thread I had participated and which not, so I'm missing this detail. Please let me know if there are going to be changes on it, or not. I may mention that mayself I would welcome that at least the small avatars would not be displayed either, because they aren't really helpful either.

Finally, I wish to contribute to your investment. Let us know when you want funds to be raised and I can open my wallet!
I really liked to see in which thread I had participated and which not, so I'm missing this detail.
Threads you participated in have your avatar in miniature on the bottom right corner of the poster's avatar.
Threads you participated in have your avatar in miniature on the bottom right corner of the poster's avatar.
He did note that in the previous sentence, he probably just wants a more noticeable indicator. I would agree but it's not that big a change for me.

What I just realized I miss is that even if you hadn't read a thread on the old VB software, if you went to the list of threads (say in "the Nazi Period") and refreshed, it would treat it as if you had read the threads there, just having seen the titles I suppose. This was an easy way to not have thread titles bolded for threads that you didn't care to read.